約翰的祖父雖然年近八十,但動作仍很敏捷。 Although John's grandfather was almost eighty years old, he still moved with alacrity.
他雖然很老,動作仍很敏捷。 Although the man was very old, he still moved with alacrity.
雖然,嚴刑峻法也不可能完全杜絶罪案的發生,但是法正、管嚴肯定有阻嚇與抑製的效果。 Of course, crime cannot be eradicated even with tough laws and severe punishment. But the deterrent effect will make it clear to potential law-breakers that crime does not pay.
她受聘雖說是臨時性的,但卻是一大成功。 Her appointment was a significant, (al)though/albeit temporary success.
因為他是智謀,而不是用巫術,所以,雖然他出身於最破舊的雪屋,卻登上了首領的位子,在以後的歲月裏,他的臣民過着幸福的生活,沒有人因為饑餓而在夜裏暗暗哭泣。 Because he used head craft instead of withcraft, he rose from the poorest igloo to be the chief in the village. And for all the years that followed his people w ere happy. No one cried at night with pains of hunger.
敵人的情況也不同了,他將不再是裝備ak-47或semtex炸彈的簡簡單單的恐怖分子(雖然這樣的恐怖分子依然存在); The enemy will be different,too.No longer will it be the simple terrorist armed with an AK-47 or the Semtex bomb(although he will still be around);
更重要的是,有了這個基礎,再過五十年,再翻兩番,達到人均四千美元的水平,在世界上雖然還是在幾十名以下,但是中國是個中等發達的國傢了。 More important, if with this as a foundation we can continue to develop, in another 50 years we shall again quadruple our per capita GNP to $4,000. This will put China among the moderately developed countries, though its place will still be lower than that of dozens of others.
她自己為人也好,平日間待人接物,都很和藹,沒有一些兒氣,她傢裏有許多祖上的遺産,呼奴使婢,坐着穿吃,真的什麽都不用憂慮,衹有一件缺憾,就是她嫁了幾年,還不曾生個兒子,總覺得美中不足,雖然旁人沒因此就輕視了她。 She herself treated others very well. In all her dealings with everyone, she was friendly and completely without airs. Her family had a great deal of inherited wealth, with servants and maids at their beck and call; no one had to work for a living. Truly no one had to worry about anything. There was only one thing of great regret; that is, after several years of marriage, she had not been able to beget a son. She had therefore felt something missed in the midst of plenty, although no one thought any less of her on account of this.
日本的軍力、經濟力和政治組織力雖強,但這些力量之量的方面不足。 Japan's military, economic and political-organizational power is great but quantitatively inadequate.
中國方面,雖然在力量的強度上是劣勢,因此造成了戰略上的某種被動姿態,但是在地理、人口和兵員的數量上,並且又在人民和軍隊的敵愾心和士氣上,卻處於優勢,這種優勢再加上其他的有利因素,便減殺了自己軍力、經濟力等的劣勢的程度,使之變為戰略上的相對的劣勢。 As for China, though placed in a somewhat passive position strategically because of her inferior strength, she is nevertheless quantitatively superior in territory, population and troops, and also superior in the morale of her people and army and their patriotic hatred of the enemy; This superiority, together with other advantages, reduces the extent of her inferiority in military, economic and other power, and changes it into a relative strategic inferiority.
與一年前同期比較,二零零一年第一及第二季本地生産總值雖然仍錄得溫和的實質增長,增幅分別為2.2%及0.8%,但在第三及第四季已告回落,分別下跌0.4%及1.6%。 GDP registered modest increases by 2.2 per cent and 0.8 per cent respectively in real terms in the first two quarters of 2001 over a year earlier, before receding to declines of 0.4 per cent in the third quarter and 1.6 per cent in the fourth quarter.
沿河的堤岸,雖然衝垮了,或者說有幾個地段中斷了,還是沿着塞納河而下,從比利炮臺一直延伸到樹林炮臺,換言之,從今日豐登𠔌倉所在地直至杜伊勒裏宮所在地。 Its quay, broken or interrupted in many places, ran along the Seine, from the Tour de Billy to the Tour du Bois; that is to say, from the place where the granary stands to-day, to the present site of the Tuileries.
福達雖然不大明白這對他的問題有什麽幫助,但他對這衹會說話的烏龜感到很好奇,於是說:"那麽你說下去。" He didn't understand how this could help him in his quest, but he was so intrigued by this little tortoise that could speak, that he asked, "Tell me, then."
像很多社區裏藉藉無名而雄心萬丈的政客一樣,這位45歲的國會議雖一直奔走於律師事務所和工會。無非是尋求足夠捐款以換取政治威望。 Like little-known but ambitious politicians in many communities, the 45-year-old Congressman has been making the rounds of the state's la firms and union halls, all in a quest to raise enough money to buy political respect.
雖然她徹底地用力擦洗那衹舊壺,但她無法把它完全洗幹淨。 Although she scrubbed the old pot thoroughly, she could not make it look completely clean.
他雖然已經變得白發蒼蒼、瘦骨嶙峋,卻仍保持着一個神童的熱情和機靈,誰也不能懷疑他給指揮臺帶來的對樂麯理解的深度,尤其是近幾年他對樂麯的演釋能力比以往更強了。 Though he had become white-haired and craggy, he retained the passion and the quickness of a underkind, and no one could dispute his depth of understanding he brought to the podium, particularly in recent years, when his interpretive powers were sharper than ever.
雖然你的租期很短,我勸你千萬別急着搬走。” You will not think of quitting it in a hurry I hope, though you have but a short lease."
雖然這5個人種彼此間有一定的區別,但常常也很難區分,即很難確切地說出每個人種的特點。 Although these five races are certainly different from each other, it is often difficult to draw a clear dividing line between them or to say exactly what the features of each race are.
憲法雖然允許單一族群的政黨成立,但絶不允許鼓吹種族主義,排斥其他族群和歧視移民。 Besides, while the constitution allows the formation of a political group by people from the same race, advocacy of racism, discrimination against other ethnic groups, and prejudice against immigrants are prohibited.
雖然旅遊部門應使澳門是個有生氣的現代化城市,但與香港相比,它真正的魅力在於它的寧靜和令人放鬆。 Although the tourism industry would like to sell Maucau as a racy, modern city, its real appeal is that it offers a very quiet, relaxing contrast to Hong Kong.
農民的勞動雖然不一定在整個時期都持續進行,但肯定會占用相當長一段時間。 and though the labours of the agriculturist are not necessarily continuous during the whole period, they must occupy a considerable part of it.
雖然父親把暖氣設施搬走後屋子裏衣服凍得硬邦邦的,他們的居室仍然透着暖意。 Though clothes were frozen crunchy after her father took out the radiators, their house was a source of warmth.
修理汽車,雖然你很熟練,但如何修理收音機,你還不知道。 Although you are skilled in repairing cars, you are not dry behind the ears in repairing radios.
雖然十月的總雨量衹有112.8毫米,比正常少32.0毫米,但自本年一月一日起的纍積雨量則達3329.4毫米,比正常高55%,也超過了一九八二年錄得3247.5毫米的最高年雨量紀錄。 Rainfall in October amounted to only 112.8 millimetres or 32 millimetres below average. However, the accumulated rainfall since January 1 of 3 329.4 millimetres was 55 per cent above the normal figure, surpassing the previous record maximum annual rainfall of 3247.5 millimetres set in 1982.
雖然windows98對存儲器的要求與windows95相同,並能更好地管理存儲器,但“ram越多,性能就越好”。 While Windows 98 has the same memory requirements as Windows 95 and manages that memory better, "the more RAM, the better the performance."
與此同時,蘇聯隊雖然小組預賽中以17比19落後於日本,輸了關鍵的第五局,但在半場賽中他們擊敗了當時的世界頭號種子中國隊,讓世人為之一驚。 Meanwhile the USSR, which had lost 17-19 in the fifth to Japan in pool play, went on to leave the world aghast by blanking then top world power china in the semifinal.
雖然他的行動在當時看來就像一場閃電戰,但他後來卻後悔自己沒能更快。 And though he acted with what seemed at the time like blitzkrieg aggressiveness, he regretted in later years that he hadn't moved even faster.
很多孩子已經聽說過艾滋病、強姦和虐待兒童,雖然他們對其羞於啓齒,但是他們對這些事情很好奇。 Most of them have also heard about AIDS, rape, and child abuse, and they wonder about these things even if they are too shy to talk about it.
雖然媒體詳細報道大量的科技成就,但是,最近的調查顯示,把它們迅速轉化為生産力還需要做出很多努力。 Although media reports expound on the volume of scientific and technological achievements , recent surveys indicate that the rapidity of transforming same into productive forces leaves much to be desired.
但是,有多少人認識他並不重要,他是個印度族也不重要,重要的是他和各族、各階層民衆所結下的善緣,使他能以身作則,告訴全體新加坡人,我們雖然都愛護本身的文化、傳統和語文,但仍然可以不分彼此,共同愛護我們的國傢。 However, it does not matter how many people know him, orthat he is an ethnic Indian. What matters is the good rapport he has established with Singaporeans of all races and all social backgrounds. This enables him to set a good example for all Singaporeans, telling them that though we love our own cultures, traditions and languages, we can still overlook the differences among ourselves and love our nation as one.
但是,有多少人認識他並不重要,他是個印度族也不重要,重要的是他和各族、各階層民衆所結下的善緣,使他能以身作則,告訴全體新加坡人,我們雖然都愛護本身的文化、傳統和語文,但仍然可以不分彼此,共同愛護我們的國傢。 However, it does not matter how many people know him, or that he is an ethnic Indian. What matters is the good rapport he has established with Singaporeans of all races and all social backgrounds. This enables him to set a good example for all Singaporeans, telling them that though we love our own cultures, traditions and languages, we can still overlook the differences among ourselves and love our nation as one.
雖然某些女子項目也有很大的成績,但是由於未受到球迷足夠的關註,電視收視率不高或者是門票收入上不去,也是很難與男子的同類項目一樣受到重視。 Although some women's events have achieved great results, they have not received enough attention from the fans, and the audience rating of TV and the income of tickets are not high enough, it is hard to get equal attention with that of the men's.