  • for one's own use, esp without permission or illegally
  • sth
  • grasp
  • grip
  • hold
  • appropriate
  • hold
  • seize
  • catch
  • apprehend
  • take
  • take
  • in the hands
  • take, hold, grasp
  • bring
  • with
  1.   (加大)拉布拉多冷流(從巴芬 Baffin海灣經拉布拉多和紐芬蘭流入墨西哥灣流的北極寒流)   Labrador current
  2.   (藥物等)先別人作試驗   try it on the dog
  3.   [俗]某人[事]開玩笑, 貶低某人[事]   take the piss out of sb.
  4.   [俗]某人[事]開玩笑, 貶低某人[事]   take the piss out of sth.
  5.   [俚]別那麽神氣, 別那麽 架子   let your hair dry
  6.   [俚]一切打賭; 確信; 管保沒錯   bet one's life
  7.   [口]為...所纍(I couldn't run to catch the bus, as I was helped up with a lot of parcels. 我因為着許多大包?? 沒法跑去趕公共汽車。)   be helped up with
  8.   [口]幾乎確定無疑, 十九準   Lombard Street to a China orange
  9.   [口]幹自已最喜愛的事; 做自已最手的事; 以自已的風格或特長表現自已的性格   do one's (own) thing
  10.   [口]把...趕出去; 說[]出(Out with him! [古]趕他出去! 叫他滾蛋! Out with it! 把它走! 說出來吧! 講講看!)   out with
  11.   [口]...取笑; 挑...毛病   chip at
  12.   [口]插嘴, 參入(打架), 湊錢, 捐助, 錢賭   chip in
  13.   [口]說話兌現; 說錢就錢   put one's money where one's mouth is
  14.   [美]“青鼻子”(美國東北部新英格蘭人或加大東部的諾法斯科細亞人的外號, 因該地氣候極寒, 把人們的鼻子都凍青, 故有此外號)   blue noses
  15.   [美]得奬, 拿錦旗   bring down the persimmon
  16.   [美]幹薪; 占據高薪而清閑的職位   feed at the public trough
  1. 産於加大西北部和阿拉斯加。
    of northwestern Canada and Alaska.
  2. 在最近的一個早上,當人們發現邁剋爾·h的時候,他正睡在蘭開斯特郊區的聖保羅聖公會教堂的地板上。他已經有幾個月沒有理發和颳臉了,身邊散落着從教堂配餐室來的金槍魚的空罐頭盒和湯。
    Michael H. had not had a shave or haircut in months when he was found one recent morning, sleeping on the floor of St. Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry.
  3. 當本把牛奶器皿從金屬托架上下來的時候,終於面色陰鬱地說出了事情的大概。
    Today, however, he was the epitome of gloom as he dropped off his wares from hiswire carrier. It took slow, careful questioning to extract the story from him.
  4. 阿拉丁把燈給他母親看:“我們可以把燈賣了,錢買食物。”
    Aladdin showed the lamp to his mother, "We can sell this and bring food with the money."
  5. 好這藥粉,”阿拉丁對公主說,“把它放進魔術師的食物裏。
    "Take this powder," Aladdin said to the Princess." Put it in the Magician's food.
  6. 阿拉丁下了洞,到了燈。
    Aladdin went down the hold and took the lamp.
  7. 不許把參考書出閱覽室。
    Reference book is not al low to is take out of the read room.
  8. 是的,我還了你的橡皮。
    Yes, I have your eraser, too.
  9. 這回我的橡皮擦又到哪去了?不要不說一聲就別人桌子上的東西,好嗎?
    Now where do my eraser go this time? do not take thing off other people's desk without asking them, o.k.?
  10. 這回我的橡皮擦又到哪去了?不要不說一聲就別人桌子上的東西,好嗎?
    Now where does my eraser go this time? Do not take thing off other people 's desk without asking them, o.k.?
  11. 分佈於加大東南部和美國東北部的一種速生金字塔形落葉樹,中等至高大,葉具深羽裂,秋季變鮮紅色;在潮濕地區生長繁茂。
    fast-growing medium to large pyramidal deciduous tree of northeastern United States and southeastern Canada having deeply pinnatifid leaves that turn bright red in autumn; thrives in damp soil.
  12. 梅特涅,剋萊蒙·溫澤爾·內波姆·洛泰爾·馮1773-1859奧地利政治傢,幫助組織神聖同盟,最終打敗破侖一世
    Austrian politician who helped form the Quadruple Alliance that ultimately defeated Napoleon I.
  13. 我看,到本世紀末我們肯定會超過翻兩番的目標,到那個時候我們經濟力量強了,就可以出比較多的錢來更新裝備。
    I am certain that by the end of the century we can surpass the goal of quadrupling the GNP. At that time, when we are strong economically, we shall be able to spend more money on updating equipment.
  14. 可憐的朱庇特驚慌失措,魂不附體,塗滿脂粉的紅臉蛋煞白,丟下霹靂,下頭盔,頻頻鞠躬,戰戰兢兢,口裏吶吶道:“紅衣主教大人……御使們……弗朗德勒的瑪格麗特公主……”語無倫次,連他自己都不知道說什麽。
    Poor Jupiter, quaking, bewildered, pale beneath his rouge, dropped his thunder-bolt and took his helmet in his hand; then bowing and trembling: “His Eminence,” he stammered, “the Ambassadors—Madame Marguerite of Flanders—” he could get no farther.
  15. 你可能暈機了,我馬上給你藥。
    You're probably airsick, and I'll get some medicine for you right away.
  16. 我把暈機的袋子準備好…去。
    Let me get the airsick bag ready…here.
  17. 我們黨內有這樣兩種人。一種人老是共産黨員的牌子和革命多少年的資格去壓別人,硬要黨外人士服從自己,說話態度生硬,架子擺得很大,以為這就是“領導”。
    Within our Party there are two kinds of people: one kind use their Party membership and seniority in the revolution to intimidate other people, insisting that people outside the Party obey them. They speak rudely to others and put on airs, regarding this as "exercising leadership".
  18. 香港輸往歐洲聯盟、加大和美國的紡織品及成衣數量仍受到限製。
    Hong Kong's textiles exports to the European Union, Canada and the United States continued to be subject to certain quantitative restrictions.
  19. 被告承認有責任,但案子還是到法庭審判,因為雙方當事人不能就損害賠償金金額達成協議。
    Liability is admitted by the defendant, but the case go to trial because they can not agree the quantum of damages.
  20. 被告承認有責任,但案子還是到法庭審判,因為雙方當事人不能就損害賠償金金額達成協議。
    Liability was admitted by the defendant, but the case went to trial because they could not agree the quantum of damages.
  21. 寄往加大的航空信要多少郵費?
    How much is the postage for an airmail letter to Canada?
  22. 阿爾馬加大魁北剋中南部城市,在薩格內河一側,在此地有大理石采石場。人口26,322
    A city of south-central Quebec, Canada, on the Saguenay River. There are granite quarries in the area. Population,26, 322.
  23. 如果可以選擇,美國男子希望成為像籃球奇跡邁剋爾·喬丹或者美式足球四分衛喬·蒙大那樣的體育明星(即便是這兩位紳土都很富有也沒什麽)。
    Given his choice, the American man wants to be a sports star like basketball wonder Michael Jordan or football quarterback Joe Montana.
  24. 分佈於加大的魁北剋的法語。
    the French language as spoken in Quebec, Canada.
  25. 法裔加人祖籍法國,現住加大的人,尤其是魁北剋人或是在路易斯安那的人
    An inhabitant of French descent living in Canada, especially Quebec, or in Louisiana.
  26. 北部水域的小鮭魚;魁北剋(加大東部)和新英格蘭北部內陸水域常見。
    small trout of northern waters; landlocked populations in Quebec and northern New England.
  27. 魁北剋省南部的一城市,位於聖勞倫斯河畔;魁北剋省最大城市,加大第二大城市;世界上說法語人數第二的城市。
    a city in southern Quebec province on the Saint Lawrence River; the largest city in Quebec and 2nd largest in Canada; the 2nd largest French-speaking city in the world.
  28. 安茹加大魁北剋南部的一個城鎮,蒙特利爾的郊區,人口37,346
    A town of southern Quebec, Canada, a suburb of Montreal. Population,37, 346.
  29. 大首都,位於跨越發源於魁北剋省的渥太華河的安大略湖的東南。
    the capital of Canada (located in southeastern Ontario across the Ottawa river from Quebec).
  30. 凡爾登加大魁北剋省南部的一個城市,它是蒙特利爾的一個住宅郊區,位於蒙特利爾島上。人口61,287
    A city of southern Quebec, Canada, a residential suburb of Montreal on Montreal Island. Population,61, 287.
  31. 格蘭貝加大魁北剋省南部城市,位於蒙特利爾以東,製造業中心。人口38,069
    A city of southern Quebec, Canada, east of Montreal. It is a manufacturing center. Population,38, 069.
  32. 密剋馬剋族美洲土著人的一個部落,居住在加大的新斯科捨省,愛德華王子島和魁北剋省的加斯佩半島
    A Native American people inhabiting Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the Gasp Peninsula of Quebec.