  • thrust
  • bunt
  • choose
  • hustle
  • push
  • shove
  • trundle
  • act of pushing
  • use force in order to move sth away from oneself
  • refuse (responsibility)
  • push, expel
  • push forward
  • deduce
  • act or movement of thrusting
  1. v.  &n.推, 撞, 擠, 推, 爭奪   jostle
  2. v.  &n.推測,臆測   conjecture
  3.   (如爬墻時)把某人往上一   give sb. a hoist
  4.   (經過調查及理等)設想犯罪情況   reconstruct a crime
  5.   (繼續)嚮前進; ...進;【軍】進入檢閱場地   march on
  6. v.  )是, 尤指用手指或棍棒, 如為使物體移動   = push, especially with a finger or stick, in order, for example, to make something move *prod (at
  7. n.  , 是為了引起他人註意或因為可能打擾他人, 如打斷別人談話、 在人群中擠別人、 不同意別人的意見   her 我們說Excuse me
  8. vt.  , 短打(球), (在平地上)把球輕輕打進(洞), …桿使球進(洞), vi.輕輕擊球入洞   putt
  9. n.  ...年級學生, 分類者, 分類機, 平地機, 土機, ...年級生, 分級機   grader
  10. n.  1.商品銷2.商品廣告, 廣告片, 商品銷, 商品廣告   promo
  11.   U形鏟刀式推土機   U-blade bulldozer
  12.   Z形推進係   Z-peller
  13.   [俚]殺死, 幹掉; 用力開   bump off
  14.   [口]卸責任, 把為難的事給別人   pass the baby
  15.   [口]卸責任, 把為難的事給別人   pass the buck
  16.   [口謔]是貓打破的; 不是我搞的。(托責任的話)   The cat did it.
  1. 聖公會教區委員聖公會教區委員會中選的兩位主要執事之一
    One of two elected chief lay officers of the vestry in the Episcopal Church.
  2. 無産階級在普遍激動的時代、在翻封建社會的時期直接實現自己階級利益的最初嘗試,都不可避免地遭到了失敗,這是由於當時無産階級本身還不夠發展,由於無産階級解放的物質條件還沒有具備,這些條件衹是資産階級時代的産物。
    The first direct attempts of the proletariat to attain its own ends, made in times of universal excitement, when feudal society was being overthrown, these attempts necessarily failed, owing to the then undeveloped state of the proletariat, as well as to the absence of the economic conditions for its emancipation, conditions that had yet to be produced, and could be produced by the impending bourgeois epoch alone.
  3. adams在1981年的時候與a&m唱片公司簽約並與年底出了他的處女作,但遺憾的是,該專輯並不十分成功,甚至沒有能夠成為打榜專輯。
    Adams landed a solo record contract with A&M Records in 1981,releasing an eponymous album by the end of year;it failed to make the charts.
  4.  對消防工作,應當加強科學研究,廣、使用先進消防技術、消防裝備。
    Science research and promotion on fire control work should be reiterated and advanced fire control technology and equipage should be adopted.
  5. 這件事過去以後,達西要求彬格萊小姐和伊麗莎白小姐賞賜他一點音樂聽聽,彬格萊小姐便敏捷地走鋼琴跟前,先客氣了一番,請伊麗莎白帶頭,伊麗莎白卻更加客氣、更加誠懇地辭了,然後彬格萊小姐纔在琴旁坐下來。
    When that business was over, he applied to Miss Bingley and Elizabeth for the indulgence of some music. Miss Bingley moved with alacrity to the piano-forte, and after a polite request that Elizabeth would lead the way, which the other as politely and more earnestly negatived, she seated herself.
  6. 努力動建立公正合理的國際政治經濟新秩序,為人類和平與發展的崇高事業作出自己應有的貢獻。
    We will work to expedite the establishment of a just and equitable new international political and economic order and make our due contribution to the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind.
  7. 答辯依據或表明公正的法律案件應被遲、駁回或阻止的一個或多個原因的特定的回答
    A special answer depending on or demonstrating one or more reasons why a suit should be delayed, dismissed, or barred in equity law.
  8. 在此基礎上,嚴格把關,審查薦了債轉股企業601戶,擬轉股總額4596億元。
    On this basis, following stringent screening, it has reviewed and recommended as many as 601 enterprises for debt-to-equity swaps and the amount planned for debt-to-equity swaps is expected to total RMB 459.6 billion.
  9. 推諉;狡辯
    To be evasive; equivocate.
  10. 農民協會是青年和壯年農民當權,所以對於翻神權,破除迷信,是各處都在進行中的。
    Since the latter control the associations, the overthrow of religious authority and the eradication of superstition are going on everywhere.
  11. 我從書架上伸手摸到了這本書和一瓶墨水,便把門開一點,漏進點亮光,我就寫字消遣了二十分鐘。
    I reached this book, and a pot of ink from a shelf, and pushed the house door ajar to give me light, and I have got the time on with writing for twenty minutes;
  12. 她緩慢地開玻璃門,步履蹣跚地走到離她最近的貨架之間,邁出每一步似乎都在忍受着疼痛。
    Walking as if each step were painful, she slowly pushed open the glass door and hobbled down the nearest aisle.
  13. 您擋着通道,空中小姐着飲料車無法通過。
    You is blocking the aisle and the stewardess can not get past with the drinks trolley.
  14. 您擋着通道,空中小姐着飲料車無法通過。
    You are blocking the aisle and the stewardess can not get past with the drinks trolley.
  15. 這一部分是因為有四億美元的銷售收入,另外一個很重要的因素便是gao專賣店出的有關“跟我一起跳搖擺舞”活動的電視廣播宣傳效果,以及老海軍服飾(oldnavyproducts)奇特的引人矚目的廣告形象卡麗o道樂凡。1998年的收入提高了45%,稅收達到了88億美元。
    Thanks in part to nearly $400 million worth of marketing, much of it spent saturating television airwaves with the Gap stores' "jump and jive" campaign and the Old Navy division's odd but attention-grabbing ads featuring Carrie Donovan, 1998 earnings soared 45 percent to $775 million on revenue of $8.8 billion.
  16. 我可以毫無保留地薦他。
    I can recommend him without qualification.
  17. 全面行職業資格證書制度,並建立了從初級工到高級技師的職業資格體係。
    The vocational qualification credentials system is being introduced, and a vocational qualification system has been set up covering workers at all levels, from basic workers to senior technicians.
  18. 自我動的易於駕駛的飛船。
    a steerable self-propelled airship.
  19. 它的主要表現和危害是:高高在上,濫用權力,脫離實際,脫離群衆,好擺門面,好說空話,思想僵化,墨守陳規,機構臃腫,人浮於事,辦事拖拉,不講效率,不負責任,不守信用,公文旅行,互相諉,以至官氣十足,動輒訓人,打擊報復,壓製民主,欺上瞞下,專橫跋扈,徇私行賄,貪贓枉法,等等。
    Its harmful manifestations include the following: standing high above the masses, abusing power, divorcing oneself from reality and the masses; spending a lot of time and effort to put up an impressive front;Indulging in empty talk; Sticking to a rigid way of thinking; Being hidebound by convention; Overstaffing administrative organs; Being dilatory, inefficient and irresponsible; Failing to keep one's word; Circulating documents endlessly without solving problems; Shifting responsibility to others; And even assuming the airs of a mandarin, reprimanding other people at every turn, vindictively attacking others, suppressing democracy, deceiving superiors and subordinates, being arbitrary and despotic, practising favouritism, offering bribes, participating in corrupt practices in violation of the law, and so on.
  20. 大力進素質教育,加強學校思想政治工作,促進學生德智體美全面發展。
    We will intensify our efforts to improve quality-oriented education and strengthen ideological and political work at schools in order to help our students improve their moral qualities, intellectual ability, physical fitness and aesthetic appreciation.
  21. 有一個動器的飛機。
    an airplane with a single propeller.
  22. 由渦輪噴氣發動機動的飛機。
    airplane powered by a turbojet engine.
  23. 專傢係統中使用的一種量,該量可以指定為一個數值,並使係統出有關的實際物理量。對照assertion。參閱rule。
    In expert system, a quantity which may be assigned a numerical value and allows the system to reasonabout real physical quantities.
  24. 可遵守的一項物理特性,能直接觀察或測量到,如重或溫度,而不象功或熵等這一類,這些必須從所觀測到的各種不同的量算出來
    A physical property, such as weight or temperature, that can be observed or measured directly, as distinguished from a quantity, such as work or entropy, that must be derived from observed quantities.
  25. 引力微子一種假想粒子,被假定為引力相互作用的量子,並被測為具有無限長壽命、零電荷和零靜止質量
    A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
  26. 為了讓新加坡所有的學校瞭解會館動提高華文的工作,每期出版的《三山季刊》都郵寄給所有的學校。
    To publicise its efforts in promoting the Chinese language, its quarterly publication is delivered to all schools.
  27. 小組每季舉行一次會議,討論並行方便營商的措施,例如削減繁瑣規則、取締過分規管、評估規管建議的影響、把某些公營服務轉為私營,以及引進新服務或提升現有服務等。
    It meets quarterly to take forward 'helping business' initiatives in such areas as cutting government red tape, deregulation, impact assessment of regulatory proposals, transfer of public services to the private sector and introduction of new and improved services.
  28. 讓男人們表達情感的動力是我們被認定為有感情,不錯,我們確實有一些,但隱而不露,若要表達出來就會破壞其真實性。
    The push for men to express their feelings presumes that we have feelings, and we do have a few, but they remain submerged, and the airing of them often violates their authenticity.
  29. 我嚮您薦魚香肉絲、宮保雞丁、回鍋肉和豆瓣鯽魚。
    I would recommend the Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce, the Sauted Chicken Cubes with Chili and Peanuts, Twice-Cooked Pork Slices and the Crucian Carp with Chili Bean Sauce.
  30. 此外,教委會與語文教育及研究常務委員會聯合組成的工作小組,亦進行了一項抽樣問捲調查,藉此瞭解現行教學語言政策在行上所遇到的問題,以協助當局製定這方面的長遠政策。
    A Working Group comprising members of BOE and the Standing Commission on Language Education and Research conducted a sampled questionnaire survey to find out the problems related to the implementation of the existing policy for medium of instruction (MOI) to help the administration formulate a long-term MOI policy.
  31. 渦流由船槳、進器、噴氣機或機翼運動引起的空氣或水的渦流
    Turbulence in air or water caused by the motion or action of an oar, propeller, jet, or airfoil.
  32. 不要,我比你先來排隊的。
    Don't push! I came before you in the queue.