  • (exclamatory or interrog. part.)
  • alas
  • final exclamatory particle
  1.   哀哉!   Ay me!
  2. v.  在熱浴缸裏優哉遊哉.   luxuriate in a hot bath
  1. !用來表示悔恨或不同意
    Used to express regret or disapproval.
  2. 彌撒中的核心典禮彌撒中始於序言和《聖經》之後,結束於主禱經之前的一個部分
    The part of the Mass beginning after the Preface and Sanctus and ending just before the Lord's Prayer.
  3. 彌撒麯彌撒的某些程序的背景音樂(伴奏),尤指啓應祈禱樂、求憐經樂、榮歸主頌樂信經樂、聖經樂、散那頌樂、本尼迪頌樂和阿格尼迪頌樂的頌歌樂
    A musical setting of certain parts of the Mass, especially the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei.
  4. 君子於役,不知其期,曷至
    My man's away to serve the state; I can't anticipate how long he will there stay Nor when he'll be on homeward way.
  5. 布賴恩先生真是個放蕩不羈的人,多年來優,逍遙自在。
    Bit of a lad is Mr Bryan, running round fancy-free for years.
  6. 如果說帝亦有東帝西帝之分,他聯的是東帝,我和他相反,聯一批西帝,東嚮而擊,又豈不革命矣
    If it is argued that there is a difference between Eastern and Western imperialism, and that, unlike Wang Ching-wei who has allied himself with Eastern imperialism, one should ally oneself with some of the Western imperialists to march eastward and attack, then would not such conduct be quite revolutionary?
  7. 這樣講來,豈不是“嗚呼哀”了嗎?
    Should we then lament the cause as lost?
  8. 燕雀安知鴻鵠之志哉!
    How can a sparrow know the will of a swan?
  9. 楊池生的《九師旬刊》,對於我們的這種辦法有“毒矣”的驚嘆。
    Writing about this measure, the Ten-Day Review, the journal of Yang Chih-sheng's 9th Division, exclaimed: "How vicious!"