産於美國南部和墨西哥的大型鞭尾蝎,在受驚嚇時發出一種醋酸味。 large whipscorpion of Mexico and southern United States that emits a vinegary odor when alarmed.
例如,生物科學方面的合成牛胰島素、酵母丙氨酸轉移核糖核酸的人工合成,農業科學方面的雜交水稻,高能物理方面的正負電子對撞機,以及原子彈、氫彈和每秒1億次運算的巨型計算機等的研製,“長徵3號”運載火箭的發射,衛星通訊和超導研究等,這些方面都已躍居或接近國際先進水平。 In biological science, Chinese scientists succeeded in making synthetic bovine insulin and in converting yeast alanine into synthetic ribonucleic acid (RNA); in agricultural science, experiments in hybrid paddy rice have been successful; in high-energy physics, an electron-positron collider was constructed; other achievements in high technology are represented by the successful explosion of atomic and hydrogen bombs, the making of super-computers capable of 100 million calculations per second, the launching of the Long March III carrier rocket and the research in satellite telecommunications and superconductivity. In all these fields, China has either reached or approached advanced world levels.
酸鹼平衡障礙 disturbance of acid-base equilibrium
(生理學)人體內酸和鹼的正常平衡。 (physiology) the normal equilibrium between acids and alkalis in the body.
作為稀有土壤來源的一種礦物,由鐵、鈹、鈰、釔、鉺的硅酸????礦物構成。 a mineral that is a source of rare earths; consists of silicates of iron and beryllium and cerium and yttrium and erbium.
吡哆醇吡啶的衍生物,c18h11no3,尤其出現於𠔌類,酵母,肝髒和鱗中,作為氨基酸合成作用中的輔酶 A pyridine derivative, C18H11NO3, occurring especially in cereals, yeast, liver, and fish and serving as a coenzyme in amino acid synthesis.
吡哆醛醛c8h9no3,吡哆醇的幾種活躍的形式中的一種,在氨基酸的合成過程中起重要作用 An aldehyde, C8H9NO3, one of several active forms of pyridoxine, important in amino acid synthesis.
胸腺鹼一種屬於脫氧核糖核酸重要成分的嘧啶鹼c5h6n2o2 A pyrimidine base, C5H6N2O2, that is an essential constituent of DNA.
一種從嘧啶衍生而來的白色晶狀酸,用於配製巴比妥類藥物。 a white crystalline acid derived from pyrimidine; used in preparing barbiturate drugs.
胞核嘧啶一種嘧啶鹼基,c4h5n3o,是核糖核酸和脫氧核糖核酸的基本成分 A pyrimidine base, C4H5N3O, that is an essential constituent of RNA and DNA.
單核苷酸磷酸、糖、嘌呤或嘧啶鹼基中的一種,它組成的一個分子的苷酸 A nucleotide consisting of one molecule each of a phosphoric acid, a sugar, and either a purine or a pyrimidine base.
嘧啶類由嘧啶衍生出來或在結構上與嘧啶有關的一種基本混合物尤指核酸組成的尿嘧啶,胞嘧啶和胸腺嘧啶 Any of several basic compounds derived from or structurally related to pyrimidine, especially the nucleic acid constituents uracil, cytosine, and thymine.
核苷由糖,通常是核糖或脫氧核糖和嘌呤或嘧啶基組成的化合物,尤指從核酸水解中獲得的化合物,如腺嘌呤核苷或鳥嘌呤 Any of various compounds consisting of a sugar, usually ribose or deoxyribose, and a purine or pyrimidine base, especially a compound obtained by hydrolysis of a nucleic acid, such as adenosine or guanine.
一種輝石礦物,由鋰鋁硅酸????組成,是鋰的來源。 a pyroxene mineral consisting of lithium aluminum silicate; a source of lithium.
頑火輝石一種象玻璃似的,常為淡褐灰色的正方晶輝岩,具有一個鎂硅酸????基,主要為硅酸鎂mgsio3,通常可在火成岩及隕石中發現 A glassy, usually yellowish gray variety of orthorhombic pyroxene having a magnesium silicate base, mainly MgSiO3, usually found embedded in igneous rocks and meteorites.
糖酵解磷酸酯衍生物代謝過程,發生於幾乎所有活細胞,通過這一過程,碳水化合物和糖、典型的如葡萄糖,經過一係步驟轉化成乳酸 The ATP-generating metabolic process that occurs in nearly all living cells by which carbohydrates and sugars, typically glucose, are converted in a series of steps to pyruvic acid.
碳水化合物和糖經過一係列反應分解為丙酮酸或乳酸並釋放出三磷酸腺甙作為供應肌體的能量。 a metabolic process that breaks down carbohydrates and sugars through a series of reactions to either pyruvic acid or lactic acid and release energy for the body in the form of ATP.
基於攝入量的分析表明,這種計量反應關係的作用範圍為從零攝取量到每日攝取15剋魚或0.15ω-3脂肪酸。 Analyses based on quantified intakes indicated that the working range of the dose-response relation is mainly from zero intake up to a daily intake of 15g fish or 0.15g Ω-3 fatty acids.
一種由鐵錳鎢酸????組成的礦物,晶體狀,主要的鎢礦石,見於與花崗岩伴生的石英脈中。 a mineral consisting of iron-manganese tungstate in crystalline form; the principal ore of tungsten; found in quartz veins associated with granitic rocks.
硫酸銅和生石灰的溶液,用作殺真菌劑。 a solution of copper sulfate and quicklime used as a fungicide.
空氣傳播的污染物與大氣中的水分結合,形成硫酸和硝酸,然後以雨或雪的形式降回地面,形成了酸雨。 Acid rain results when the airborne pollutants combine with moisture in the air to form sulfuric and nitric acids that fall back to Earth, usually in rain or snow.
酸橙或檸檬味的碳酸水,含有奎寧。 lime- or lemon-flavored carbonated water containing quinine.
乙酰基,醋酸基醋酸基ch3co The acetic acid radical CH3CO.
從苯甲酸衍生而來的一價化學基。 the univalent radical derived from benzoic acid.
脫羧酶酶的一種,可水解羧基酸 Any of various enzymes that hydrolize the carboxyl radical.
但是隨着高速運算超越芯片和機器的局限將試管、承物玻璃片、溶液甚至脫氧核糖核酸(dna)等生物化學和遺傳學工具包括在內,這種想法可能很快就要做出根本性的修正了。 But such thinking may soon have to be radically revised, as high-speed computation moves beyond chips and machines to include the tools of biochemistry and genetics: test tubes, slides, solutions, even DNA.
硅元素與計算機的關係如此密切以至於大多數人可能更容易將它與加利福尼亞的硅𠔌而不是元素周期表聯繫起來。但是隨着高速運算超越芯片和機器的局限將試管、承物玻璃片、溶液甚至脫氧核糖核酸(dna)等生物化學和遺傳學工具包括在內,這種想法可能很快就要做出根本性的修正了。 The element silicon is so closely identified with computers that most people would be likely to associate it more readily with California's high-tech valley than with the periodic table. But such thinking may soon have to be radically revised, as high-speed computation moves beyond chips and machines to include the tools of biochemistry and genetics: test tubes, slides, solutions, even DNA.
澳洲樹種,酸的葫蘆狀果實。 Australian tree having an agreeably acid gourd-like fruit.
鋇硫酸????是射綫穿不透的。 barium sulfate is radiopaque.
鋇硫酸????是一種輻射光不能穿透的狀之。 Barium sulfate is a radiopaque substance.
酸葡萄被製成葡萄幹或葡萄酒。 Sour grapes are made into raisins or wine.
有腐臭味道的脂肪酸,發現於黃油及其他脂肪和油脂中。 a fatty acid having a rancid taste; found in butter and other fats and oils.