  • (surname)
  • outer city wall
  • outer part (of a city)
  • guo
  1.   (西印度群島的)公鳥的一種   mangrove cuckoo
  2. n.  / uri caine : 德堡變奏麯 a part 正版 雷光夏   bach
  3. n.  / uri caine : 德堡變奏麯 c part 正版 雷光夏   bach
  4. n.  friends 我們是朋友 峰   we are
  5. n.  to you 郭峰 實現夢想   my love
  6. vt.  減少, 節省, 縮減, 刪除, 省略, 截去, 修剪, 設內, 築內墻, 緊縮, 節約, 給...築圍墻   retrench
  7. n.  城廓, 城, 外柵, 城堡外墻, 城堡的外墻, 城堡墻內的庭院, 城壁, 城堡外庭   bailey
  8. n.  我們是朋友 郭峰   friends
  9. n.  公鳥, 呆子, 杜鵑, 布𠔌鳥   gowk
  10. n.  郭峰   yellow
  11. n.  郭峰 yellow   gf
  12. n.  郭峰 實現夢想   to you
  13.   郭氏裂紋   Griffith cracks
  14. n.  (城堡外所圍繞的)堡場.   courtyard enclosed by this wall
  15. n.  (城堡的)郭.   outer wall of a castle
  1. 寶崑質疑了什麽,又回答了什麽?
    What was Kuo Pao Kun's query and what was his answer?
  2. 宗教研究機構、高僧、學者的有關佛教專著,如《貝葉經的整理、研究》、《西藏拉薩現存梵文貝葉經的整理》、《西藏宗教源流與教派研究》、《活佛轉世制度》、《紮佛教史》、《西藏苯教寺廟志》、《中國藏傳佛教寺廟》、《西藏佛教寺院壁畫藝術》等,都正式出版發行。
    Treatises on Buddhism written and published by religious research institutions, eminent monks and scholars include Collation and Studies of the Pattra Sutra, Compilation of the Sanskrit Pattra Sutra Extant in Lhasa, Studies of the Origin and Development of Religions and Religious Sects in Tibet, The Reincarnation System of Living Buddhas, History of Buddhism by Guta, Records of the Monasteries of the Tibetan Bon Religion, Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in China and The Fresco Art of Tibet's Buddhist Monasteries.
  3. 錫林勒草原自然保護區
    Xilin Gol Grassland Reserve
  4. 先生,我並不想叫你氣惱,不過我還抓不住要領,你能否用更簡單的語言談一談呢?
    I don't mean to annoy you, Mr Ku, but I don't quite grasp this. Couldn't you say it in simpler terms?
  5. 青山郭外斜
    Blue mountains slant beyond the city wall
  6. 衹有嚮後才能理解生活;但要生活好,則必須嚮前看。(剋爾凱爾)
    Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.( Kierkergaard)
  7. 國傢級自然保護區有99處,其中加入國際人與生物圈保護區網的自然保護區有10處,包括:吉林長白山、四川臥竜、貴州梵淨山、湖北神農架、福建武夷山、新疆博格達峰、廣東鼎湖山、內蒙古錫林勒、江蘇????城和雲南西雙版納自然保護區。
    There are 99 national-level reserves, of which ten -- Jilin's Changbai Mountains, Sichuan's Wolong, Guizhou's Fanjing Mountains, Hubei's Shennongjia, Fujian's Wuyi Mountains, Xinjiang's Mt.Bogda, Guangdong's Dinghu Mountains, Inner Mongolia's Xilingol, Jiangsu's Yancheng and Yunnan's Xishuangbanna -- have been listed in the International Network of Men and Biosphere Reserves.
  8. 國傢級自然保護區有99處,其中加入國際人與生物圈保護區網的自然保護區有10處,包括:吉林長白山、四川臥竜、貴州梵淨山、湖北神農架、福建武夷山、新疆博格達峰、廣東鼎湖山、內蒙古錫林勒、江蘇????城和雲南西雙版納自然保護區。
    There are 99 national-level reserves, of which ten -- Jilin's Changbai Mountains, Sichuan's Wolong, Guizhou's Fanjing Mountains, Hubei's Shennongjia, Fujian's Wuyi Mountains, Xinjiang's Mt. Bogda, Guangdong's Dinghu Mountains, Inner Mongolia's Xilingol, Jiangsu's Yancheng and Yunnan's Xishuangbanna -- have been listed in the International Network of Men and Biosphere Reserves.
  9. 郭志不,一點也不。
    No, not a bit.
  10. 是我所見到的最勇敢的警察。
    Guo is the bravest policeman I have ever seen.
  11. 是我所見到的最勇敢的警察。
    Xiao Guo is the bravest police that I see.
  12. 十月間,行政長官董建華在訪問完布魯塞爾後,前往倫敦,會見英國首相貝理雅、外交及聯邦事務大臣偉邦及英國貿易局主席貝嘉晴。
    After his visit to Brussels in October, Mr Tung went to London where he met the Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair; the Foreign Secretary, Mr Robin Cook and the President of the Board of Trade, Mrs Margaret Beckett.
  13. 對於學者們表示高興看到會場沒有人提出具沙文色彩的問題,教授隨意地在他面前的一疊字條上輕輕地敲了幾下,並坦率地承認沙文主義的觀點還是有的,衹是被他“過濾”了。
    Contrary to the expert panelists' praises of a lack of chauvinistic views at the forum, he pointed out unreservedly that there were such views, but they had been "filtered" out.
  14. 寶崑本來有舒服的床可以躺着,他選擇了站着。
    Kuo Pao Kun could have opted to rest comfortably on a bed, but he chose to stand.
  15. 在結束講話之前,我要嚮國際結算銀行總裁韋伯智先生、剋特先生和國際結算銀行董事局作再次致意,多謝他們作出在香港成立亞太區代表辦事處的决定。這决定對香港和整個亞洲區均有裨益,我們實在感到非常榮幸。
    Before concluding, let me thank President Verplaetse, Mr Crockett and the BIS Board again for their decision to locate their office here in Hong Kong, which is good for both Hong Kong and the region. We are indeed very, very honoured.
  16. 然而,當這一代華文知識分子的精神追求隨着意識形態的破滅而破滅,當他的同道們在遭受摧殘後成批地消沉退隱,或轉身投嚮名利場,寶崑經歷了一個怎樣的內省過程,他如何咬斷臍帶浴火重生?
    However, after they were beaten and their intellectual and ideological struggles were shattered, many of Kuo Pao Kun's contemporaries either retreated into oblivion or channelled their energy into making money and achieving fame.
  17. 先生,我該說,你已經糾正了我對保險的想法。
    Mr Ku, I must say that you have corrected my ideas about the insurance.
  18. 美國夏威夷大學教授穎頤最近在我國發表陳嘉庚演講:《一個中國、多個中國:從世紀末角度看中國在歷史上的分與合》。
    Professor Daniel Kwok of the Hawaii University deliveredthe Tan Kah Kee Lecture in Singapore recently on "China: Theone and the many, an end-of-century view of unification and division in the Chinese historical experience".
  19. 美國夏威夷大學教授穎頤最近在我國發表陳嘉庚演講:《一個中國、多個中國:從世紀末角度看中國在歷史上的分與合》。
    Professor Daniel Kwok of the Hawaii University delivered the Tan Kah Kee Lecture in Singapore recently on "China: The one and the many, an end-of-century view of unification and division in the Chinese historical experience".
  20. 剋爾愷爾,瑟倫·阿比1813-1855丹麥宗教哲學家,現代存在主義先驅。他堅持在尋找宗教的真理時個人决定和信仰選擇的需要,因而反對新教教條和黑格爾主義。他的著作包括非此即彼和恐懼與顫慄(均出版於1843年)
    Danish religious philosopher. A precursor of modern existentialism, he insisted on the need for individual decision and leaps of faith in the search for religious truth, thereby contradicting Protestant dogma and Hegelianism. His works include Either/Or and Fear and Trembling(both1843).
  21. 每年各地群衆的節慶集會,既有大量的傳統節日,如拉薩的藏歷新年、薩噶達瓦節、望果節、雪頓節、沐浴節、酥油燈節、達瑪節、煨桑節、噶爾恰欽節、賽馬會等和拉薩以外其他地區的各種節日,以及許多寺廟的宗教節日,如紮什倫布寺的什莫欽布節、甘丹寺的昂覺節,桑耶寺的經藏跳神節、薩迦寺的七月金剛節、楚布寺的樹經幡桿節、熱振寺的帕蚌唐節等等,又有全國乃至世界性的新興節慶集會,如三八婦女節、五一勞動節、五四青年節、六一兒童節、十一國慶節等。
    There are many traditional festivals and fairs in Tibet, including the Tibetan New Year, Sakadawa Festival, Ongkor (Bumper Harvest) Festival, Shoton (Yogurt) Festival, Bathing Festival, Butter Lamp Festival, Dharma Festival, Burning Offerings Festival, Garchachen Festival, and Horse Race Fair of Lhasa and the many festivals of other places. Religious festivals celebrated by monasteries include the Shimo Chento Festival of Tashilhunpo Monastery, Nganjo Festival of Ganden Monastery, Collecting Sutras and Religious Dance festivals of Samye Monastery, July Vajra Festival of Sakya Monastery, Erecting the Prayer Banner Pole Festival of Tsurpu Monastery, and Paltung Tanbo Festival of Radreng Monastery. In addition, the Tibetans also celebrate some national and international festivals such as International Working Women's Day (March 8th), International Labor Day (May 1st), Chinese Youth Festival (May 4th), International Children's Day (June 1st) and National Day (October 1st).
  22. 暴君死了,他的統治就結束了;烈士死了,他的統治剛開始。(剋爾凱爾)
    The tyrant dies and his rule ends, the martyr dies and his rule begins.(Kierkegaard)
  23. 寶崑是新加坡有史以來第一位戲劇大傢。
    Kuo Pao Kun was the first master dramatist in Singapore's history.
  24. 2002年9月10日寶崑走了。他周圍的人們寫下許多感性的文字,一頂頂桂冠也從四方接踵而來。
    When dramatist Kuo Pao Kun died on Sept 10, friends who were close to him turned their grief into touching words to remember him and tributes poured in from many places.
  25. 十九世紀,英國基督教傳教士馬禮遜和德國傳教士實臘在東印度公司任職期間,參與嚮中國販賣鴉片。
    In the 19th century Robert Morrison, a British missionary, and Karl Friedrich August Gutz, a German missionary, both working for the East India Company, participated in dumping opium in China.
  26. (四)王金鈺的第五路軍從北方新到,表示恐懼,其左翼華宗、郝夢齡兩師,大體相同。
    The 5th Route Army under Wang Chin-yu, newly arrived from the north, was afraid of us, and, generally speaking, so were the two divisions on its left flank under Kuo Hua-tsung and Hao Meng-ling.
  27. 勝利後,接着打、打孫、打朱、打劉。
    After winning this battle we attacked Kuo Hua-tsung, Sun Lien-chung, Chu Shao-liang and Liu Ho-ting in succession.
  28. (這是鄧小平同志會見馬來西亞氏兄弟集團董事長鶴年時談話的一部分。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with Kuok Hock Nien, Chairman of the Board of Kuok Brothers, Sdn. Bhd. (Pvt., Ltd.) in Malaysia.)
  29. 郭沫若故居
    Home of Guo Moro
  30. 這個城市的現實裏多的是靈魂放假的人,執著地堅持人文知識分子理想的寶崑,卻始終在質疑和“回答今天”。
    While there are many “soulless” people here, Kuo Pao Kun stuck stubbornly to his humanistic ideals and was always questioning and seeking “answers for the here and now”.
  31. 大會主席振羽教授的主持風格獨樹一幟,令這場文化論壇生色不少。
    Prof. Eddie Guo, who chaired the Dialogue, in his own inimitable ways, was instrumental in the success of the forum.
  32. 大會主席振羽教授的主持風格獨樹一幟,令這場文化論壇生色不少。
    Prof Eddie Kuo, who chaired the Dialogue, in his own inimitable ways, was instrumental in the success of the forum.