  • state
  • oblast
  • canton
  • eparchy
  • city
  • province
  • sub-prefecture
  • commonwealth
  • prefecture
  1.   (南北戰爭前)美國南方保持奴隸製的各   Slave States
  2.   (提案)部分項目否决權(美國某些長的職權之一)   item veto
  3.   (美國)太平洋沿岸各州   the Pacific states
  4.   (美國南北戰爭前)實行奴隸製的   slave state
  5.   (英國的)高等民事法庭; (美國某些的)中級民事[刑事]法庭   the Court of Common Pleas
  6.   17、18世紀由德國南部或瑞士遷至 Pennsylvania 的居民的後裔   Pennsylvania German
  7.   17、18世紀由德國南部或瑞士遷至 Pennsylvania 的居民的後裔   Pennsylvania Dutch
  8. adj.  Kent的, 英國肯特郡的, 肯特的   kentish
  9. n.  Pennsylvania人, 賓夕法尼亞人   pennsylvanian
  10. adj.  Pennsylvania的, 賓夕法尼亞的, 賓夕法尼亞紀的   pennsylvanian
  11. adj.  Pomerania的, 舊德國波米蘭尼亞的, 波美拉尼亞的   pomeranian
  12. n.  Scotland西南部一, 該産的乳牛, 艾爾郡, 艾爾郡所産的一種乳牛, 艾爾郡毛毯, 蘇格蘭西南部一   ayrshire
  13.   [美] 肯塔基(Kentucky)的別名   Bluegrass State , Corncracker State
  14.   [美](為某政黨候選人或競選運動)奔走整個拉選票   ride a state
  15.   [美](婦女在該處最先取得參政權的)懷俄明   the E-State
  16.   [美](美國衆議院)某的衆議員   the gentleman from
  1. "阿拉斯加是由俄羅斯人取名的,因為阿拉斯加是在1867年從俄羅斯購買的。"
    "Alaska was named by the Russians, from whom Alaska was bought in1867."
  2. 阿拉斯加是我們最北的
    Alaska is our northernmost state.
  3. 威洛阿拉斯加南部、安剋雷奇以北的城鎮。因位於中心位置曾被申請做新的
    A town of southern Alaska north of Anchorage. It has been proposed as a new state capital because of its central location.
  4. 而在收入最平均的,居住在城裏的居民衹占約一半。
    In states with the most equality, only about half does.
  5. 每年有數百人死於高速[警匪]追逐,情況越來越令人警惕。全國各地警察單位,各以及聯邦立法機關,正在限製瘋狂的好萊塢式的追逐……。
    Increasingly alarmed by high-speed pursuits that are killing hundreds of people every year, police departments around the country, as well as state and Federal lawmakers, are clamping down on the wild, Hollywood-style chases…
  6. 美國德剋薩斯南部城市;阿拉莫所在地。
    a city of south central Texas; site of the Alamo.
  7. 我夢想有一天,亞拉巴馬會有所改變——儘管該長現在仍滔滔不絶地說什麽要對聯邦法令提出異議和拒絶執行——在那裏,黑人兒童能夠和白人兒童兄弟姐妹般地攜手並行。
    I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.
  8. 早晨,我們還要同我們在得剋薩斯休斯敦控製中心、亞拉巴馬亨茨維爾操作控製中心和莫斯科俄羅斯控製中心的陸地工作隊舉行會議,每個控製中心都要嚮我們提出有關我們工作的問題,或者給我們安排新任務。
    We also have a morning conference with our teams on the ground at Mission Control in Houston,Texas,the Operations Control Center,in Huntsville,Alabama and Russian Mission Control in Moscow.Each control center prepares questions for us about our work or sends us new tasks.
  9. 派剋斯,羅薩生於1913美國民權領導人,她因在美國阿拉巴馬蒙哥馬利的公共汽車上拒絶讓座給一個白人,而引起了全市範圍汽車公司的聯合抵製,激起了全國的民權運動
    American civil rights leader. Her refusal to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama, resulted in a city-wide boycott of the bus company and stirred the civil rights movement across the nation.
  10. 首席法官美國一些衡平法院的首席法官
    The presiding judge of a court of chancery or equity in some states of the United States.
  11. 美國東南部一地區,通常包括亞拉巴馬、佐治亞、路易斯安娜、密西西比和南卡羅來納;在美國內戰以前這些生産棉花和支持奴隸製。
    the southeastern region of the United States: South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama and Mississippi and Louisiana; prior to the American Civil War all these states produced cotton and permitted slavery.
  12. 福氏金縷梅屬的任何一種落葉的矮生灌木,具有美麗的穗狀花序,花在春季呈白色、秋季火紅色或橙色;産自阿拉巴馬和阿利根尼山脈。
    any of several deciduous low-growing shrubs of the genus Fothergilla having showy brushlike spikes of white flowers in spring and fiery red and orange autumn color; Alabama to Allegheny Mts.
  13. 喬剋托部落居住在美國密西西比中部和南部以及亞拉巴馬西南部的一支美洲土著部落,現在分佈在密西西比以及俄剋拉何馬東南部。喬剋托人在19世紀30年代曾被遷至印第安那地區
    A Native American people inhabiting central and southern Mississippi and southwest Alabama, with present-day populations in Mississippi and southeast Oklahoma. The Choctaw were removed to Indian Territory in the1830's.
  14. 奇剋索部落一支美洲土著部落,最初居住在美國密西西比東北部和阿拉巴馬西北部,現在分佈在俄剋拉何馬中南部。19世紀30年代奇剋索人曾被趕到印第安那
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting northeast Mississippi and northwest Alabama, now located in south-central Oklahoma. The Chickasaw were removed to Indian Territory in the1830's.
  15. 塞爾馬美國阿拉巴馬中部偏南一城市,位於蒙哥馬利市以西。在1965年,這裏是小馬丁·路德·金領導選舉者登記運動的所在地。人口23,755
    A city of south-central Alabama west of Montgomery. In1965 it was the site of a voter registration drive led by Martin Luther King, Jr. Population,23, 755.
  16. 迪凱特阿拉巴馬北部一城市,位於伯明翰以北的田納西河上。該城最初的大部分建築,在內戰中被摧毀。人口48,761
    A city of northern Alabama on the Tennessee River north of Birmingham. Most of the original city was destroyed during the Civil War. Population,48, 761.
  17. 梅裏第安美國密西西比東部一城市,位於阿拉巴馬邊界附近,傑剋遜東部。在1864年2月被威廉·t·謝爾曼將軍的軍隊踏平。人口46,577
    A city of eastern Mississippi near the Alabama border east of Jackson. It was razed by Gen. William T. Sherman's troops in February1864. Population,46, 577.
  18. 伯明翰美國亞拉巴馬中北部一城市,位於塔斯卡盧薩東北。該最大城市,位於礦業和工業區。人口265,968
    A city of north-central Alabama northeast of Tuscaloosa. The largest city in the state, it is in a mining and industrial region. Population,265, 968.
  19. 塔斯基吉美國阿拉巴馬東部一城市,位於蒙哥馬利以東。它是布剋·t·華盛頓於1881年建立的塔斯基吉學院的所在地。人口12,257
    A city of eastern Alabama east of Montgomery. It is the seat of the Tuskegee Institute, founded by Booker T. Washington in1881. Population,12, 257.
  20. 多森美國亞拉巴馬東南部城市,靠近佛羅裏達邊界。1885年建立,是一個大農業區的貿易中心。人口53,589
    A city of southeast Alabama near the Florida border. Settled in1885, it is a trading center for a large agricultural area. Population,53, 589.
  21. 1954年馬丁獲得哲學博士學位並接受了在阿拉巴馬蒙哥馬利的特斯塔大街洗禮堂的本堂牧師的工作。
    In 1954 M.L. received his Ph.D. and accepted the job of pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
  22. 等共15個洲;4個沒有加入南部邦聯。
    Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware.
  23. 從前居住在喬冶亞和阿拉巴馬但現在主要居住在俄剋拉荷馬的馬斯科基語組的剋裏剋聯盟的印第安人。
    any member of the Creek Confederacy of Muskhogean peoples (especially the Muskogee) formerly living in Georgia and Alabama but now chiefly in Oklahoma.
  24. 皮埃蒙特山麓高原美國東部一高原地區,從紐約延伸至阿拉巴馬,位於阿巴拉契亞山脈和大西洋沿岸平原之間
    A plateau region of the eastern United States extending from New York to Alabama between the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic coastal plain.
  25. 美國一高原地區,位於阿巴拉契亞山脈和大西洋沿岸平原之間;包括維吉尼亞、北卡羅來納、南卡羅來納、喬治亞和阿拉巴馬的一部分。
    the plateau between the coastal plain and the Appalachian Mountains: parts of Virginia and North and South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama.
  26. 美國的一個地區,包括墨西哥沿岸幾個;由佛羅裏達、阿拉巴馬、密西西比、路易斯安那和得剋薩斯組成。
    a region of the United States comprising states bordering the Gulf of Mexico; Alabama and Florida and Louisiana and Mississippi and Texas.
  27. 以前生活在喬冶亞和阿拉巴馬並成為剋裏剋聯盟核心的馬斯科吉族人。
    a member of the Muskhogean people formerly living in Georgia and E Alabama and constituting the core of the Creek Confederacy.
  28. 佛羅倫薩美國阿拉巴馬西北部一城市,位於狄凱特西北偏西的田納西河畔。建於1818年,是高度工業化城市。人口36,426
    A city of northwest Alabama on the Tennessee River west-northwest of Decatur. Founded in1818, it is highly industrialized. Population,36, 426.
  29. 哥倫布美國密西西比東北部城市,位於阿拉巴馬邊界,這個地區有許多南北戰爭以前的房屋。人口23,799
    A city of northeast Mississippi near the Alabama border. There are many antebellum houses in the area. Population,23, 799.
  30. 指一般包括阿拉巴馬、喬治亞洲、福羅裏達、田納西、南卡羅萊納和北卡羅萊納的美國地區。
    of a region of the United States generally including Alabama; Georgia; Florida; Tennessee; South Carolina; North Carolina.
  31. 奧本亞拉巴馬東部一城市,位於塔斯基吉東北偏北。是奧本大學(建於1856年)所在地。人口33,830
    A city of eastern Alabama north-northeast of Tuskegee. It is the seat of Auburn University(founded1856). Population,33, 830.
  32. 從前生活在阿拉巴馬的馬斯科吉族人;剋裏剋聯盟中的成員。
    a member of the Muskhogean people formerly living in N Alabama; a member of the Creek Confederacy.