  • wipe
  • act or process of rubbing
  • act of wiping
  • wipe
  • erase
  • rubbing (brush stroke in painting)
  • clean
  • polish
  • bark
  • Rub
  • brush
  • scrape
  • wipe, scrub, rub, scour
  1. n.  &a.光印花布, 印花棉布, 印花棉布(亦作chints)   chintz
  2.   (便)洗掉; (便)擦除   scrub off
  3.   (拳擊)(扔掉身用的海綿)認輸, 投降; 放棄鬥爭   throw [toss, chuck] up [in] the sponge
  4. n.  /是摩擦輔音.   W
  5.   1(2) 用橡皮掉(某物, 尤指鉛筆痕跡等)   be removed by using a rubber
  6.   [俚]擦破皮膚(there is)   lose leather
  7.   [口]擦破小腿   bark one's shin
  8.   n.青腫,傷痕;擦傷   bruise
  9.   “擦”靶   dust ” a target
  10.   【醫】濕擦   moist friction
  11.   【物】動磨擦   kinetic friction
  12. n.  一瞥, 閃光, 一滑, 匆匆一看, 眼色, 一閃, 光澤, 閃爍, 過, 約略的提到, 影射, 輝礦類, 眼光, 滑過, 掠過   glance
  13. adj.  不能消除的, 不能拭除的, 難忘的, 難掉的, 不可磨滅的, 永恆的, 不掉的, 去不掉的   indelible
  14. v.  與某物)摩擦   and sliding about on it (
  15. n.  絲音, 齒擦音   sibilant
  16. n.  兩個棍棒相互摩能起火.   Friction between two sticks can create a fire
  1. 用來修飾說明某種存儲媒體,可以將其存儲的數據除去,以便存儲新的數據。例如磁帶是可除的,紙帶是不可除的。該術語也用於可重新編程的衹讀存儲器(集成電路)。
    A term applied to a storage medium that permits data to be removed, leaving the medium in a condition to receive new data. Magnetic tape, for example, is"erasable" and paper tape is not. The term is also applied to a read-only memory(integrated circuit) that can be reprogrammed by the user.
  2. 用來掉某物的工具。
    an implement used to erase something.
  3. 掉或消除;抹去
    To rub or wipe out; erase.
  4. 掉黑板上的公式,它是錯的。
    Please erase the formula on the blackboard--it is wrong!
  5. 用海綿狀物除;像在黑板上的名字。
    erase with a sponge; as of words on a blackboard.
  6. 掉,磨掉或刷掉(字跡或其他標記)
    To wipe out, rub off, or erase(writing or other markings).
  7. 又叫洗頭,它被裝在讀寫磁頭的結構中,與主磁隙相似,也有執行讀寫的磁隙。
    Also erase head, that is incorporated in the structure of the read/write head with gaps that"follow behind" the main gap where reading and writing are performed.
  8. 在存儲媒體上進行讀、寫或除數據的一種部件,例如,用於在磁鼓、磁帶上讀、寫或除數據的小型電磁體。
    A device that reads, writes, or erases data on a storage medium, for example, a small electromagnet used to read, write, or erase data on a magnetic drum or magnetic tape.
  9. 不能掉或洗掉的墨水。
    ink that cannot be erased or washed away.
  10. 去試卷上的鉛筆筆跡然後遞給了老師。
    He erased pencil marks form the test paper and handed to the teacher.
  11. 為了防止原始文件被破壞或掉,他復製了備份。
    he made a backup in case the original was accidentally damaged or erased.
  12. 寫編程的衹讀存儲器可編程衹讀存儲器,可經紫外綫照射後去掉原程序後再編程
    A programmable read-only memory that can be erased by exposure to ultraviolet light and then reprogrammed.
  13. 一種衹讀存儲器,其中的內容可以除,使存儲器成為空白狀態。
    A type of read only memory that can is erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state.
  14. 一種衹讀存儲器,其中的內容可以除,使存儲器成為空白狀態。
    A type of read-only memory that can be erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state.
  15. 衹讀存儲芯片可以被紫外綫輻射去並且可以輸入新的數據。
    (computer science) a read-only memory chip that can be erased by ultraviolet light and programmed again with new data.
  16. 重寫本尤指紙莎草紙或羊皮紙的底稿,已被寫了不止一次,以前寫的東西已被不完全掉,通常是清晰易讀的
    A manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible.
  17. 約翰花了數小時纔把資料輸入了電子計算機,但電源一斷便去了機器中的存儲量,他的一切全白費了。
    John had spent hours keying data into the computer, but it all went down the drain when a power cut erased the machine’s memory.
  18. 由於早期作品的一部分被去但仍可見而所寫的不止一個的手稿(通常寫在紙草或羊皮紙上)。
    a manuscript (usually written on papyrus or parchment) on which more than one text has been written with the earlier writing incompletely erased and still visible.
  19. 我使用橡皮擦。
    I use an eraser.
  20. 你可以用黑板把粉筆印掉。
    You can rub out the chalk marks with the eraser.
  21. 我的孩子,把這些錯字用橡皮掉。
    My boy, wipe these wrong words out with a pencil eraser.
  22. 他用黑板把他在黑板上寫的東西全掉了。
    He wiped out with an eraser what he had written on the blackboard.
  23. 老師用黑板去黑板上的字。
    The teacher wiped out with an eraser what she had written on the board.
  24. 這回我的橡皮又到哪去了?不要不說一聲就拿別人桌子上的東西,好嗎?
    Now where do my eraser go this time? do not take thing off other people's desk without asking them, o.k.?
  25. 這回我的橡皮又到哪去了?不要不說一聲就拿別人桌子上的東西,好嗎?
    Now where does my eraser go this time? Do not take thing off other people 's desk without asking them, o.k.?
  26. 橡皮製成的子(或有和橡皮接近的人造材料製成);一般裝在鉛筆的末端。
    an eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber); commonly mounted at one end of a pencil.
  27. 檢查、修改、代替或去文檔內容一部分的過程。
    The inspection, modification, replacement or erasure of part of file's contents.
  28. (商標)鈷基合金,含鉻和其他金屬,非常堅硬,用於切削工具或摩大的表面。
    (trademark) a cobalt-base alloy with chromium and other metals; very hard; used to make cutting tools and for surfaces subject to heavy wear.
  29. 我們得衝洗油漆面,洗地板。你是否註意到要幹髒活時布賴恩總是消失得無影無蹤?
    We've got to wash down the paintwork and scrub the floor. Have you noticed how Brian is always missing when there's dirty work to be done?
  30. 當你將墨水濺到地毯上,要趕快把它幹淨,晚了就不掉了。
    When you spill ink on the carpet, remove it straight a way-you won't be able to scrub it out late.
  31. 於是,王子學會了怎樣取木柴,洗鍋碗瓢盆,以及許多別的傢務事。
    So it was that the prince learned to fetch wood, scrub pots and pans, and do many other household chores.
  32. 地板永遠要朝適當的方向去,也就是要順着的方向去
    Let it be constant rule to scrub the boards the right way; that is lengthways.