n. 涌來的大量工作、 滔滔不絶的話、 紛至沓來的信件. a deluge of work, words, letters
滾滾而來, 紛至沓來 roll in
紛至沓來; 密如雨點 (as) thick as hail
n. 紛至沓來的遊客、 觀光的人等. an inrush of tourists, visitors, etc
n. 蹣跚, 搖晃的腳步, 拖沓的腳步 shamble
n. 錳土, 沼錳礦, 填料, 軟填充物, 一塊(布), 一沓(紙), 一捆(鈔票), 塊狀軟物 wad
n. (文件或鈔票的), 沓, 捆 quantity of documents or banknotes folded, rolled or held together
然而,當我們的眼睛漸漸適應這紛陳雜沓的建築物時,還是可以區分出主要一些群體來的。 But these are the principal masses which were then to be distinguished when the eye began to accustom itself to this tumult of edifices.
各方請柬紛至沓來。 Invitations rained in on all sides.
石砌的山墻、尖角的屋頂、墻拐角懸空的小塔、石壘的金字塔、十五世紀石板方碑、城堡光禿禿的圓形主塔、教堂精細裝飾的方形塔,大的,小的,粗大厚重的,小巧玲瓏的,紛至沓來,叫人目不暇接。 the carved gable, the pointed roof, the turrets suspended at the angles of the walls;the stone pyramids of the eleventh century, the slate obelisks of the fifteenth; the round, bare tower of the donjon keep; the square and fretted tower of the church; the great and the little, the massive and the aerial.
海外客人紛至沓來,弄得他應接不暇。 He is besieged with visitors from abroad.
要他們參加宴會的邀請紛至沓來 They were besieged with invitations to parties.
紛至沓來的追星族來信 A deluge of fan mail.
對於日本的銀行竊賊來說,不論什麽妨礙他們得到大沓大沓的鈔票,他們都會將之統統"端掉"。 Bank robbers in Japan are increasingly willing to demolish anything in their path to get at wads of cash.
走路慢而且拖沓腳擡不起來。 walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your feet.
把一沓紙放在適當位置的扣件。 a fastener for holding a sheet of paper in place.
滯後現象一個結果在原因之後拖沓,比如一個物體的磁化變化要比一個磁場變化慢 The lagging of an effect behind its cause, as when the change in magnetism of a body lags behind changes in the magnetic field.
“玩噱頭,”他轉身走開,想道,在紛至沓來的衆多印象之中卻也有時間感到一種義憤:為什麽要拿這麽多的美來玩噱頭? "A trick picture," was his thought, as he dismissed it, though in the midst of the multitudinous impressions he was receiving he found time to feel a prod of indignation that so much beauty should be sacrificed to make a trick.
隨後其他的禮物也紛至沓來。 And others came, too.
這樣做,難免有時要犯一點錯誤,但這種錯誤比那種議而不决、决而不行、拖拖沓沓、長期解决不了問題的錯誤好得多,也容易糾正。 Naturally, under this system it may be difficult to avoid mistakes, but that is still a better situation -- and easier to rectify -- than one in which there are discussions without decisions, decisions without implementation, and endless procrastination and delays in solving problems.
用來鎮壓一沓紙的重物。 a weight used to hold down a stack of papers.
他從衣袋裏掏出一沓面額10英鎊的錢. He pulled a wad of 10 notes out of his pocket.
拖沓而行疲憊地或沉重地拖動(如身體) To drag(the body, for example) wearily or heavily.
贅語無意義的施沓冗長的短語或句子 A wordy phrase or sentence that has little meaning.