  • Bay
  • gulf
  • sinus
  • cove
  • bayou (lake)
  • creek
  • inlet
  • bend of stream
  • fleet
  1.   (加拿大)拉布拉多冷流(從巴芬 Baffin海經拉布拉多和紐芬蘭流入墨西哥流的北極寒流)   Labrador current
  2.   (月面)中長灣   Sinus-Medii
  3.   (月面)浪灣   Sinus Aestuum
  4.   (月面)虹灣   Sinus-Iridom
  5.   (月面)露灣   Sinus-Roris
  6.   (瑞典、芬蘭間的)波的尼亞   Gulf of Bothnia
  7.   (象海灣一樣)伸展   bay out
  8.   [美]墨西哥灣沿岸各州   the G-States
  9.   n.進口,水灣 vt.引進   inlet
  10.   【海】灣流   gulf stream countercurrent
  11.   丁阿蘭灣   Dingalan Bay
  12.   東京灣[日本]   Tokyo Bay
  13.   中華人民共和國保護臺同胞投資實施條例   Implementation Rules of the P.R.C. on the Protection of Investments by Compatriots from Taiwan
  14.   中國臺灣航空公司   China Air Lines of Taiwan
  15.   中文(臺灣)   Chinese (Taiwan)
  16. n.  亞丁, 亞丁灣   aden
  1. 比奧科,費爾南多波赤道幾內亞的一個島,位於幾內亞
    An island of Equatorial Guinea in the Gulf of Guinea.
  2. 幾內亞海內的一個島嶼,是赤道幾內亞的一部分。
    an island in the Gulf of Guinea that is part of Equatorial Guinea.
  3. 赤道幾內亞首都和最大城市,位於幾內亞的比奧科島。
    the capital and largest city of Equatorial Guinea on the island of Bioko in the Gulf of Guinea.
  4. 馬拉博,聖伊莎貝拉赤道幾內亞的首都和最大城市,位於幾內亞的比奧科。1827年由英國人建城。人口30,710
    The capital and largest city of Equatorial Guinea, on Bioko in the Gulf of Guinea. It was founded by the British in1827. Population,30, 710.
  5. 阿拉巴馬州西南的一條河流;流入木比耳
    a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay.
  6. 就以臺的語言政策來說,光復後為了根除日本殖民文化的影響,國民政府禁止人民說日語;
    Take Taiwanese language policy for example. After WWII, to eradicate the lingering influence of Japanese colonialism, the Nationalist government that came to Taiwan banned the speaking of Japanese.
  7. 亞拉巴馬州西南的一座港口城市,位於墨比爾
    a port in southwestern Alabama on Mobile Bay.
  8. 巴斯剋人居住在西班牙和法國毗臨比斯開的比利牛斯西部地區一個民族中一員,起源不明
    A member of a people of unknown origin inhabiting the western Pyrenees and the Bay of Biscay in France and Spain.
  9. 加竜河位於法國西南部的一條河,流程約563公裏(350英裏),大致源於西班牙比利牛斯山西北部,與波爾多北部的多爾多涅河匯集形成吉倫特海
    A river of southwest France flowing about563 km(350 mi) generally northwest from the Spanish Pyrenees to join the Dordogne River north of Bordeaux and form the Gironde estuary.
  10. 多哈卡塔爾首都,臨波斯。在1949年生産石油以前係小村莊。城市人口190,000
    The capital of Qatar, on the Persian Gulf. It was a tiny village before oil production began in1949. Population,190, 000.
  11. 阿拉伯半島亞洲西南部的一個半島,位於紅海與波斯之間。政治上它包括沙特阿拉伯、也門、阿曼、阿聯酋、卡塔爾、巴林及科威特。據估計,阿拉伯半島擁有世界儲油量的三分之一
    A peninsula of southwest Asia between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Politically, it includes Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait. Arabia has an estimated one third of the world's oil reserves.
  12.  (三)與中國建交國同臺通航問題。一個國傢的領空是該國領土不可分割的組成部分。
    Aviation services between Taiwan and countries having diplomatic relations with China Airspace is an inalienable part of a country's territory.
  13. “它不尋求執行一項長期嚮臺出售武器的政策,它嚮臺出售的武器在性能和數量上將不超過中美建交後近幾年供應的水平,它準備逐步減少它對臺的武器出售,並經過一段時間導致最後的解决。”
    "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."
  14. 美國政府在公報中聲明:“它不尋求執行一項長期嚮臺出售武器的政策,它嚮臺出售的武器在性能和數量上將不超過中美建交後近幾年供應的水平,它準備逐步減少它對臺的武器出售,並經過一段時間導致最後的解决。”
    the U.S. Government stated that: "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."
  15. 美國政府在公報中聲明:“它不尋求執行一項長期嚮臺出售武器的政策,它嚮臺出售的武器在性能和數量上將不超過中美建交後近幾年供應的水平,它準備逐步減少它對臺的武器出售,並經過一段時間導致最後的解决。”
    In that communique the U.S. Government stated that: "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."
  16. 地下鐵路觀塘綫的首部載客列車在一九七九年底投入服務,其後,荃綫、港島綫和東區過海鐵路隧道(連接觀塘和?魚涌)分別在一九八二、一九八五和一九八九年啓用。
    The first passenger train of the Kwun Tong Line of the MTR started operation in late 1979. The MTR was subsequently expanded to include Tsuen Wan Line (1982), Island Line (1985) and the Eastern Harbour Crossing rail tunnel (connecting Kwun Tong to Quarry Bay) (1989).
  17. 市政廳廣場前,阿剋·布賴格碼頭俯瞰着海。如今,它已經被精心改建成了步行街、購物中心和娛樂區。
    In front of the square of the City Hall, the quay that overlooks the fjord -- the Aker Brygge -- has been attractively restructured and turned into a walk, a shopping centre and an entertainment area.
  18. 我們成功解决了香港問題和澳門問題,正在為早日解决臺問題、完成祖國統一大業而繼續奮鬥。
    We have successfully resolved the questions of Hong Kong and Macao and are striving for an early settlement of the question of Taiwan and for the accomplishment of the great cause of national reunification.
  19. 在某些情況下,這些遊說人士是受臺資助的。
    In some cases,these lobbyists are aided by Taiwan.
  20. 福建中國東南部的一個省份,瀕臨東海和臺海峽。經濟以農業和漁業為主,省會為福州。人口27,130,000
    A province of southeast China on the East China Sea and the Formosa Strait. Agriculture and fishing are important to its economy. Fuzhou is the capital. Population, 27,130,000.
  21. 極少數“臺獨”分子鼓吹“獨立”,甚至投靠外國,妄圖將臺從中國分裂出去,這是違背包括臺同胞在內的全中國人民的根本利益的。
    They are radically distinct from those handful of "Taiwan independence" protagonists who trumpet "independence" but vilely rely on foreign patronage in a vain attempt to detach Taiwan from China, which runs against the fundamental interests of the entire Chinese people including Taiwan compatriots.
  22. 應當說,同胞要求當傢作主管理臺的願望是合情合理的、正當的,這不同於“獨立”,更與極少數堅持要走“臺獨”道路的人有着根本的區別。極少數“臺獨”分子鼓吹“獨立”,甚至投靠外國,妄圖將臺從中國分裂出去,這是違背包括臺同胞在內的全中國人民的根本利益的。
    It should be affirmed that the desire of Taiwan compatriots to run the affairs of the island as masters of their own house is reasonable and justified. This should by no means be construed as advocating "Taiwan independence". They are radically distinct from those handful of "Taiwan independence" protagonists who trumpet "independence" but vilely rely on foreign patronage in a vain attempt to detach Taiwan from China, which runs against the fundamental interests of the entire Chinese people including Taiwan compatriots.
  23. 一般生活在熱帶海及江口;沒有攻擊性。
    commonly found in tropical bays and estuaries; not aggressive.
  24. 記得在波斯戰爭期間,一度有謠言說伊拉剋的鬍先將對我國發射導彈,本地家庭主婦便紛紛囤積大米等基本必需品,將雜貨店搶購一空。
    At one point during the Gulf War, many housewives here ransacked store shelves to stock up basic necessities like rice after hearing rumours that Saddam Hussein might fire missles at us.
  25. 特拉緯斯美國密歇根州西北部一城市,位於大急流城北部,大特拉弗斯畔。它是一個位於旅遊區內的商貿中心。人口15,155
    A city of northwest Michigan on Grand Traverse Bay north of Grand Rapids. It is a trade center in a resort area. Population,15, 155.
  26. 長有暗色花的多毛植物;聖弗蘭西斯科地區。
    densely hairy plant with rayless flowers; San Francisco Bay area.
  27. 後來他進入巴勒斯坦,又流浪着進入歐洲,最後把所有錢花光,變得衣衫襤褸,窮睏潦倒;他站在西班牙巴塞羅納海岸邊,忽然一股巨浪捲入"赫拉剋勒斯墩"中間,這個貧窮痛苦、備受折磨、奄奄一息的人抵擋不住那極大誘惑,縱身跳入捲來的浪潮中,沉入泛泡的浪頭下,從此再沒起來。
    Afterward he came around into Palestine, then wandered on into Europe, and at last when his money was all spent and he was in rags, wretchedness, and poverty, he stood on the shore of that bay at Barcelona, in Spain, when a great tidal wave came rolling in between the pillars of Hercules, and the poor, afflicted, suffering, dying man could not resist the awful temptation to cast himself into that incoming tide, and he sank beneath its foaming crest, never to rise in this life again.
  28. 之所以又出現臺問題,與隨後中國國民黨發動的反人民內戰有關,但更重要的是外國勢力的介入。
    It became an issue only as an aftermath of the ensuing anti-popular civil war started by Kuomintang, and more especially because of intervention by foreign forces.
  29. 美國政府也重申堅持一個中國政策和對臺“三不支持”的承諾。
    The U.S. government has also reasserted its adherence to the One-China Policy and its commitment to the "Three Non-supports" for Taiwan.
  30. 神戶日本本州南部一城市,位於大阪沿岸、京都西南偏南。一個港口和製造業中心。現在的神戶幾乎完全是在二戰後重建起來的。人口1,410,843
    A city of southern Honshu, Japan, on Osaka Bay south-southwest of Kyoto. A port and manufacturing center, it was almost entirely rebuilt after World War II. Population,1, 410, 843.
  31. 名古屋日本本州中部一城市,位於伊勢的頂端、京都以東。是16世紀的一個要塞城鎮,在二戰遭受狂轟後被重建。人口2,116,350
    A city of central Honshu, Japan, at the head of Ise Bay east of Kyoto. A fortress town in the16th century, it was rebuilt after heavy bombing in World War II. Population,2, 116, 350.
  32. 巴丹半島菲律賓呂宋島西部的半島,在馬尼拉和南中國海之間。在第二次世界大戰中,經過一場持久的圍攻之後,1942年4月美軍和菲律賓軍隊嚮日軍投降。1945年2月,美軍收復了這個半島
    A peninsula of western Luzon, Philippines, between Manila Bay and the South China Sea. After an extended siege U.S. and Philippine World War II troops surrendered to the Japanese in April1942. U.S. forces recaptured the peninsula in February1945.