  • force
  • drive
  • bother
  • compel
  • press for
  • extort
  • press on towards
  • press up to
  • close in on
  • close
  • compel, pressure, force
  1.   (植物)凍死; [口](用冷淡態度)使人無地自容; (用聯合抵製、競爭)排擠[斥], 走   freeze out
  2.   (蔓等)爬上; 偷偷近(進行襲擊)   creep over
  3.   (蔓等)爬上; 偷偷近(進行襲擊)   creep over sth.
  4.   [口]叫某人受不了; 得某人發瘋   drive sb. round the bend
  5.   [口]得某人在一個地方呆不下去   make a place too hot for sb.
  6.   [美]逼供, 拷問   third degree
  7.   [諺]蠕蟲被踩, 也會翻騰(意為被太甚, 最溫順者也會反抗)。   (Even) a worm will [may] turn.
  8. adj.  不可避免的, 必然的, 無法避免的, 老一套的, 照例必有的, 慣常的, 合情合理的, 真的, 必定的   inevitable
  9.   從四面八方近並攻擊   come nearer and attack from several directions
  10. v.  他們用武力逼他就範.   They used force to persuade him
  11. n.  他們穩步嚮敵人進逼   their steady march towards the enemy
  12. v.  他們我又把那事講了一遍.   I was made to repeat the story
  13. adj.  他在會議上的辯論態度並非鋒芒人而是堅持己見.   His style of argument in meetings is not so much aggressive as pertinacious
  14.   他感到有壓力他辭職.   He felt that he was being pressurized to resign
  15. n.  他把我得忍無可忍了.   He tried my patience to its limits
  16. n.  他的態度咄咄逼人.   He has an aggressive manner
  1. 他對此感到氣憤,也有所警覺,就在他張口提出抗議之時,一隻巨大的動物忽然出現在飛機的航道上,飛機被迫降在了叢林的樹梢上。
    Angry and alarmed,Grant begins to protest when out of nowhere an enormous creature appears in the path of the plane,forcing it to crash into the jungle treetops.
  2. 我最怕的是:白天在學塾裏板起面孔,惡狠狠的迫我背誦的先生,和晚上放學回來碰着站在巷口攔住我要考問的五孫捨哥。
    There were two things I dreaded most: during the day in school, I had to face the fearsome schoolmaster who bullied me into reciting whole passages; and in the evening after school, I was accosted at the entrance to our lane by Elder Brother 5th Sun-she who insisted on quizzing me.
  3. 一群狗把那衹浣熊上了樹
    Dogs treed the raccoon.
  4. 泰德是個咄咄人的急進份子。
    Ted is a fire-eating radical.
  5. 關於此事我得考慮幾天,因此別設法我接受。
    I'll think about it a few days, so don't try to ram is down my throat.
  6. 父親一直我當醫生。
    Father keeps ramming it down my throat that I should become a doctor.
  7. 美國企業正受到咄咄人的海外競爭者的挑戰。
    U.S. business is challenged by aggressive overseas competitor.
  8. 男子氣概的強壯且咄咄人的,用於指婦女
    Strong and aggressive. Used of women.
  9. 彪悍強壯的婦女高大的、咄咄人的、意志堅強的女人
    A tall, aggressive, strong-willed woman.
  10. 職工們在用不按期完成合同的威脅來迫廠方答應付超工時報酬或發奬金。
    The staff are holding the management to ransom by threatening not to finish work on a contract unless they are paid overtime or a bonus.
  11. 他的態度咄咄逼人.
    He has an aggressive manner.
  12. 他在會議上的辯論態度並非鋒芒人而是堅持己見.
    His style of argument in meetings is not so much aggressive as pertinacious.
  13. 悄悄近攻擊對象的強姦者
    A rapist stalking his victim
  14. 即使雄雞巷的幽靈在咄咄人地發出它的預言之後銷聲匿跡整整十二年,去年的精靈們咄咄人發出的預言仍跟她差不多,衹是少了幾分超自然的獨創性而已。
    Even the Cock-lane ghost had been laid only a round dozen of years, after rapping out its messages, as the spirits of this very year last past (supernaturally deficient in originality) rapped out theirs.
  15. 有理函數逼近
    approximation by rational functions
  16. 此外,市民切的房屋需求,經濟轉型帶來的就業睏難,以及人口增長與老化引發的社會問題,也必須慎重處理,認真對付。
    We have to resolve a series of social problems arising from a growing and ageing population, meet the pressing demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to re-structuring of the economy. All these require urgent attention and careful handling.
  17. 從那個頑固的目擊者口中出事情的真像
    Wrung the truth out of the recalcitrant witness.
  18. 他穿上戰服時雄姿勃勃——頭戴插翎的盔甲,臂上套着皮護袖,手持的銅矛咄咄人。
    In battle array he is resplendent, - on his head the gleaming helmet and floating plume, on his are the leather shield, in his had the redoubtable spear of bronze.
  19. 真的具有自然或非人工的、不做作的和不拘束的特徵的
    Characterized by spontaneity and freedom from artificiality, affectation, or inhibitions.
  20. 他們願意站得近些,甚至摸摸交談對象,因而就一個勁地着美國人滿屋走,竭力縮短彼此之間的距離。
    Finding themselves happier standing close to and even touching those they are in conversation with they will relentlessly pursue the Americans round the room trying to close the distance between them.
  21. 多那太羅意大利雕塑傢,是文藝復興風格的先驅者,以其生動自然、形象真的人物像著名,代表作有青銅雕像大衛象
    Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statue David.
  22. 這底片將使照片具有更好的明暗對比和更真的色彩。
    This film will give prints better contrast and more accurate color rendition.
  23. 禁止他們逼債。
    They were forbidden to press for the repayment of the principal.
  24. 但前提是各個債權銀行不要債,不要它們提前償還貸款。
    But the precondition is that the creditor banks should not press too hard for debt repayment beforehand or in advance.
  25. 舊債不僅減息,連老本也不許債主有取之事。
    Not only is the interest on such old loans reduced, but the creditor is actually forbidden to press for the repayment of the principal.
  26. 畫某人畫得真、仿某人仿得維妙維肖、酷似某人
    Draw, imitate, resemble sb to the life
  27. 一個事件的確切程度,尤其指迭代運算結果對正確結果的近程度。
    The correctness, especially the degree of the closeness, by which iterated results approach the correct result.
  28. 把註意力對準它,就"使"你更具有反應能力、更能適應以及更靈活。
    By focusing on the competitive forces, you will be "forced" to be more responsive, adaptive and flexible.
  29. 把註意力對準它,就“使”你更具有反應能力、更能適應以及更靈活。
    By focusing on the competitive forces, you will be "forced"to be more responsive, adaptive and flexible.
  30. 那蒙面強盜用槍着她打開保險箱。
    The masked robber made her open the safe at gunpoint.
  31. 如果地主、富農要吃飯,他們又沒有田,怎麽辦?這實際上是把所有地主、富農得同蔣介石聯合起來反對農民,結果是對於貧農、中農不利,對於工農政權不利,對於生産也不利。
    In actuality, this policy only forced all landlords and rich peasants to join forces with Chiang Kai-shek and stand against the peasants, which was of no benefit to the poor and middle peasants, the worker-peasant regime or production.
  32. 她終於得父親不得不承認──那兒匹拉車子的馬已經有了別的用處。
    She did at last extort from her father an acknowledgment that the horses were engaged.