Chinese English Sentence:
  • 懦弱的心永远得不到美丽的士。
    faint heart ne'er won fair lady.
  • 在很短的时间内,就使卖淫这种在旧中国屡禁不绝、严重摧残妇身心和侮辱妇人格的社会痼疾绝迹,社会面貌为之一新。
    In a very short period of time, the sale of sex, a chronic social malady that seemed impossible to eradicate in old China and which seriously damaged the physical and mental health of women and degraded their dignity, disappeared, enabling society to take on a brand-new outlook.
  • 建国后,为迅速改变旧中国遗留下来的经济文化落后面貌,革除束缚、歧视和摧残妇的旧制度和旧习俗,在全国范围内掀起了一系列波澜壮阔的群众运动,使妇的社会地位和状况发生了翻天覆地的历史性变化。%$
    After the founding of the People's Republic, there was a surge of mass movements throughout the country to quickly change the backward economic and cultural outlook left over by old China and eradicate the antiquated system and outmoded customs that fettered, discriminated against and humiliated women. This effected an earth-shaking historic change in the social status and condition of women.
  • 中国政府正在致力于发展经济,加强法制,消除一切歧视或轻视妇的落后观念,促进中国法律赋予的男平等权利在社会生活中全面实现,争取本世纪在中国实现《内罗毕战略》的各项发展目标。
    The Chinese government is making every effort to develop the economy, strengthen the legal system, eradicate all backward ideas of discriminating against and looking down on women and promote equal rights for men and women in all spheres of social life as stipulated in Chinese law. This will speed the realization of the various development goals of the Nairobi Strategies in China before the end of this century.
  • 国家组织、协调有关部门和群众团体共同实施人口与计划生育方案,将计划生育与发展经济、消除贫困、保护生态环境、合理利用资源、普及文化教育、发展卫生事业、完善社会保障、提高妇地位等紧密结合起来,努力从根本上解决中国的人口与发展问题。
    The Government organizes and coordinates the relevant departments and mass organizations to implement the population and family planning program, striving to integrate the family planning program with economic development, poverty eradication, protection of ecological environment, rational resource utilization, universal education, advancement of public health and social security, and improvement of women's status. This is aimed at seeking a thorough solution to the problem of population and development.
  • 如救助贫困母亲的“幸福工程”、专门资助贫困地区失学童的“春蕾计划”、援助西部缺水地区妇的“母亲水窖工程”等,为加快农村妇脱困发挥了积极作用。
    Such activities as the Happiness Project to help impoverished mothers, the Spring Buds Program for supporting girl dropouts in poverty-stricken areas and the Cistern Project to aid women in the water-deficient areas of western China, have played an active role in helping rural women to erase poverty quickly.
  • 中国、朝鲜、日本的一种直立灌木或小乔木,具有尖形的叶和长而直立的圆锥花序;和日本贞相似。
    erect evergreen treelike shrub of China and Korea and Japan having acuminate leaves and flowers in long erect panicles; resembles Japanese privet.
  • 阿金小姐在荷兰长大,父母是土耳其人。她承诺将以良好的风范代表全世界妇
    Miss Akin,who was raised by her Turkish parents in the Netherlands,pledged to represent the women of the world in a good way.
  • 她双手插要站着,对主人诉说着她的一桩心思。
    She stood with arms akimbo while she gave the mistress a piece of her mind.
  • 主人双手叉腰站着对他的新仆人说话。
    The mistress stood with arms akimbo while she talked to her new servant.
  • 婚礼那天,我儿杰妮决定我与她的母亲(就是我的前妻)一同陪她走过婚礼走道。
    The day of the wedding, my daughter, Jenny, decided to have both her mother, my ex-wife, and me walk her down the aisle.
  • 陪你的儿走过婚礼的走道,而你又知道她嫁了个错误的男人,那种感觉真是可怕。
    Walking your daughter down the aisle toward what you perceive to be is the wrong guy for her is a horrible feeling.
  • des支持72万亿种可能的钥匙,我们这个星球上每个男人、人和孩子都可以分到100多万种可能的钥匙。
    DES supports 7.2 quadrillion possible keys more than a million possible keys for every man, woman and child on the planet.
  • 这位年老的士表达了自己离奇而有趣的想法。
    the old lady expressed herself somewhat quaintly.
  • 有谣言说苏格兰最伟大的旅行家早已入乡随俗,并已娶了被奇妙地叫做“非洲妃子”的人为妻。
    There were rumors that Scotland's greatest traveler had long gone native and married what was quaintly called an "African princess."
  • 目不识丁的浙江农家潘秀红放下面子与9岁儿同进一个教室,同用一张书桌,以优异的成绩脱了盲,当选为全国“识字状元”。
    Pan Xiuhong who was totally illiterate entered the same classroom with her nine-year-old daughter and shared a desk with her without any airs. She finally became literate with excellent result and has been selected as the national "Best women of Learning to Read and Write."
  • 奥运会开幕前两年内举行的五个官方“洲资格锦标赛”(非洲、美洲、亚洲、欧洲和大洋洲)会产生出其不意15名男子和15名子的参赛名额。
    Ω Fifteen men and 15 women will qualify from the five official Continental Qualifying Tournaments (Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania) held in the 2 years prior to the Olympics.
  • “当年那一天,有些粗野的男在蓬索泉边打架,而且高唱赞歌和牧歌还露几手哩。”
    “That day at the Ponceau fountain there were wild men and women who fought with one another and formed themselves into different groups, singing little airs and love- songs.
  • 飞机上的性服务员。
    a woman steward on an airplane.
  • 泼妇,悍妇被认为爱吵闹、脾气坏或恶毒的
    A woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious.
  • 一个弦乐四重奏团体将精湛琴艺摆在德行之前,协助定义一种新的音乐类型:拉小提琴的性感美
    A string quartet puts virtuosity before virtue and helps define a new music genre.Vixens with violins.
  • 人颤抖的声音;说话时声音因害羞而颤抖。
    the old lady's quavering voice; spoke timidly in a tremulous voice.
  • 和这种不相称的人交往,恐怕你会毁了你一辈子。
    I'm afraid you'll wreck your whole life by hurling yourself away on a woman like that.
  • 天佑王!王万岁!
    God save the Queen!
  • 女王陛下。
    Her Mmajesty the Queen.
  • 女王是幸福的化身。
    Queen was happiness incarnate.
  • 女王宣布议会开会。
    The Queen opens Parliament.
  • 女王的马赢了。
    The queen's horse won.
  • 为女王而干杯
    A toast to the queen.
  • 伊利莎白女王陛下。
    Her Ggracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth.
  • 我住在皇大街127号。
    I live at 127 Queen Street.
  • 我住在女皇大街。
    I live in Queen Street.