Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他被命名为当年的最佳运动员是他生中的重要事件。
    Was named the best athlete of the year is an important episode in his life.
  • 潘多拉赶快捂上盖子,但是,天哪,瓮里关着的东西都已跑掉,只剩下压在瓮底的件,那就是希望。
    Pandora hastened to replace the lid; but, alas! The whole contents of the jar had escaped, one thing only excepted, which lay at the bottom, and that was hope.
  • 这艺术家在法国度过的年是他生命中段重要的插曲。
    The year he spend in france is an important episode in the artist's life.
  • 悬而未决的情况在集、幕或部的结尾出现的悬而未决的情况
    A suspenseful situation occurring at the end of a chapter, a scene, or an episode.
  • 集很好--下集还得等个星期。
    The first episode was good-- now we have to wait a week for the next.
  • 这艺术家在法国度过的年是他生命中段重要的插曲。
    The year he spent in France was an important episode in the artist 's life.
  • 通货膨胀中的个阶段,价格以很高的速度增长而货币迅速贬值。
    an episode of inflation in which prices increase at an increasing rate and currency rapidly loses value.
  • 适于做田园诗主题的、富于牧歌魅力的或浪漫的段情节。
    an episode of such pastoral or romantic charm as to qualify as the subject of a poetic idyll.
  • 没有狂躁阶段的种主要的抑郁阶段。
    a major depressive episode that occurs without the manic phase that occurs in the classic form of bipolar disorder.
  • 最近件事就发生在今年10月1日儿童节这天,为了让孩子过个愉快的节日,我女儿带孩子出门买了很多东西。
    The latest episode took place on October 1, the Children's Day. My daughter took the boy out on a shopping trip.
  • 他称这整部作品为“个艺术家的生活片断”,并说那是“他炽烈的激情的展现”。
    He called the whole work Episode in the Life of an Artist, and referred to it as the development of his infernal passion.
  • 德位的手指撕扯着绳子和包装纸。然后是声狂嘉的尖叫,哎呀!紧接着又变为满脸的泪水。
    Della's fingers tore at the string and paper. Then came an excited scream of joy, and then, alas! a quick change to tears.
  • 非常特殊的、危急的atc形势,比如次危险接近,能在经历性记忆中保持很长时间。就象我们个人发生的危险经历保存在经历性记忆中样。
    Episodic memories of highly specific, critical ATC situations, such as a near mid-air collision, can persist for years, just as do our episodic memories for critical personal experiences.
  • 唉!可怜的公爵!他担负的工作简直是数沙饮海;个人站在他边作战,就有1000人转身逃走。
    Alas, poor duke! the task he undertakes is numbering sands, and drinking oceans dry: Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly.
  • 经历性的记忆是指在我们的记忆中次序发生的事件,通常结合些时间、地点、其他出现的人物,等等。
    Episodic memory is our memory for events in their sequence of occurrence, usually associated with some form of tagging for time, place, other people present, and so forth.
  • 例如,管制员离开岗位后,仍然能从经历性记忆中叙述出那些曾发生的困难的情况下所做出的系列管制行为和有关的航空器。
    The controller getting off shift, for example, can recount from episodic memory the aircraft involved and the series of control actions taken for any troublesome situation that occurred.
  • 其形式性质类似道义与知识概念的种逻辑;研究必然可能与相关概念的性质的种逻辑。
    a system of logic whose formal properties resemble certain moral and epistemological concepts.
  • 她母亲每周给她写封长信.
    Her mother sends her a long epistle every week.
  • 吟唱圣经引自《使徒书信》和《福音书》之间的用于吟唱的段圣经短文
    A biblical text sung between the Epistle and the Gospel of the Mass.
  • (罗马天主教)种紧跟在弥撒使徒书后的唱和(通常取自《圣歌》中)。
    (Roman Catholic) an antiphon (usually from the Book of Psalms) immediately after the epistle at Mass.
  • 在连续分句的句首重复个词或词组,在句尾重复另个;即首语重复和词尾重复的同时使用。
    repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning and another at the end of successive clauses, i.e., simultaneous use of anaphora and epistrophe.
  • 墓志铭——是则已经永久断市的货物的过时广告。
    Epitaph: a belated advertisement for a line of goods that ha permanently discontinue.
  • 这些关厢村镇有些还是很大的。首先是从小塔作为起点的圣维克多镇,那里有座在比埃弗尔河上的单拱桥,座可以看到胖子路易墓志铭(épitaphiumludivicigrossi)的修道院,还有座有着八角尖顶、尖顶旁有四个十世纪小钟楼的教堂(这样的教堂现在在埃唐普还有座,还没有拆毁);
    Some of these faubourgs were important: there were,first, starting from la Tournelle, the Bourg Saint-Victor, with its one arch bridge over the Bi鑦re, its abbey where one could read the epitaph of Louis le Gros, ~epitaphium Ludovici Grossi~,and its church with an octagonal spire, flanked with four little bell towers of the eleventh century (a similar one can be seen at Etampes; it is not yet destroyed);
  • 我郑重地说,这个大胆的隐喻着实令人钦佩,既然正逢个大喜的日子,理应妙语连珠,礼赞王家婚庆,故这种戏剧形式的博物志,就丝毫不会对狮子生个海豚儿子而深感不安了。
    Now I maintain that this bold metaphor is admirable, and the natural history of the stage has no occasion on a day of allegory and royal epithalamium to take exception at a dolphin who is son to a lion.
  • 阴道镜种放大和照相装置,用作阴道和子宫颈膜诊断检查的辅助设备
    A magnifying and photographic device used as an aid in the diagnostic examination of the vaginal and cervical epithelia.
  • 良性的上皮肿瘤形成员员的块。
    a benign epithelial tumor forming a rounded mass.
  • 由于上皮组织引发的恶性肿瘤;四类主要癌症之
    any malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue; one of the four major types of cancer.
  • 种扩散性的恶性肿瘤,由于上皮组织向身体其它区域转移而形成
    An invasive malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue that tends to metastasize to other areas of the body.
  • 簇恶性细胞还没有侵入到深层组织。
    a cluster of malignant cells that has not yet invaded the deeper epithelial tissue or spread to other parts of the body.
  • 乳头状瘤种例如瘤等附属的良性小肿块,由在光滑的能直接相通的组织的中心部分上的生长过盛的细胞构成
    A small benign epithelial tumor, such as a wart, consisting of an overgrowth of cells on a core of smooth connective tissue.
  • 微绒毛;微小突起物;指状突起些上皮细胞表面上突起的微小发状结构的总称,尤指小肠上的
    Any of the minute hairlike structures projecting from the surface of certain types of epithelial cells, especially those of the small intestine.
  • 细胞巨化病毒任何组侵袭上皮细胞并使其变大的疱疹病毒。这样的病毒也会引起种儿科病,特征是循环性机能不良和畸形小头
    Any of a group of herpes viruses that attack and enlarge epithelial cells. Such viruses also cause a disease of infants characterized by circulatory dysfunction and microcephaly.