二者結盟預計將縮短昆騰公司開發的環保汽車技術大規模投放市場的時間。 The alliance is expected to shorten the time to mass market commercialisation of vehicles using the environmentally-friendly technology being developed by Quantum.
通用公司周二宣佈已經買下昆騰科技公司(一傢位於加州專門為使用燃料電池的汽車生産配件的公司)百分之二十的股份。 General Motors said Tuesday it has purchased a 20 percent stake in Quantum Technologies, a California company specializing in producing components for fuel-cell cars.
昆騰公司首席執行官塞德-侯塞因說,通用公司想成為"第一傢生産一百萬輛使用燃料電池汽車並投放使用"的公司。 GM wants to be "the first company to put one million fuel cell vehicles on the road," said Quantum chief executive Syed Hussain.
那些房子準備拆掉,好騰出地方修飛機場。 Those houses are going to be pulled down to make room for an airfield.
友誼,是我痛苦靈魂的溫柔的安慰者。你嚮暴風祈求平靜,你把安定還給我的心;那熱血沸騰青春的偶像-我最珍貴的自由,你為我細心保存。 Friendship is a soft consolatory person on my miserable spirit.You pray quietness to storm and turn it back to me . That youth idol burning with righteous indingnation-my precious freedom,your friendship keeps it for me carefully.
當我們駕車穿越荒野時,由於散熱器缺水,汽車發動機水箱內的水沸騰了,但需要是發明之母,我們往散熱器裏加入車上帶着的兩升檸檬水。 We were driving across the moors when the car's engine boiled over through lack of water in the radiator, but necessity is the mother of invention and we topped it up with two litres of lemonade we had in the car.
翻騰的海浪平息了。 The raging sea was lulled.
暴風雨使得海浪翻騰。 The storm agitated the ocean.
多數奔騰pc機配有32mram,作為標準配置,但是很多買傢期待用新的應用程序和微軟的windows98,把ram擴了一倍。 Most PentiumⅡ PCs are equipped with 32M of RAM as the standard configuration, but many buyers are doubling that in anticipation of new applications and Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 98.
一個事業飛黃騰達的人。 someone whose career progresses rapidly.
激流翻騰的河水;翻騰的急流。 the river's roiling current; turbulent rapids.
燃燒的房子冒出滾滾濃煙;滾滾的濃煙;波濤起伏的海面;翻騰的急流。 billowing smoke from burning houses; the rolling fog; the rolling sea; the tumbling water of the rapids.
在《盜甲》一劇中以五張桌子高度翻騰而下,令人叫絶,重現《鼓上蚤》時遷的英姿。 In the Kunju Opera, Shi Qian Stole The Armor, he turned a somersault form the top of five tables in hight and reappeared Shi Qian's heroic bearing.
馬受驚而前腳騰空,將騎手掀翻在地。 The horse reared up in fear, throwing its rider off.
經船主這樣一問,騰格拉爾的臉頓時漲紅了。 Danglars turned very red.
圖騰崇拜對圖騰的信仰或因與某一圖騰所共有的緊密聯繫對血親關係的信仰 A belief in totems or in kinship through common affiliation to a totem.
有共同圖騰的民族與這樣一種物體共同緊密聯繫在一起的社會群體 A social group having a common affiliation to such an object.
勞作着的馬匹發出的臭氣也蒸騰進霧裏,仿佛所有的霧都是從它們身上散發出來的。 and the reek of the labouring horse steamed into it, as if they had made it all.
騰格拉爾想了一會兒。 Danglars reflected for a moment.
空翻下杠在雙杠、吊環或其他器械上進行的空中體育運動,尤指一百八十度騰空下杠的動作 An aerial gymnastic move performed on the parallel bars, rings, or other apparatus, especially a flying dismount with a somersault.
卡德魯斯又呆了一會,便離開老唐太斯,下樓去見騰格拉爾,後者正在西納剋街的拐角上等他。 Caderousse lingered for a moment, then taking leave of old Dantès, he went downstairs to rejoin Danglars, who awaited him at the corner of the Rue Senac.
建國三十一年來,我們確實犯過不少錯誤,包括嚴重的錯誤,其間幾經折騰,使人民受到了不少損失,也延緩了社會主義建設的進程。 It is true that in the 31 years since the founding of the People's Republic we have made quite a few mistakes, including some serious ones, and suffered repeated setbacks that adversely affected the life of the people and retarded the progress of socialist construction.
圖騰形象這樣一種物體的圖像 A representation of such an object.
我們暫且先放下不談騰格拉爾如何懷着仇恨,竭力在船主莫雷爾的耳邊講他的同伴的壞話的。且說唐太斯橫過了卡納比埃爾街,順着諾埃尹街轉入梅蘭巷,走進了靠左邊的一傢小房子裏。他在黑暗的樓梯上一手扶着欄桿,一手按在他那狂跳的心上,急急地奔上了四層樓梯。他在一扇半開半掩的門前停了下來,那半開的門裏是一個小房間。 WE WILL LEAVE Danglars struggling with the demon of hatred, and endeavoring to insinuate in the ear of the shipowner some evil suspicions against his comrade, and follow Dantès, who, after having traversed La Canebière, took the Rue de Noailles, and entering a small house, on the left of the Allées de Meillan, rapidly ascended four flights of a dark staircase, holding the baluster with one hand, while with the other he repressed the beatings of his heart, and paused before a half-open door, from which he could see the whole of a small room.
復仇的情緒在他的內心翻騰 Resentment seething within him.
在喬丹嚮着籃球框邊騰空而起的一個簡單的慢動作鏡頭之後,電視屏幕上閃現出一句話“誰說人不能飛?” The phrase "Who said man wasn's meant to fly?" flashed onto the screen after a simple slow-motion clip of Jordan soaring toward the rim.
暴徒殺氣騰騰地跑在街道上 Rioters running amuck in the streets.
翻騰以上下起伏、沸騰或蕩漾的形式運動,就象波濤一樣 To move in a tossing, bubbling, or rippling manner, as choppy water.
沸騰焙燒爐 fluidized bed roaster,fluidized roaster
為使圖像更清晰,netpc平臺至少需要一個100mhz或者更快的奔騰處理器,16mb內存,用於高速緩存的內置硬盤,支持以太網、光驅或硬件擴充槽、令牌環網、atm或isdn,與鍵盤、顯示器和光標指嚮裝置連接,調製解調器以及即插即用技術。 To make the picture clearer, the NetPC platform requires at least a 100 MHz or faster Pentium processor;16 MB of memory;an internal hard disk for caching;support for Ethernet, CD-ROM or hardware expansion slots, Token Ring, ATM or ISDN;connections for keyboard, displaying and pointing device;a modem;and plug-and-play technology.
翻騰表演雜技如翻筋鬥,翻滾或旋轉 To perform acrobatic feats such as somersaults, rolls, or twists.
“真的,”騰格拉爾說道,“法國人比西班牙人強,西班牙人還在苦苦思考之時,法國人則一拍腦袋主意就來了。” "True," replied Danglars; "the French have the superiority over the Spaniards, that the Spaniards ruminate, while the French invent."