  • Shang
  • quotient
  • commerce
  • business
  • consult
  • trade
  • trading
  • Sang
  1.   (信件、包裹等)沒有註明寄發人姓名、地址及內容; 用沒有註明號、裝有何物的封袋郵寄   under plain cover
  2.   (刊登試驗性文藝作品的非業性)小雜志, 同人刊物   little magazine
  3.   (商業)淡季   a slack season
  4.   (商業上的)淡季   low season
  5.   (人等)買進的原價, 成本價格   prime cost (=cost price)
  6.   (人等)買進的原價, 成本價格   first cost (=cost price)
  7.   (品)供試用的, 包退包換的   on approbation (on appro)
  8.   (品)在某人手中未脫手; (物件)在某人手中未用掉   lie on sb.'s hand
  9.   (品)在某人手中未脫手; (物件)在某人手中未用掉   lie on sb.'s hands
  10.   (品)定價過高無人購買   price out of the market
  11.   (商店等)主顧多   have plenty of custom
  12.   (在勞埃德船協會註册的)第一級(船); 最好的, 第一流的   A I at Lloyd's
  13.   (工廠店等的)發貨倉庫   shipping room
  14.   (廣告)貼在窗口上;(品)擺在櫥窗裏   in the window
  15.   (樹)擴展枝葉; (店等)擴展分支機構   branch forth
  16.   (歐美貿易在非洲等處內地設立的與當地人交易的)貿易站   trading post
  1. 愛爾福特德國中部城市,位於萊比錫西南部。作為主教教廷的所在地,該城於公元8世紀由聖博尼費斯建立,後來成為自由的國王屬城並為中世紀自由日耳曼城市人聯盟的成員。人口214,231
    A city of central Germany southwest of Leipzig. Site of an episcopal see founded by Saint Boniface in the eighth century, it was later a free imperial city and a member of the Hanseatic League. Population,214, 231.
  2. 平價品或證券在兩個不同市場上的價格相同
    Equality of prices of goods or securities in two different markets.
  3. 委任此種收益公平權利的
    The arrangement establishing the equitable right to such benefits and profits.
  4.  (3)各國立法可以規定標所有人行使本條規定的權利的合理期限。
    Domestic legislation may provide an equitable time limit within which the proprietor of a mark must exercise the rights provided for in this Article.
  5. 在部長級會議結束烏拉圭回合多邊貿易談判之日,如果某成員已實施了給權利持有人以公平報酬的制度,則可以維持其制度不變,衹要在該制度下錄音製品的業性出租不産生實質性損害權利持有人的復製專有權的後果。
    If on 15 April 1994 a Member has in force a system of equitable remuneration of right holders in respect of the rental of phonograms, it may maintain such system provided that the commercial rental of phonograms is not giving rise to the material impairment of the exclusive rights of reproduction of right holders.
  6. 遊擊戰爭根據地的經濟政策,必須執行抗日民族統一戰綫的原則,即合理負擔和保護業,當地政權和遊擊隊决不能破壞這種原則,否則將影響於根據地的建立和遊擊戰爭的支持。
    The economic policy of the guerrilla base areas must follow the principles of the Anti-Japanese National United Front by equitably distributing the financial burden and protecting commerce. Neither the local organs of political power nor the guerrilla units must violate these principles, or otherwise the establishment of base areas and the maintenance of guerrilla warfare would be adversely affected.
  7. 允許中國業銀行對符合條件的中方股東發放股本貸款。
    Chinese commercial banks may issue equity loans to Chinese shareholders meeting clearly-defined conditions.
  8. --支持中國航天企業在平等、公平、互利的原則下積極參與國際航天業發射服務。
    - Supporting Chinese space enterprises to participate in international space commercial launching services in line with the principles of equality, equity and reciprocity.
  9. 股票經紀人、汽車經銷、郵遞員、保險和房地産代理人:因特網將使數百萬的中間人消失。
    Stockbrokers, auto dealers, mail carriers, insurance and real estate agents: the internet will eradicate middlemen by the millions.
  10. 讓我們一起探索星球,徵服沙漠,根除疾患,開發深海,並鼓勵藝術和業的發展。
    Together, let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.
  11. 中國政府主張,國際社會應加強對話和磋,開展合作,共同防範和打擊國際恐怖活動,努力消除産生恐怖主義的根源。
    The Chinese government is of the view that the international community should strengthen dialogue and consultation and develop cooperation, join hands in preventing and fighting against international terrorist activities, and make efforts to eradicate the root cause of terrorism.
  12. 有些工業資本傢也進行封建剝削,我們衹取消他們的封建剝削部分,對他們的店和工廠不去觸動,所有的東西都不沒收,而且加以保護。
    Some industrial and commercial capitalists were practising feudalistic exploitation, which was all eradicated. We did not do anything with regard to their shops or factories and we did not confiscate anything from them; instead we provided protection for their property.
  13. 我們衹出售最佳狀態的品。
    We sale only goods in al condition.
  14. 在股市或其它業活動中采用纍進的方式經營。
    use or deal in (as of stock or commercial transaction) in a pyramid deal.
  15. 曾見過一傢行取名為“新的原料供應”,就好比把房地産公司取名為“蓋新房子的建築”,真是“直率坦白”到了極點。
    I have seen a shop with the name “Sin Te (meaning “new”) Material Supplier”. This is akin to a property firm calling itself “Developer of New Homes” - it is just so direct and meaningless.
  16. 店的每一條通道都引發着情感上的矛盾。
    Controversy looms in every aisle.
  17. 售貨員言辭得體的話可以使場的銷售額翻兩番。
    The proper phrases in the mouths of clerks have quadrupled the proper phrases in the mouths of clerks have quadrupled the sales of a department store.
  18. 貿易總是一進一出的,如果達到翻兩番,中國容納資金、品的能力就大了。
    Foreign trade involves both import and export. With a quadrupled volume of foreign trade China would be able to absorb more foreign capital and products.
  19. 請按下列項目對電源插頭報價:a:b:地址c目錄編號d:型式。
    Pls. a price quaint flag electric source plug aaa fr bbb address bcc catalog nr ddi types
  20. 在過去的數年中,他證明自己在doom和quake的世界裏是無敵的,特別著名的就是他在微軟贊助的一次遊戲比賽中把johncarmack捐贈的法拉力贏回了傢(那時開始他父母開始支持他打遊戲,thresh的大名從此威震四方)。現在22歲的他從伯剋利的加裏福尼亞大學休學,學起了真的喬丹開始投身海。
    Over the past several years,Fong has proven unbeatable in Doom and Quake tournaments,scoring everything from a Microsoft sponsorship to a Ferrari donated by the co-creator of the games he has mastered.Now the 22-year-old University of California at Berkeley dropout is living up to the Jordan comparison by making the precipitous journey from athlete to entrepreneur.
  21. 你覺得自己有什麽資歷從事百貨店工作?
    What qualifications do you have for department store work?
  22. 這批品的質量不夠一等品。
    The quality of this article cannot qualify for first-class.
  23. 科專業大學畢業生也必須具備良好的數學能力,因為大部分學位涉及定量研究法和統計學領域課程。
    Business graduates must also be numerate,because most degrees will have courses in quantitative methods and statistics.
  24. 在美國各地大學和實驗室研究者們的領導下,業的芯片設計者如今將定量方法引進到計算機結構體係之中。
    Following the lead of researchers at universities and laboratories across the US, commercial chip designers now take a quantitative approach to computer architecture.
  25. 招標已於今日公佈。有關特別資料已用航空寄給德國,比利時等大廠
    Tender publish today airmail particular information German Belgian strong participant.
  26. 本季商品比較充裕
    Commodities are easier this quarter.
  27. 事實上,中國購買這些設備是為了用於與美國麥道公司談的生産幹綫飛機項目,以及用於與麥道公司、波音公司談的轉包生産飛機零部件項目。
    In fact, China purchased the equipment for use in the trunk airliner program in consultation with McDonnell Douglas and for the contracted plane parts program in consultation with both McDonnell Douglas and Boeing.
  28. 有些廠還提供每季度甚至每個月更新的訂購服務。
    Some even offer a subscription service with quarterly or even monthly updates.
  29. 無照號(尤指賣廉價機票的)
    Unregistered business, esp one selling cheap airline tickets
  30. 他是這傢航空公司的獨傢代理
    He is the sole agent for the airline.
  31. 小組每季舉行一次會議,討論並推行方便營的措施,例如削減繁瑣規則、取締過分規管、評估規管建議的影響、把某些公營服務轉為私營,以及引進新服務或提升現有服務等。
    It meets quarterly to take forward 'helping business' initiatives in such areas as cutting government red tape, deregulation, impact assessment of regulatory proposals, transfer of public services to the private sector and introduction of new and improved services.
  32. 奴隸的住處;販奴;奴隸市場。
    slave quarters; slave trader; slave market.