[諺]杯子已滿, 多加一滴也會溢出(指超過限度的微小事情也會釀成重大後果)。 The last drop makes the cup run over.
[諺]自釀苦酒自己喝, 自作自受。 As you brew, so you must drink.
[諺]自釀苦酒自己喝, 自作自受。 Drink as you have brewed.
[諺]自釀苦酒自己喝, 自作自受。 One must drink as one brews.
v. 一個小小的錯誤釀成這一災難. One small error precipitated the disaster
不受釀酒廠約束的)出售多種啤酒等的酒館. Cf 參看 tied house (tie2). public house or inn not controlled by a brewery and therefore able to sell more than one brand of beer, etc (
v. 不滿情緒釀成了兵變. Discontent stirred the men to mutiny
n. 乳酒(中亞某些民族用馬乳釀製的酒). drink made from fermented mare's milk by certain Central Asian peoples
adj. 産葡萄酒的, 適於釀造葡萄酒的, 生産葡萄酒的, 為釀酒而栽培的 viniferous
v. 他們心中醖釀已久的革命計畫. plans for revolution that had long been incubating in their minds
做葡萄幹和釀酒用的香甜葡萄。 sweet aromatic grape used for raisins and wine.
淡黃色無籽葡萄,用於做葡萄幹和釀酒。 pale yellow seedless grape used for raisins and wine.
當夜幕降臨菜茵河岸的時侯,阿爾特斯塔特古城突然間充滿了生機:爵士樂俱樂部和迪斯科舞廳開門營業,餐館裏充滿了歡聲笑語,當地釀造的阿爾特啤酒從無數啤酒桶中流出。 As night falls over the Rhine, the Altstadt springs to life:jazz clubs and discos open their doors, restau rants are filled with conversation and laughter and the local Altbier flows from countless pumps.
任何誤解都可能釀成一場爭吵。 Any misunderstanding can resolve itself into a quarrel.
紹興釀酒總公司 Shaoxing General Rice Wine Corporation
這酒是用大米釀造的 This wine is brewed from rice.
第二種,除蘇聯外,正在各資本主義國傢中醖釀着。 The second kind exists in the Soviet Union, and the conditions for its birth are ripening in capitalist countries.
該地區以用葡萄藤上的腐爛葡萄釀製的托卡伊奧蘇葡萄酒聞名於世。 Famous for the Tokaji Aszu wine,made from grapes left to rot on the vine.
委員會委員們在反復醖釀一項計劃。 The members of the committee are ruminating over a plan.
然而在過去的五至十年中,一場啤酒革命動搖了美國釀酒傳統的根基。 In the past five to ten years, however, a beer revo-lution has shaken America's brewing tradition to its foundations.
大淺桶主要供釀酒商用的一種淺的盆或缸 A shallow vat or tub used chiefly by brewers.
西班牙西南部城市,以釀製雪利酒著稱。 a city in southwestern Spain that is famous for making sherry.
蒿草一種蒿屬的芳香植物,尤指原産於歐洲的洋艾,可提煉出一種用於釀製艾酒的苦汁和給某些酒類作調味 Any of several aromatic plants of the genus Artemisia, especially A. absinthium, native to Europe, yielding a bitter extract used in making absinthe and in flavoring certain wines.
歐洲的一種灌木狀蒿草,已移植北美;被用於釀造啤酒。 shrubby European wormwood naturalized in North America; sometimes used in brewing beer.
校方人員和班上的學生說,這兩個青年之間自去年九月就醖釀着仇恨,希門尼斯被刺殺乃是最後攤牌。至於仇恨如何開始則無人表示知曉。 School officials and classmates said the stabbing of Mr.Jimenez was a final confrontation in a feud between the two youths that had been simmering since September. No one claimed to know how the bad blood began.
為即時飲用釀造的啤酒。 beer brewed for immediate consumption.
來點本地釀製的啤酒怎麽樣? What about your local brew?
指私釀的烈酒(威士忌)或走私的酒。鬍說八道也可用moonshine。His story is plain moonshine. moonshine Or: mountain dew
導彈有極微小的偏斜也可能釀出大禍。 The smallest deflection of the missile could bring disaster.
較小尺寸和較低價格的平板顯示器也在醖釀新的概念,像無盒pc機、像imac機和可挂在墻上的顯示器。 The smallish foot print and lower prices of flat panel displays are also spawning new concepts such as boxless PCs, such as the iMac, and wall mounted displays.
用釀製的手段製造;用於酒精飲料。 prepare by brewing; of alcoholic beverages.
十月釀造的麥酒 Ale brewed in October.
由黑色麥芽釀造的甜的麥酒。 dark sweet ale brewed from black malt.
以釀造麥酒或啤酒為職業 To make ale or beer as an occupation.
用麥芽、啤酒花和水釀造蜂蜜或酒的人。 someone who brews beer or ale from malt and hops and water.
味濃的黑的英國濃啤酒(在德貝郡的伯頓和特倫特釀造)。 a strong dark English ale (brewed at Burton-on-Trent in Derbyshire).
釀酒通過浸製、煮沸和發酵等方式用麥芽和啤酒花釀製(麥酒或啤酒) To make(ale or beer) from malt and hops by infusion, boiling, and fermentation.
我們本地的釀酒廠與另一個公司合併了. Our local brewery has amalgamated with another firm.
當時有關新市政大廳的計畫還僅僅是那建師醖釀中的意念. The plans for the new town hall were then still only a gleam in the architect's eye.
根據《啤酒世界指南》一書,這種啤酒的釀造方法是大約500年前由巴伐利亞的和尚發明的。他們認識到把釀造的酒在夏天貯存在木桶裏,存放在冰冷的地窖裏,這樣就可以製造出更純淨的酒了。 According to World Guide to Beer, it was invented by Bavarian Monks about 500 years ago when they realized they could produce a clearer brew by storing it during the summer in wooden casks in cold caves.