  • Boast
  • overstate
  • extravagant, luxurious
  • handsome
  • exaggerate
  • boast
  • boast, praise, exaggerate, brag, overstate, vaunt
  • quart
  1.   (使)腫脹, (使)鼓起; 大, 渲染   puff out
  2. adj.  =highfalutin, 張的, 大的   hifalutin
  3.   [俚]做得過份; 過於大   come it strong
  4.   [俚]吹噓, 誇耀   gas about
  5.   [俚]吹牛, 空話; 浮的文章   hot air
  6.   [俚]吹牛皮, 誇大口   shoot the shit
  7.   [俚]堅决行動; 拼命幹, 過分地做; 大   come it strong
  8.   [俚]堅决行動; 拼命幹, 過分地做; 大   go it strong
  9.   [俚]索取高價; 大其詞   stick it on
  10.   [俚]說大話; 誇海口   shout the odds
  11.   [口](說話或做事)要有分寸, 不要張(通常用作祈使語)   draw it mild
  12.   [口]吹牛, 張; 談荒誕的故事   sling the hatchet
  13.   [口]吹牛, 張; 談荒誕的故事   throw the hatchet
  14.   [口]吹牛, 張; 談荒誕的故事   fling the hatchet
  15.   [口]廢話連篇; 其談   gas and gaiters
  16.   [口]說糊塗透頂的話,鬍說八道;大其詞,吹牛   talk through the back of one's neck (=talk through one's neck)
  1. 大了敵人的軍事力量;大了他本人在這一事件中的作用
    Exaggerate the size of the enemy force; exaggerated his own role in the episode.
  2. 法國舊社會的崩潰,他自己家庭的破落,一般流亡者可能因遠道傳聞和恐怖的大而顯得更加可怕的九三年的種種悲劇,是否使他在思想上産生過消沉和孤獨的意念呢?
    The ruin of the French society of the olden days, the fall of his own family, the tragic spectacles of '93, which were, perhaps, even more alarming to the emigrants who viewed them from a distance, with the magnifying powers of terror,--did these cause the ideas of renunciation and solitude to germinate in him?
  3. 假內行,庸醫,騙子精心製作或製造欺騙的人,而且對自己的技術或知識常常大其辭的人;江湖醫生或騙子
    A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud.
  4. 到目前為止,聰格斯先生[爭取選民支持]相當成功——這些選民多半與他背景相同——因為他的沉重,不上鏡頭的相貌,以及淳樸的言詞投合很多選民的心意。他們覺得在裏根與布什當政數年的浪費與浮之後,應該臥薪嚐膽。
    So far, Mr.Tsongas has succeeded—mostly with voters whose background is similar to his own—because his dour, untelegenic visage and unvarnished rhetoric suits the mood of many voters who feel they have to take their medicine, after the airy excesses and inflated promises of the Reagan-Bush years.
  5. 曼麗的幾位妹妹,本在房間那頭和盧傢小姐們在一起,正在跟兩三個軍官跳舞跳得起勁,曼麗奏完了一支很長的協奏麯之後,她們便要求她再奏幾支蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭小調,她也高高興興地照辦了,為的是要博得別人的奬和感激。
    and Mary, at the end of a long concerto, was glad to purchase praise and gratitude by Scotch and Irish airs, at the request of her younger sisters, who, with some of the Lucases and two or three officers, joined eagerly in dancing at one end of the room.
  6. 顔色確定剋在強烈反應中作用的量的屬性
    A quantum characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction.
  7. 分子量剋粒子的一種量子屬性,剋粒子的存在說明了某些特別粒子腐蝕模式的缺乏,這也是j粒子存在時間長的原因
    A quantum property of the charm quark whose conservation explains the absence of certain strange-particle decay modes and that accounts for the longevity of the J particle.
  8. 反誇剋誇剋的反粒子
    The antiparticle of a quark.
  9. 介子任一種具有較強相互作用力的亞原子粒子群,由一剋與一反剋構成,並具有通常介於輕子和重子間的質量
    Any of a family of subatomic particles that participate in strong interactions, are composed of a quark and an antiquark, and have masses generally intermediate between leptons and baryons.
  10. (高能物理學)剋的分類。
    (high energy physics) the kinds of quarks.
  11. 弗裏德曼,傑羅姆·以撒生於1930美國物理學家。因研究證實了剋的存在獲1990年諾貝爾奬
    American physicist. He shared a1990 Nobel Prize for research that confirmed the existence of quarks.
  12. 膠子假設的無質量的中性基本粒子之一,被認為能傳遞一種把剋結合在一起的強大的相互作用力量
    A hypothetical massless, neutral elementary particle believed to mediate the strong interaction that binds quarks together.
  13. 強子一種由剋組成的基本粒子,參與強的相互作用
    Any of a class of subatomic particles that are composed of quarks and take part in the strong interaction.
  14. 色動力學帶色剋之間聯繫的物理學,尤指其強烈相互作用的本質,是以膠子的交換為特徵的
    The physics of the relationship between color-carrying quarks, especially the nature of their strong interaction, which is characterized by the exchange of gluons.
  15. 激(發核)子,重子微原子粒子傢族中的一員,包括核子和超子多重譜綫,由三剋組成,一般比介子要重,會發生很強烈的內部反應
    Any of a family of subatomic particles, including the nucleon and hyperon multiplets, that participate in strong interactions, are composed of three quarks, and are generally more massive than mesons.
  16. 脫是兩品脫,而一加侖是四脫。
    There are two pints in a quart and four quarts in a gallon.
  17. 喝掉一誇脫威士忌酒
    Knock down a quart of whisky
  18. 是的,衹喝一脫啤酒。
    Yes, only a quart of beer.
  19. 他們兩人很快就喝完了一脫伏特加酒。
    They polished off a quart of vodka between them.
  20. 意想不到的短缺使牛奶價格一脫猛地上漲了好幾美分
    Unexpected shortages jumped milk prices by several cents a quart.
  21. 美國幹量單位合(待查表)脫或(待查表)立方英寸。
    a United States dry unit equal to 0.5 quart or 33.6 cubic inches.
  22. 水還足夠,但是機油少了約一脫。
    Your water's fine but you're down about a quart of oil.
  23. 五分之一加侖或一脫酒的五分之四
    One fifth of a gallon or four fifths of a quart of liquor.
  24. 剛好略低於註滿標記。需要再加大約1脫。
    It's just a little below the full mark. It'll take about a quart.
  25. 剛好略低於註滿標記。需要再加大約1脫。
    It's just a little below the full nark. It'll take about a quart.
  26. 美國液體單位等於液體英兩;二品脫等於一脫。
    a United States liquid unit equal to 16 fluid ounces; two pints equal one quart.
  27. 加利福尼亞遍地都是牛奶和蜜糖——牛奶以加侖汁,蜜糖以脫量,一切東西都有超級大經濟包包裝。
    California is the land of milk and honey – milk by the gallon and honey by the quart. Everything comes in extra – super –giant economy packs.
  28. 四誇脫為一加侖。
    Four quarts constitute a gallon.
  29. 這個罎子的容量小於三
    The jar's capacity is under three quarts.
  30. 芬蘭以人均年消耗162脫牛奶排第二位。第三位是冰島,160脫。挪威以158脫排第五。下一個國傢是烏剋蘭,人均年消耗141脫。
    Finland is second in milk consumption with 162 quarts consumed a year, next is Iceland with 160 quarts, then is Norway with 158 quarts, and the Ukraine with 141 quarts of milk consumed each year.
  31. 波特爾英國舊時的液量單位,相當於2。0脫(即1。9升)
    An old English liquid measure equal to2.0 quarts(1.9 liters).
  32. 美國液體單位等於四脫或(待查表)升。
    United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters.