  • Destroy
  • drown
  • exterminate
  • extinguish
  • go out
  • put out
  • wipe out
  1.   (of sb.)割斷(某人)咽喉; 毀...; 嚴重危害...; 使...亡   cut the throat
  2.   (使火)熄;(輪胎)爆裂   blow out
  3.   (對...造成)破壞, (使...)毀   do destruction to
  4.   (對於希望或理想的)突然幻猛然的醒悟, 突然的驚醒; 後悔莫及   rude awakening
  5.   (某人的)命運已經註定, 註定亡   one's doom is sealed doom
  6.   (火光)搖搖曳曳地熄滅   flicker out
  7.   ABC幹粉滅火劑   ABC powder extinguishing agent
  8.   D類幹粉滅火器   dry powder extinguisher
  9.   [俚]完蛋, 毀滅   go to pig's and whistle
  10.   [俚]毀滅, 化為烏有   go up the spout
  11.   [美、口]徹底打敗; 消; 根除   kick the hindsight out
  12.   [美、口]徹底打敗; 消; 根除   kick the hindsight off
  13.   [美、口]徹底打敗; 消; 根除   knock the hindsight off
  14.   [美、口]徹底打敗; 消; 根除   knock the hindsight out
  15.   [諺]上帝要毀其人, 必先使他失去理智。   Whom God would ruin, he first deprives of reason.
  16.   [諺]新火可以撲舊火; 新的愛情可以趕走舊的愛情。   One fire burns out another's burning.
  1. 始祖馬始新世産於美國西部的一種屬於蹄兔(或始祖馬)屬的哺乳動物,已絶,體型小,食草,前蹄四趾,後蹄三趾,為馬的遠祖
    A small, herbivorous, extinct mammal of the genus Hyracotherium(or Eohippus) from the Eocene Epoch of the western United States, having four-toed front feet and three-toed hind feet and related ancestrally to the horse.
  2. 9.把農業和工業結合起來,促使城鄉對立逐步消
    9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
  3. 糾正的方法:應指出絶對平均主義不但在資本主義沒有消的時期,衹是農民小資産者的一種幻想;就是在社會主義時期,物質的分配也要按照“各盡所能按勞取酬”的原則和工作的需要,决無所謂絶對的平均。
    The method of correction: We should point out that, before the abolition of capitalism, absolute equalitarianism is a mere illusion of peasants and small proprietors, and that even under socialism there can be no absolute equality, for material things will then be distributed on the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" as well as on that of meeting the needs of the work.
  4. 當飛機上的燈一下子熄時,旅客顯得很緊張,但當機長告訴他們這衹不過是一次電氣故障,很快就會修好時,他們纔放下心來。
    The passengers became alarmed when the lights went out on the plane, but the captain put their minds at rest when he told them it was only a minor electrical fault and it would soon be repaired.
  5. 馬科動物馬科的動物,例如野生亞洲種蒙古野馬或者是某些與現代馬有祖先關係的已絶的馬種
    Any of various equine mammals, such as the wild Asian species E. przewalskii or certain extinct forms related ancestrally to the modern horse.
  6.  對參加撲救外單位火災的專職消防隊、義務消防隊所損耗的燃料、火劑和器材、裝備等,依照規定予以補償。
    Full time fire brigade and obligatory fire brigade shall be compensated for fuel, extinguishant and device and equipage used in taking part of fire fighting and rescue for other units.
  7. 蘆木一種蘆木屬主要生長於石炭紀的、現已絶的樹木,與現代的草本馬尾草(蘆木屬)有一定聯繫
    Any of various extinct, chiefly carboniferous trees of the genus Calamites, related to the modern-day herbaceous horsetails(Equisetum).
  8. 現在的世界,是處在革命和戰爭的新時代,是資本主義决然死和社會主義决然興盛的時代。
    The world today is in a new era of wars and revolutions, an era in which capitalism is unquestionably dying and socialism is unquestionably prospering.
  9. 許多已經絶的中生代陸棲爬行動物。
    any of numerous extinct terrestrial reptiles of the Mesozoic era.
  10. 他們奮鬥的目標是消天花。
    Their goal was to eradicate smallpox.
  11. 根除,絶完全地毀壞或消除;絶,根除
    To destroy or remove completely; eradicate.
  12. (為了除草而)犁地耕、耙(土地)以便消或減少雜草
    To plow and till(land), especially to eradicate or reduce weeds.
  13. 世界扶輪社嚮衛生組織消小兒麻痹癥的工作贈款4億多美元,世界上的獅子俱樂部為兒童基金會的許多方案提供幫助。
    The world's Rotary Clubs have given more than $400 million to WHO's efforts to eradicate polio, and the world's Lions Clubs support many UNICEF programmes.
  14. 能夠被根除或者消
    able to be eradicated or rooted out.
  15. *世界衛生組織(衛生組織)協調的運動在全世界消了天花。
    * Smallpox was eradicated from the world through a campaign coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO).
  16. 從六十年代起,西藏就消了天花病,其他一些危害較大的傳染並地方病也得到了有效控製或被消
    Smallpox was eradicated early in the 1960s, and some other dangerous infectious and endemic diseases have also been effectively controlled or wiped out.
  17. 聯合國的兒童疾病全面免疫運動已消天花並使小兒麻痹癥病例數目減少99%,目標是到2005年徹底消小兒麻痹癥。
    UN campaigns for universal immunization against childhood diseases have eradicated smallpox and reduced cases of polio by 99 per cent, with the aim of eradicating it entirely by 2005.
  18. 隨着醫療衛生事業的發展,各種傳染並地方病的發病率大幅度下降,麻風、霍亂、鼠疫、天花等烈性傳染病基本被消
    With the development of medical and public health undertakings, the incidence of infectious and endemic diseases has been drastically reduced. Such highly infectious diseases as leprosy, cholera, the plague, and smallpox have been basically eradicated.
  19. 1915年土耳其人消了亞美尼亞人。
    The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915.
  20. 拒絶領取火災保險單後,一想到火災的毀性破壞,公司經理就感到恐懼。
    Having refused to take out fire insurance, the manager of the company quailed before the thought of ruin through fire.
  21. 水可滅火。
    Water will quench a fire.
  22. (如火等);撲
    To put out(a fire, for example); quench.
  23. 或熄,用於火或者燈。
    put out or quench, as of fires or lights.
  24. 滅火不論水清渾。
    Foul water as soon as fair will quench hot fire.
  25. 加油不是滅火法。
    Pouring oil on the fire is no way to quench it.
  26. 消防隊員們撲了火焰。
    The firemen quenched the blaze.
  27. 把他熄了的香煙扔進小溪裏;熄的蠟燭發出的微弱的煙;火已經熄了;熄了的火焰。
    threw his extinct cigarette into the stream; faint smoke from the extinguished candle; the fire is out; the quenched flames.
  28. 在科學釋放出可怕的破壞力量,把全人類捲入預謀的或意外的自我毀的深淵之前,讓我們雙方重新開始尋求和平。
    Both sides begin a new quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self destruction.
  29. 時,她的心害怕得突突直跳。
    Her heart quickened with fear as the lights went out.
  30. 海關消了被發現患有狂犬病的狗。
    The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid.
  31. 他們都想消各族歧視。
    They all want to do away with racial discrimination.
  32. 中國一貫認為,對於危及世界和平與安全的行為,諸如由殖民主義、種族主義和外國侵略、占領造成的粗暴侵犯人權的行為,以及種族隔離、種族歧視、絶種族、販賣奴隸、國際恐怖組織侵犯人權的嚴重事件,國際社會都應進行幹預和製止,實行人權的國際保護。
    China has always held that to effect international protection of human rights, the international community should interfere with and stop acts that endanger world peace and security, such as gross human rights violations caused by colonialism, racism, foreign aggression and occupation, as well as apartheid, racial discrimination, genocide, slave trade and serious violation of human rights by international terrorist organizations.