永久性地存儲數據。例如,把數據從硬盤傳送到磁帶或軟盤上,而允許數據從原介質上清除掉。 To store data permanently. For example, to transfer data from hard disks to tapes or floppy disks, allowing them to be erased from the original medium.
粘貼在軟盤寫保護槽上的薄片,用於阻止對磁盤的寫入,以保護軟盤上原有的數據不被抹去。 A small piece that is placed over the write protect notch on a diskette to prevent the recording of data so that prerecorded data will not is erased.
方骨的指的是方骨或軟骨的 Designating the quadrate bone or cartilage.
在過去的數年中,他證明自己在doom和quake的世界裏是無敵的,特別著名的就是他在微軟贊助的一次遊戲比賽中把johncarmack捐贈的法拉力贏回了傢(那時開始他父母開始支持他打遊戲,thresh的大名從此威震四方)。現在22歲的他從伯剋利的加裏福尼亞大學休學,學起了真的喬丹開始投身商海。 Over the past several years,Fong has proven unbeatable in Doom and Quake tournaments,scoring everything from a Microsoft sponsorship to a Ferrari donated by the co-creator of the games he has mastered.Now the 22-year-old University of California at Berkeley dropout is living up to the Jordan comparison by making the precipitous journey from athlete to entrepreneur.
大力支持西安交大等5個高校科技産業園、生物工程園的建設,加快發展西安軟件園、留學人員創業園、西安醫藥工業園、西飛航空航天科技園、高新技術産業出口工業園。 We will strongly support 5 hi-tech parks of higher institutions, such as Xi'an Jiaotong University, the construction of the biotechnology park, so as to speed up the development of software park, park for the oversea students, Xi'an airspace and airspace and airplane garden, the exportation of hi-tech products garden.
輔助氣囊置於氣球或軟式飛艇內的一個小的、輔助性的氣囊,可通過在飛行中的充氣和放氣來控製和保持形狀和浮力 One of several small, auxiliary gasbags placed inside a balloon or a nonrigid airship that can be inflated or deflated during flight to control and maintain shape and buoyancy.
軟式小飛艇軟式浮飛艇。現代軟式小飛艇,利用氦取代氫來保持浮力 A nonrigid, buoyant airship. Modern blimps use helium instead of hydrogen to maintain buoyancy.
用於觀察或作為阻塞氣球的小的軟式飛艇。 a small nonrigid airship used for observation or as a barrage balloon.
最近汽車工業的消息每況愈下,即使通用和剋萊斯勒已經讓股東分攤虧損,福特汽車公司盡量維持股息不變。可是底特律今天發出了更壞的消息——福特說營業情況較汽車銷售疲軟時更睏難,因此本季付出股息減少將近一半。 As worse new piled on top of bad in the automobile industry recently, the Ford Motor Company tried hard to hold its dividend steady, even as G.M. and Chrysler passed some of the pain along to shareholders. But Detroit's third shoe dropped today as Ford, saying business conditions were even tougher than those usually encountered when car sales are soft, cut its quarterly payout nearly in half.
這些工具包含特殊的查詢和報告軟件以及多維分析産品。 Those include ad hoc query and reporting software and multi-dimensional analysis products.
管理軟件然後詢問pc機,把返回的信息存儲在數據庫中。 Management software can then query the PC and store the returned information in a database.
通過dmi,網絡就能查詢每臺pc機即每個桌面,看看它有什麽樣的軟件和硬件。 Through DMI, the network can query each PC or desktop to see what software and hardware it has.
歐洲南部和北非乾燥的叢林中的一種小灌木;栽培供欣賞其美麗的花和柔軟、芬芳、長有絨毛的常緑葉。 small shrubs of scrub and dry woodland regions of southern Europe and North Africa; grown for their showy flowers and soft often downy and aromatic evergreen foliage.
在假設軟件開發較快的情況下,人們會認為軟件方案將在計算領域獨領風騷許多年,但隨着軟件開發的延遲變得更嚴重、更常見,以硬件為特色的方案開始優於同類軟件方案。 Given the relative quickness of software development, one would think that software solutions would lead the computing agenda for many years.But as software delays have become more profound and commonplace, hardware-featured solutions are beginning to offer better solutions than their software counterparts.
市場是疲軟的。 The market is very quiet.
貨幣兌換在政府公佈匯率後更疲軟了。 Currency exchange is quieter after the government's statement on exchange rate.
如軟木塞在水中一樣毫無目的地來回動。 bob aimlessly, as of a cork in water.
拿走棉被,橡皮奶頭和又大又軟的枕頭。 Remove quilts, comforters, and big soft pillows.
編寫出色的軟件仍然是藝術多於科學,最好由怪痞、入迷並願意連續數月浸沉於棘手問題的電腦玩傢來做。 Writing brilliant software is still more art than science, best done by quirky and obsessive hackers willing to immerse themselves in thorny problems for months at a stretch.
軟件産業已經過幾代不同編程語言的發展,從機器語言、匯編語言到高級編程語言、再到rad(快速應用程序開發)工具和ide(集成開發環境),如visualc++、borlandc++、delphi和visualbasic。 The software industry has evolved through different generations of programming languages, from machine and assembly languages to higher level programming languages to RAD (Rapid Application Development) tools and IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like Visual C++, Borland C++, Delphi and Visual Basic.
普通的可食用歐洲産雙殼類軟體動物,圓殼並有輻射狀肋骨。 common edible European bivalve mollusk having a rounded shell with radiating ribs.
原始的棘皮動物,有五衹或更多的軟臂從中心圓盤放射狀伸出。 primitive echinoderms having five or more feathery arms radiating from a central disk.
結果,在公司計劃要開拓移動應用商機時,就得選擇可以極大地簡化開發、部署和管理應用程序和門戶方式的軟件平臺。 As a result, as companies plan to exploit mobile application opportunities, they need to choose a software platform that will radically simplify how they develop, deploy and manage mobile applications and portals.
舌突起,齒擔一種生理構造,位於大多數軟體動物的嘴底部,在這之上齒舌來回收縮以擊碎食物 A structure at the base of the mouth of most mollusks over which the radula is drawn back and forth in breaking up food.
不久他們來到一間安上軟墊的小屋前,聽見裏面傳出野獸般的怒吼。 Presently they came to a padded cell, in which could be heard a raging as of a wild beast.
脹大了的酒囊;刪除臃腫的存貨單的必要;葡萄幹浸泡後變得圓胖、柔軟、脹大;吸飽了血後腫脹的大蚊子。 distended wineskins; the need to clean out swollen inventories; the raisins were plump and soft and swollen from being soaked; huge blood-swollen mosquitoes.
這些軟件代理記下現有文檔中的變化和更新索引,並儲存到搜索引擎硬件的ram中。 These agents note changes within existing documents and update the index, which is stored in the search-engine hardware's RAM.
多數奔騰pc機配有32mram,作為標準配置,但是很多買傢期待用新的應用程序和微軟的windows98,把ram擴了一倍。 Most PentiumⅡ PCs are equipped with 32M of RAM as the standard configuration, but many buyers are doubling that in anticipation of new applications and Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 98.
獴任一種獴屬及相關種屬的東半球食肉哺乳動物,有一柔軟而靈活的軀體和長尾巴,善於捕食毒蛇 Any of various Old World carnivorous mammals of the genus Herpestes and related genera, having a slender agile body and a long tail and noted for the ability to seize and kill venomous snakes.
一種軟頂寬邊的帽子;供美國牧場工人戴。 a wide-brimmed hat with a soft crown; worn by American ranch hands.
他還說,這些軟件從1.5萬至10萬美元的價格也可能是個障礙。 Prices ranging from $15,000 to $100,000 can also be a barrier, he adds.
絮狀物小顆粒的小而鬆軟的塊或聚合物,象懸浮着或從溶液中沉澱出的一簇羊毛狀物 A small, loosely held mass or aggregate of fine particles, resembling a tuft of wool and suspended in or precipitated from a solution.