Chinese English Sentence:
  • 专门小组聚在一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节目中当一个队的一群人
    A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
  • 满了值得引用的语录
    Full of quotable quotes
  • 我们的精神智商,或sq,帮助我们了解自我,生活得更实,更幸福。
    Our spiritual intelligence quotient, or SQ, helps us understand ourselves, and live fuller, happier lives.
  • 我本身活到了42岁才了解这句话的含意,对年轻的学生来说这可说是一句金玉良言,我想再补两句话来勉励会上其他参加者,那就是“学无先后、达者为先”以及“活到老、学到老。”
    It took me 42 years to realise this axiom. Prof Kao's words are certainly a gem for the students. I would like to add by quoting the popular saying "it matters not when we start learning, whoever attains shall be the teacher" (xue wu qianhou, da zhe wei shi) and that learning is a life-long experience (huo dao lao, xue dao lao).
  • 我本身活到了42岁才了解这句话的含意,对年轻的学生来说这可说是一句金玉良言,我想再补两句话来勉励会上其他参加者,那就是“学无先后、达者为先”以及“活到老、学到老。”
    It took me 42 years to realize this axiom. Prof. Gao's words are certainly a gem for the students. I would like to add by quoting the popular saying "it matters not when we start learning, whoever attains shall be the teacher" (xue wu qian hou, da zhe wei xian) and that learning is a life-long experience (huo dao lao, xue dao lao).
  • 他派他的私人助理弗兰克·亨利去当麦克达德的副手,以便在他进入并熟悉这个新领域以前业务可以照常进行。
    He had sent his personal aide, Maj. Frank Henry, to serve as McDade's second-in-command and to “keep things going till McDade could get his feet wet.”
  • 为了取得理想的成绩,选手们在比赛之前总要做分的热身运动。
    To get a satisfactory result, racers will always do sufficient warm-up exercise before the race.
  • 青年有着盈的生命的底气,她亮丽诱人,这是上帝赐予的神采。
    A young person, especially a female, radiant with beauty and full of life, has all the favor granted by God.
  • 给你的散热器水,否则引擎会过热。
    Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat.
  • 充气橡皮救生筏
    An inflatable rubber life raft.
  • 使橡皮气船快速行驶
    Shooting the rapids in a rubber raft.
  • 气艇可气的小橡皮船或筏子
    A small rubber boat or raft filled with air.
  • 狂怒的满或特征为极端愤怒的;暴怒的
    Full of or characterized by extreme anger; raging.
  • 整个小镇都满着希望。
    The whole town are all agog with expectation.
  • 缺乏足的水分或降水的。
    lacking sufficient water or rainfall.
  • 足的阳光和雨水正使庄稼茁壮地生长。
    Ample sunshine and rainfall are bringing the crops on nicely.
  • 足的阳光和降水使庄稼提前几周成熟。
    Ample sunshine and rainfall has put the crops ahead by several weeks.
  • 号角上灿烂的水珠;闪烁的眼睛;闪闪发光的水;他那闪闪发光的眼睛中满了冷漠和恶毒;满是闪烁着的圣诞树的商店橱窗;闪闪发光的人造珠宝;闪耀着的云母;闪烁的星星;金属片闪烁着的裙子;‘glistering’是古旧用法。
    bugle beads all aglitter; glinting eyes; glinting water; his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent; shop window full of glittering Christmas trees; glittery costume jewelry; scintillant mica; the scintillating stars; a dress with sparkly sequins; `glistering' is an archaic term.
  • 做好汛期雨洪的拦截及回灌工作,补、涵养地下水源;
    More attempts will be made in the retention of rainwater and flood for underground recharge during rainy season, in order to restore and conserve underground water sources.
  • 在那里,进行了分的宣传鼓动工作。
    People there have carried out adequate propaganda and agitation activities.
  • 精力沛的大学经费筹措者;一群精力沛的徒步旅行者。
    an energetic fund raiser for the college; an energetic group of hikers.
  • 他们提出了分的理由反对提高税收。
    They made out a good case against raising taxes.
  • 当这位老年女演员告别演出时,剧场内满着热情洋溢的气氛
    The air was charged with emotion when the aging actress made her final appearance on stage.
  • 恐怖分子的袭击使人们分认识到加强安全措施的必要性。
    The terrorist attack ram home the need for tight security.
  • 以后被传入其它装置的临时性的随机存储器的一部分;用来补计算机系统组成部分之间的数据流出率的差异。
    (computer science) a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data that is waiting to be sent to a device; used to compensate for differences in the rate of flow of data between components of a computer system.
  • “你平时苗条灵活,精力沛,这下子可难了。
    “It’s difficult when you’re used to being really fit and agile,having an enormous amount of energy and strength and a really flat stomach.
  • 大多数牧场位于平坦开阔的地带,那里有足的青草供牧畜作为食物。
    Most ranches are located in flat open country where there is plenty of glass for the cattle to feed on.
  • 随意堆积的未分理解的事实。
    an undigested mass of facts gathered at random.
  • 雄象发情狂每年雄象出现满杀机和交配行为的时期,这个时期雄象会极度狂乱
    An annual period of heightened aggressiveness and sexual activity in male elephants, during which violent frenzies occur.
  • 当夜幕降临菜茵河岸的时侯,阿尔特斯塔特古城突然间满了生机:爵士乐俱乐部和迪斯科舞厅开门营业,餐馆里满了欢声笑语,当地酿造的阿尔特啤酒从无数啤酒桶中流出。
    As night falls over the Rhine, the Altstadt springs to life:jazz clubs and discos open their doors, restau rants are filled with conversation and laughter and the local Altbier flows from countless pumps.
  • 对任何侵略,我们都做好了分的准备。
    We are fully prepared against any aggression.
  • 着迷的,喜出望外的满了兴奋或痴迷的;极度欢喜的
    Filled with great joy or rapture; ecstatic.