  • bosom
  • mind
  • Pregnant
  • think of
  • bosom, breast
  • carry in bosom
  • think of
  • cherish
  • heart
  1.   (of) (對...)毫不懷疑   make no doubt
  2.   (也可稱 Sir John, 但不可稱作 Sir White) 約翰·特爵士   Sir John White
  3.   (對某人)存心不良, (對某人)着惡意   mean ill (to sb. [by sb.])
  4.   (把過失、疑等)搪塞[巧辯]過去   explain away
  5.   (指動物)懷胎   with [in] young
  6.   (母馬)懷孕   in foal
  7.   (母鹿)懷孕   be in fawn
  8.   (表示疑, 不相信等)這不過是你說的! 衹聽到你一個人這麽說!   That's what you say.
  9.   (表示疑[不相信])去你的吧!   Get on with you!
  10.   (表示驚奇、懼怕、疑等)神明保佑! 上帝保佑! 我的天啊!   Saints [God, Lord]preserve us!
  11.   [俚]勝過某人; [美]恨某人   have the edge on sb.
  12.   [俚]勝過某人; [美]恨某人   have an edge on sb.
  13.   [俚]勝過某人; [美]恨某人   get an edge on
  14.   [俚]勝過某人; [美]恨某人   get an edge over
  15.   [口](不知道為什麽)總預感到...; 總疑...   have a hunch that...
  16.   [口]使女子懷孕   get a girl into trouble
  1. 那是最美好的時代,那是最糟糕的時代;那是智慧的年頭,那是愚昧的年頭;那是信仰的時期,那是疑的時期;那是光明的季節,那是黑暗的季節;那是希望的春天,那是失望的鼕天;我們全都在直奔天堂,我們全都在直奔相反的方向--簡而言之,那時跟現在非常相象,某些最喧囂的權威堅持要用形容詞的最高級來形容它。說它好,是最高級的;說它不好,也是最高級的。
    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age offoolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so. far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
  2. 他走起路來是昂首挺胸、滿自信,還是彎腰麯背,卑微猥瑣?
    Does he walk erect and confident or is he humbly stooped?
  3. 嚮奬學金得主詢問毀約的可能性,如同在婚禮上不好意詢問新人離婚的機率。
    Actually, quizzing the scholars about the probability of their bond-breaking is akin to asking a pair of newlyweds how likely it is that they will end up divorcing.
  4. 兩個政黨間恨的爭吵。
    a bitter quarrel between two parties.
  5. 有時,我覺得美國與我所見到的印第安蘇族社會和佛教社會不同。太多的指手畫腳的輿論專傢們將我們的社會撕扯成了一個四分五裂、爭論不休的希臘雅典式的社會,那些個人的藝術成就被疑為攫取財富的企圖,或是政治宣傳的聲明。
    I sometimes think that America, unlike the Sioux or the Buddhist societies I've seen, is torn by too many opinion-makers that divide us into a quarrelsome Athenian society where individual artistic achievements are suspected as attempts to enrich ourselves, or as political propaganda statements.
  6. 我對他的可靠性有疑。
    I query his trustworthiness.
  7. 疑他是否值得信賴。
    I query his trust worthiness.
  8. 沒有人對她的能力表示疑。
    Nobody would query her ability.
  9. 我懷疑他是否可靠.
    I query whether he can is trusted.
  10. 疑那樣做是否正確。
    I query whether it is right to do so.
  11. 疑他的話是否可靠。
    I query whether his word can be relied on.
  12. 股東們對嚮董事長之子付款一事表示疑。
    The shareholder query the payment to the chairman's son.
  13. 我頗疑該聲明的正確性。
    I am inclined to query the accuracy of that statement.
  14. 請把從他們那裏得到消息告訴我們,疑他們最後可能會做出讓步。
    Advise what you hear from them query their eventual concession possible.
  15. 一批科學工作者纔抱志,開始了畢生的探索和追尋。
    A batch of scientific workers with high aspirations embarked on a lifetime journey of exploration and quest.
  16. 並非婚姻全都沒有愛。1517年對牧師是否應禁欲都表示疑的馬丁·路德,卻對婚姻改變了態度。
    Not all marriages were without love, but it was Martin Luther, who in 1517 quest ioned whether it was necessary for a priest to be celibate, who changed attitude s to wedlock.
  17. 我想他的意圖令人疑,對嗎?
    I assume his intentions are questionable?
  18. 它是否真實值得疑。
    It is questionable whether it is true.
  19. 可疑的性質或特點可疑的;疑的
    Of a questionable nature or character; suspicious.
  20. 中東和平的可能性仍讓人疑。
    The likelihood for peace in the Middle East remains questionable.
  21. 這個醫生被控告接受了藥商的值得疑的資金。
    The physician is accused of receiving questionable fund from a druggist.
  22. 蓋世太保納粹政體下的德國國內秘密警察,以其用以對付那些被疑為犯下叛國罪或其忠實可疑的人的恐怖方法而聞名
    The German internal security police as organized under the Nazi regime, known for its terrorist methods directed against those suspected of treason or questionable loyalty.
  23. 不過,隨着立法會和區議會所扮演的角色不斷演進,不免使人疑香港這個人口和設施密集的城市,是否需要維持三層議會的架構。
    However, with the development of the roles of the Legislative Council and the District Boards, it is questionable whether there are still valid reasons for maintaining a three-tier system of Government in a compact city like Hong Kong.
  24. 她用疑的目光看著我。
    She looked at me questioningly.
  25. 他們疑地搖了搖頭,好像在等待着進一步的說明。
    they turned their heads questioningly, as if awaiting further instructions.
  26. 我並不是對你所要求的旅費表示疑,這筆錢數目很小,不足挂齒。
    I am not questioning your claim for navel expenses. It's such a small amount that ifs not worth quibbling about.
  27. 他雖然已經變得白發蒼蒼、瘦骨嶙峋,卻仍保持着一個神童的熱情和機靈,誰也不能疑他給指揮臺帶來的對樂麯理解的深度,尤其是近幾年他對樂麯的演釋能力比以往更強了。
    Though he had become white-haired and craggy, he retained the passion and the quickness of a underkind, and no one could dispute his depth of understanding he brought to the podium, particularly in recent years, when his interpretive powers were sharper than ever.
  28. 詹姆斯·奎爾再一次讓人出乎意料:勞拉孕了。
    Once again,James Quill had defied expectations.As it turned out,Laura was pregnant.
  29. 着憎惡離開了他。
    I quit him in disgust.
  30. 例如,我們調查的一位女性,拉比·米瑞埃姆通過家庭旅行産生了一種神聖的信仰--她看出父親對大自然和拉什莫爾山有的敬畏和崇拜之情。
    For example, one of the women we interviewed, Rabbi Miriam Kane, developed a sense of spiritualism from travels with her family-she observed her father's awe and admiration of nature and Mount Rushmore.
  31. 特先生是個種族主義者,他把來自墨西哥的洛佩斯先生叫做黑頭鬼。
    Mr White is a racist; he calls Mr Lopez from Mexico a greaseball.
  32. 居裏夫人這位鐳元素的發現者,將永遠為人們所念。
    Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of the element radium.