一份鐵扒魚片,一份炙鵪鶉,一份洋蔥牛排,一份法式調料拌的鮮蝦沙拉,一杯啤酒和一杯咖啡。 A Slice Crilled Fish, a Broiled Quail, a Steak with Onion, a Shrimp Salad with French dressing, a glass of beer and a cup of coffee.
他吃了蝦後,身上出現皮疹。 He broke out in a rash after eating prawns.
青德雞,上海風味華榮雞,麥當勞,加州牛肉面和蝦仁燒麥。 Fried kentuky chicken. Huarong chicken with shanghai flavour, Macdold. California beef noodle, and steamed shelled shrimps ravioli.
雷蒙:我們可以到我傢院子裏挖一些蚯蚓,或者在市場上買一些小蝦。 Raymond:We can either dig out some earth worms in my yard or buy some shrimps in the market.
雷蒙:我們可以到我傢院子裏挖一些蚯蚓,或者在市場上買一些小蝦。 Raymond: We can either dig out some earth worms in my yard or buy some shrimps in the market.
産於非洲南部的小竜蝦。 small lobster of southern Africa.
未受精的竜蝦卵;烹飪時變紅;用作裝飾或給醬油加色。 unfertilized lobster roe; reddens in cooking; used as garnish or to color sauces.
身體某一部位通過構造或細胞重組織的方式實現再生,産生有限新細胞;主要發生於無脊椎生物體,如竜蝦。 regeneration on a reduced scale of a body part; observed especially in invertebrates such as certain lobsters.
變形再生某一身體部位通過構造或細胞重組織的方式再生,並産生有限新細胞,主要發生於無脊椎生物體,如竜蝦 The regeneration of a body part by means of structural or cellular reorganization with only limited production of new cells, observed primarily in invertebrate organisms, such as certain lobsters.
我喜歡吃竜蝦喝酒。 I would relish a lobster and a bottle of wine.
我們有紅燒蝦,那是大蝦浸面漿後炸成的,還提供飯和色拉;我們還有上好的排骨,1份是8美元,包括色拉、馬鈴薯和飯任選1種再加1個小面包圈。 We have red shrimp, which is jumbo shrimp dipped in a batter,fried and serviced with rice and a side salad. We also have rib for only $8 a person which includes salad, choice of potato or rice and a roll.
油爆蝦和燒肉。 Deep fried shrimps and roasted pork.
人們進行了一些試驗來使這種蝦適應於淡水。 Experiments were made to adapt this variety of shrimp to fresh water.
為了保護漁業水域的生態環境,中國政府製定了《漁業水質標準》,有關部門還製定了《貝類生産環境衛生監督管理規定》等規章制度,並采取了一係列管理措施,加強對海洋魚、蝦類産卵嘗索餌嘗越鼕嘗洄遊通道、養殖場的生態環境保護。 To protect the ecological environment of fishing grounds, the Water Quality Standards of Fishing Grounds have been drawn up by the Chinese government and the Regulations on the Supervision and Control of the Environmental Sanitation of Shellfish-Raising Areas and other regulations have been drawn up by departments concerned. In addition, a sequence of measures have been taken to further strengthen the eco-environmental protection of spawning grounds of saltwater fish and shrimps, feeding grounds, wintering grounds, migration channels and aquatic farms.
海洋裏的生命,從明顯可見的大鯨魚、魚類、珊瑚、蝦、磷蝦和海藻,到微小的自由漂浮的細菌,十分豐富多樣。 Life is extremely abundant in the sea, from the obvious large whales, fish, corals, shrimp, krill and seaweed, to the microscopic bacteria floating freely in the seas.
好的。這裏的涮羊肉,涮牛肉,雞肉火鍋,鮮蝦火鍋及其它海鮮火鍋。 yes, you can have a choice of lamb, beef, chicken, shrimp or other seafood.
捕捉竜蝦尋找並捕捉竜蝦 To search for and catch lobsters.
摻有切碎的竜蝦的黃油,或用從竜蝦皮裏提取出來的精華調味的黃油。 butter blended with chopped lobster or seasoned with essence from lobster shells.
摻有切碎的河蝦的黃油,或用從蝦皮提取出來的精華調味的黃油。 butter blended with chopped shrimp or seasoned with essence from shrimp shells.
鰓足動物一種鰓足亞綱水生甲殼類動物,如神仙蝦和水蚤,特徵是身體分節,具有平直葉狀的胸腹附屬結構 Any of various aquatic crustaceans of the subclass Branchiopoda, such as the fairy shrimp and water flea, characterized by a segmented body and flattened, leaflike thoracic appendages.
甲殼綱動物任一種甲殼綱的數量占優的水生節肢動物,包括有螯蝦、蟹、蝦和藤壺等,其特徵是具有節狀身體、幾丁質的外骨骼以及成對的、有關節的腳 Any of various predominantly aquatic arthropods of the class Crustacea, including lobsters, crabs, shrimps, and barnacles, characteristically having a segmented body, a chitinous exoskeleton, and paired, jointed limbs.
(動物學)身體分成若幹連續的體節或部分,如蚯蚓或竜蝦。 (zoology) having the body divided into successive metameres or segments, as in earthworms or lobsters.
用熟竜蝦做餡的糕點。 a pastry shell filled with cooked lobster.
要麽,腰果蝦仁怎麽樣? Or, how about shelled shrimps with cashew nuts?
海鮮野餐將大蝦、蟹或淡水鰲蝦煮熟加上調味汁,然後用手去殼就食的野餐 A picnic featuring shrimp, crab, or crayfish boiled in large pots with spices, and then shelled and eaten by hand.
我常吃蝦、蟹及貝類食物. I eat lots of shellfish.
竜蝦是水生貝殼動物。 The lobster is a shellfish.
蝦味奶油濃湯一種由肉、魚或貝殼製成的含大量奶油的濃湯 A rich, creamy soup made from meat, fish, or shellfish.
(二)"漁業水域"是指魚蝦類的産卵場、索餌場、越鼕場、回遊通道和魚蝦貝藻類的養殖場。 "Fishing areas" means spawning grounds, feeding grounds, wintering grounds and migration channels of fish and shrimp as well as aquacultural grounds of fish, shrimp, shellfish and aquatic plants.
(五)“漁業水體”是指劃定的魚蝦類的産卵場、索餌場、越鼕場、回遊通道和魚蝦貝藻類的養殖場。 "Fishery water bodies" means those parts of water bodies designated for the spawning, feeding, wintering or migratory passage of fish or shrimp, and for breeding fish, shrimp or shellfish or growing algae.
為了保護漁業水域的生態環境,中國政府製定了《漁業水質標準》,有關部門還製定了《貝類生産環境衛生監督管理規定》等規章制度,並采取了一係列管理措施,加強對海洋魚、蝦類産卵場、索餌場、越鼕場、洄遊通道、養殖場的生態環境保護。 To protect the ecological environment of fishing grounds, the Water Quality Standards of Fishing Grounds have been drawn up by the Chinese government and the Regulations on the Supervision and Control of the Environmental Sanitation of Shellfish-Raising Areas and other regulations have been drawn up by departments concerned.
(一)“動物”是指飼養、野生的活動物、如畜、禽、獸、蛇、龜、魚、蝦、蟹、貝、蠶、蜂等; "Animals" mean the live animals, whether domesticated or wild, such as livestock, poultry, beasts, snakes, tortoises, fishes, shrimps and prawns, crabs, shellfishes, silkworms and bees;