Chinese English Sentence:
  • 肯特市美国俄亥俄州东北部城市,位于亚克朗东北偏东方向。肯特州立大学(建于1910年)位于此城,在1970年举行的反越南战争的游行中,四学生被国民警卫队成员枪杀。人口28,835
    A city of northeast Ohio east-northeast of Akron. Kent State University(founded1910) is in the city and was the site of a1970 demonstration against the Vietnam War in which four students were killed by members of the National Guard. Population,28, 835.
  •  这个为"金字塔漫游者"的机器人12厘米宽,30厘米长,其高度还可在11厘米到28厘米之间调节。
    The robot "Pyramid Rover", measured 12cm wide and 30cm long and had a height that varied from 11cm to 28cm.
  • 曾见过一家商行取为“新的原料供应商”,就好比把房地产公司取为“盖新房子的建筑商”,真是“直率坦白”到了极点。
    I have seen a shop with the name “Sin Te (meaning “new”) Material Supplier”. This is akin to a property firm calling itself “Developer of New Homes” - it is just so direct and meaningless.
  • 不过作为一业余埃及学家,毛瑞恩-克莱蒙斯提出了一个新的看法,在她看来,古埃及人借助了风筝的力量造出了金字塔。
    But amateur Egyptologist Maureen Clemmons has a theory. She thinks that kites may have been used to build the pyramids.
  • 卢尔德法国西南部比利牛斯山脚下的一个城镇,以罗马天主教的圣地而闻。这个圣地传统是1858年圣母玛利亚出现在圣伯纳前的地方。人口17,425
    A town of southwest France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is noted for its Roman Catholic shrine marking the site where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette in1858. Population,17, 425.
  • 有弊端作用的镇静、催眠药(贸易quaalude)。
    a sedative-hypnotic drug (trade name Quaalude) that is a drug of abuse.
  • 在旧城改造拆迁中,对体现老北京特色的四合院进行有区别地审慎处理和保护,并把原有各种地的历史、内涵、事件等采取原址保留、部分保留或以雕塑、石刻等手段记录下来。
    In the renovation of the old city, the quadrangles (siheyuan), which bear the features of the old city, will be carefully dealt with and protected in different ways; and records concerning the origin, connotations, and incidents related to the historical places will be entirely or partially inscribed on the spot by permanent means.
  • 更重要的是,有了这个基础,再过五十年,再翻两番,达到人均四千美元的水平,在世界上虽然还是在几十以下,但是中国是个中等发达的国家了。
    More important, if with this as a foundation we can continue to develop, in another 50 years we shall again quadruple our per capita GNP to $4,000. This will put China among the moderately developed countries, though its place will still be lower than that of dozens of others.
  • 这种动物的头部末端以奇特的鸭嘴形状结束,因此也得了一个俗——比尔·贝蒂;出现了一个奇异、可怕的景象——沃尔特·斯科特爵士;奇特的幽默感。
    the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name- Bill Beatty; came forth a quaint and fearful sight- Sir Walter Scott; a quaint sense of humor.
  • 在苏州附近的太湖上的木渎地方,有这种柏树四棵,其称是“洁”、“罕”、“古”、“怪”。
    At Mutu, a point on the Taihu Lake near Soochow, there are four such cypress trees which have been given the four respective names "Pure," "Rare," "Antique" and "Quaint."
  • 在过去的数年中,他证明自己在doom和quake的世界里是无敌的,特别著的就是他在微软赞助的一次游戏比赛中把johncarmack捐赠的法拉力赢回了家(那时开始他父母开始支持他打游戏,thresh的大从此威震四方)。现在22岁的他从伯克利的加里福尼亚大学休学,学起了真的乔丹开始投身商海。
    Over the past several years,Fong has proven unbeatable in Doom and Quake tournaments,scoring everything from a Microsoft sponsorship to a Ferrari donated by the co-creator of the games he has mastered.Now the 22-year-old University of California at Berkeley dropout is living up to the Jordan comparison by making the precipitous journey from athlete to entrepreneur.
  • (三)专利代理人姓及其资格证书;
    the names of patent agents and their certificates of qualification;
  • 这些猎鹰早已声远播:它们曾成功地在机场跑道和军用基地解决过同样的问题。因此,橘郡政府才决定投资4万美金引进它们,希望它们能从海鸥手中夺回垃圾堆的"领空"。
    After falcons helped to solve similar bird problems at airport runways and military bases, Orange County officials decided to invest $40,000 to see if they could be an protect the airspace over the landfill.
  • 你需要有资格证书才可成为一游泳教练。
    You need qualifications to be a swimming instructor.
  • 你有成为一翻译的必要条件吗?
    Do you have the qualifications necessary to be an interpreter?
  • 1996年美国奥运选拔赛,格林百米列第四,也无缘参加奥运会。
    In the 1996 Olympics qualifier, Greene got fourth place in the 100 meters race.
  • 从技术上讲,它不是一个属性,正式的称呼是命空间修饰符。
    Technically, it isn’t an attribute, but is formally called a namespace qualifier.
  • 1996年美国奥运选拔赛,格林百米列第四,也无缘参加奥运会。
    In the 1996 Olympics qualifier, Greene got fourth place in the 100 meters race. He was not lucky enough to participate in the Olympics.
  • 如果指定的排序修饰符之间没有冲突,这是查询结果集的最顶端的结构层次上的元素的缺省排序。
    If no conflicting sort qualifier is specified, this is the default sort order for inquiries that return name values at this topmost detail level.
  • 在cobol语言中的一个字或一个标点符号,它把数据或程序段和其限定词建立联系,连接两个或更多的串行操作数,或构成一个条件表达式。
    In COBOL, a word or a punctuation character that associates a data name or paragraph name with its qualifier, links two or more operands in a series, or forms a conditional expression.
  • 王平:冬去春来,第二年是世界锦标赛年,8月在雅典举行世锦赛,7月美国举行选拔赛,格林竞以9秒90的好成绩夺得第一
    Wang Ping: Winter went and spring came. The following year was a year of world championships. In August, the World Champion-ships was held in Athens. In July, the qualifier was held in America.
  • 王平:冬去春来,第二年是世界锦标赛年,8月在雅典举行世锦赛,7月美国举行选拔赛,格林竟以9秒90的好成绩夺得第一
    Wang Ping: Winter went and spring came. The following year was a year of world championships. In August, the World Championships was held in Athens. In July, the qualifier was held in America. Greene won the first place by 9.90 seconds.
  • 有四初赛获胜者进入决赛。
    The final brings together four qualifiers from each heat.
  • 形容词修饰词,副词修饰动词。
    Adjectives qualify nouns white adverbs qualify verbs.
  • 奥运会开幕前两年内举行的五个官方“洲资格锦标赛”(非洲、美洲、亚洲、欧洲和大洋洲)会产生出其不意15男子和15女子的参赛额。
    Ω Fifteen men and 15 women will qualify from the five official Continental Qualifying Tournaments (Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania) held in the 2 years prior to the Olympics.
  • 在"蓝铅笔"中形容词"蓝"修饰词"铅笔"。
    In " blue pencil ", the adjective " blue " qualify the noun " pencil.
  • 他赢得竞赛第一,就傲起来了。
    He gave himself airs when he won the first prize of the contest.
  • 实际情况是他用新西兰护照旅行,而且心安理得地享用他的经纪人送给他的美"世界人",因为他的事业带他到过世界上的许多国家。
    In reality he travels on a New Zealand passport and has no qualms about his agent describing him as "a man of the world" ...his career has taken him to scores of countries around the globe.
  • (与'many'相当的用于计算词)表示数量很大的量词。
    (comparative of `many' used with count nouns) quantifier meaning greater in number.
  • (与物质词连用的量词)在数量、程度或范围上巨大的。
    (quantifier used with mass nouns) great in quantity or degree or extent.
  • (用作计算词的量词;常放在'a'之后)较小的数量。
    (quantifier used with count nouns; often preceded by `a') a small number.
  • ('few'的比较级用于计算词)表示数量上较小的量词。
    (comparative of `few' used with count nouns) quantifier meaning a smaller number of.