(法國大革命前, 貴族及僧侶以外的)中産階級, 平民, 第三階級T-House [美俚](國會的)第三院(院外活動集團) T-International 第三國際(共産黨)(1919年成立於莫斯科, 1943年宣佈解散) third estate
n. Carmel派的托鉢僧, 卡默利特平紋薄呢, 卡邁爾教派的男女修士 carmelite
adj. Carmel派的托鉢僧的 carmelite
n. 一氧化鉛, 密陀僧, 正方鉛礦 litharge
n. 主教法冠, 主教冠, 僧帽, 斜角縫, 斜接(英作mitre) miter
v. 他决定放棄他所有的一切, 出傢為僧. He decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk
n. 以動物內臟占卜的僧人, 祭司或預言者 haruspex
n. 伊斯蘭教的)托鉢僧. member of a Muslim holy sect who lives by begging (
n. 伊斯蘭教的)苦行僧人 member of a Muslim religious order (
adj. 似)修士的, 僧侶的. of or like monks (
n. 信仰主義, 僧侶主義, 唯信仰論, 信仰主義 fideism
n. 信教者, 僧侶, 尼姑, 修道士 religious
n. 修士、 僧侶(尤指誓言不結婚、 不要財産者). Cf 參看 friar, nun. member of a religious community of men who live apart from the rest of society and who have made solemn promises, esp not to marry and not to have any possessions
1959年在西藏進行的民主改革,徹底廢除了長達700多年的政教合一、貴族僧侶專權的封建農奴制度,昔日百萬農奴和奴隸獲得了人身自由,成了新社會的主人。 The democratic reform which took place in Tibet in 1959 eradicated the feudal serf system marked by the combination of government and religion and the dictatorship of nobles and monks, thus tens of thousands of serfs and slaves under the old system got their personal freedom and became masters of the new society.
現在仍然是基因控製的一種途徑。隨後,奧地利僧侶格裏格·孟德爾關於國栽豌豆的著述確立了遺傳學的定量規律。 Futheralong, the work of Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, on garden peas established the quantitative discipline of genetics.
人民解放軍在平叛過程中軍紀嚴明,得到廣大僧俗人士的衷心擁護。 The PLA was highly disciplined in the course of quelling the rebellion and this won the wholehearted support of Buddhist monks and laymen.
西多教團僧侶1098年在法國由本篤會革新者創立的嚴格教團的成員 A member of a contemplative monastic order founded by reformist Benedictines in France in1098.
由於僧帽沒有控製好血流而導致的心髒病。 cardiopathy resulting from the mitral valve not regulating the flow of blood between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart.
宗教研究機構、高僧、學者的有關佛教專著,如《貝葉經的整理、研究》、《西藏拉薩現存梵文貝葉經的整理》、《西藏宗教源流與教派研究》、《活佛轉世制度》、《郭紮佛教史》、《西藏苯教寺廟志》、《中國藏傳佛教寺廟》、《西藏佛教寺院壁畫藝術》等,都正式出版發行。 Treatises on Buddhism written and published by religious research institutions, eminent monks and scholars include Collation and Studies of the Pattra Sutra, Compilation of the Sanskrit Pattra Sutra Extant in Lhasa, Studies of the Origin and Development of Religions and Religious Sects in Tibet, The Reincarnation System of Living Buddhas, History of Buddhism by Guta, Records of the Monasteries of the Tibetan Bon Religion, Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in China and The Fresco Art of Tibet's Buddhist Monasteries.
行者穆斯林的托鉢僧 A Moslem religious mendicant.
西藏文化從此結束了為少數上層封建僧侶貴族所壟斷的歷史,成為西藏全體人民繼承和發展的共同文化遺産。 This marked the advent of a brand-new era in the social and cultural development of Tibet, and ended the monopoly exercised over Tibetan culture by the few upper-class feudal lamas and aristocrats, making it the common legacy for all the people of Tibet to inherit and carry on.
近年來西藏有一些僧尼被依法治罪,都是因為觸犯了刑律,如參加騷亂,危害社會治安,擾亂社會秩序,搞打、砸、搶、燒、殺等犯罪活動,沒有一個是因宗教信仰而被拘捕判罪的。 In recent years, some monks and nuns in Tibet received legal retribution because they infringed on the law. They were involved in riots that endangered social security and disrupted public order, engaged in beating, smashing, looting, burning and killing and carried out other criminal activities. None was arrested and declared guilty because of religious belief.
頭巾,長袍尤指僧侶穿戴的頭巾或帶頭巾的長袍 The hood or hooded robe worn especially by a monk.
僧袍和尚、男修道士和其它神職人員穿的長袍;表明宗教級別的衣着 A robe worn by monks, friars, and other clerics; a habit.
衣着華麗的紳士;衣着整潔的工人;穿着罩衫的僧侶;穿着奇怪的衣服;穿着深紅色衣服的教授;穿着晚禮服的紳士;穿着深紅色衣服的哈佛教授。 the elegantly attired gentleman; neatly dressed workers; monks garbed in hooded robes; went about oddly garmented; professors robed in crimson; tuxedo-attired gentlemen; crimson-robed Harvard professors.
司香爐者搬香爐的侍僧 An acolyte who carries a thurible.
有關僧侶或教士的任務的;聖職的 Of or associated with sacred persons or offices; sacerdotal.
腰帶,環帶腰帶或飾帶,特別是係在牧師法衣上或僧侶及修女法衣上的腰帶 A belt or sash, especially one worn with an ecclesiastical vestment or the habit of a monk or nun.
這種社會主義成了德意志各邦專製政府及其隨從----僧侶、教員、容剋和官僚求之不得的、嚇唬來勢洶洶的資産階級的稻草人。 To the absolute governments, with their following of parsons, professors, country squires and officials, it served as a welcome scarecrow against the threatening bourgeoisie.
宗教人士的集中之地(如僧侶們呆的修道院)。 a place of religious seclusion (such as a monastery).
一種北亞洲靈物論宗教:相信需要通過僧人或巫師才能調解物質與精神世界。 an animistic religion of northern Asia having the belief that the mediation between the visible and the spirit worlds is effected by shamans.
來自泰國的寺院主持素察·奇諾拉索說,他所在寺院的僧侶中大約四分之一的人都有吸煙的惡習。 Dr. Suchat Chinoraso, a Buddhist abbot from Thailand, said about 25 percent of his fellow monks smoke.
屬於或關於僧伽羅語的。 of or relating to the Sinhalese languages.
屬於或關於僧伽羅人的。 of or relating to the Sinhalese people.
這個和尚穿着灰色的僧袍。 This monk wears a gray frock.
當我用眼光往下面探視時,我看到一個幽魂滿頭都是污糞,以致看不出他是僧是俗。 My eyes were searching hard along the bottom, and I saw somebody's head so smirched with shityou could not tell if he were priest or layman.
禮拜用僧衣披肩教士做禮拜時圍在頸部和肩部,部分套在僧袍下面的長方形布領,通常用白麻布製成 A liturgical vestment consisting of an oblong piece of white linen worn around the neck and shoulders and partly under the alb.
他們也可以自由地上供、齋僧布施、煨桑、誦經。 They are also free to offer sacrifices, give food or alms to Buddhist monks and nuns, burn incense and chant scriptures.
對一年一度的拉薩傳召大法會,傳統的馬年轉大雪山、羊年轉納木神湖和熱振寺壩子等活動,政府有關部門都前往齋僧布施。 Government department officials attend such religious activities as the annual Grand Summons Ceremony in Lhasa, the pilgrimage to Snow Mountain in the Year of the Horse, the pilgrimage to the Holy Lake of Nam Co in the Year of the Sheep and the Walking-Around-Religious-Rock Festival at the Razheng Monastery, and offer alms each time.
因為,愛情底報酬永遠是這樣,要不是回愛,就是一種內心的隱藏的輕衊,這條定理是真的。由此可見人們更應當如何提防這種情欲,因為它不但使人失去別的事物,簡直連自己也保不住。至於其他的損失,古詩人的故事表現得極好;就是喜愛海倫的人是捨棄了攸諾和派拉斯底賞賜的。因為無論何人若過於重視愛情,則自將放棄財富與智慧也。這種情欲泛濫的時候正是在人心力極弱的時候;那就是在一個人最繁榮或最睏厄的時候——雖然睏厄是不甚受人註意過的。這兩個時候都是燃起愛火並使之更為熱烈的,由此足見“愛”是“愚”之子也。有些人,即在心中不能不有愛的時候,仍能使它受約束,並且把它與人生底要務嚴格分開,這些人可算做事極當;因為“愛”若是一旦參與正事,就要擾害人們底福利,並且使他們無術堅守自己底目的。我不懂為什麽,可是武人最易墮入愛情。我想這也和他們喜歡喝酒一樣;因為危險的事業多需要娛樂為報酬也。人性之中有一種隱秘地愛他人的傾嚮和趨勢,這種傾嚮若不消耗在一個人或少數人身上,將很自然地普及於衆人,並使人變為仁慈的,例如在僧侶之中有時就看得到這樣的情形。 For it is a true rule, that love is ever rewarded, either with the reciproque, or with an inward and secret contempt. By how much the more, men ought to beware of this passion, which loseth not only other things, but itself. As for the other losses,the poet's relation doth well figure them; that he that preferred Helena, quitted the gifts of Juno, and Pallas. For whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection,quitteth both riches, and wisdom. This passion hath his floods in the very times of weakness;which are, great prosperity; and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed. Both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly. They do best, who, if they cannot but admit love, yet make it keep quarter:and sever it wholly from their serious affairs, and actions of life: for if it check once with business, it troubleth men s fortunes, and maketh men, that they can no ways be true to their own ends. I know not how, but martial men are given to love:I think it is, but as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures. There is in man's nature, a secret inclination, and motion, towards love of others; which, if it be not spent upon some one, or a few, doth naturally spread itself towards many; and maketh men become humane, and charitable; as it is seen sometime in friars.
還有那恭奉聖母的雅緻的小教堂,那宏大的僧捨,那寬闊的一個個花園,那狼牙閘門,那吊橋,那看上去像是把四周緑茵剪成一個個缺口的墻垛子,以及那常有武士的甲胄與主教金光閃閃的道袍交互輝映的座座庭院,所有這一切都圍繞着那座落在峨特式後殿的三座半圓拱頂的高尖塔而聯繫在一起,猶如一幅光輝燦爛的畫圖挂在天際。 that elegant chapel of the Virgin; that monumental dormitory; those vast gardens; that portcullis; that drawbridge; that envelope of battlements which notched to the eye the verdure of the surrounding meadows; those courtyards, where gleamed men at arms, intermingled with golden copes;--the whole grouped and clustered about three lofty spires, with round arches,well planted upon a Gothic apse, made a magnificent figure against the horizon.
大部分是樹棲鳥類,特別是佛法僧目鳥類。 chiefly arboreal birds especially of the order Coraciiformes.
基督教的社會主義,衹不過是僧侶用來使貴族的怨憤神聖化的聖水罷了。 Christian Socialism is but the holy, water with which the priest consecrates the heart-burnings of the aristocrat.
據史料記載,1943年,大貴族車門·羅布旺傑把100名農奴賣給了止貢地區噶珠康薩的一名僧官,每個農奴的價錢是60兩藏銀(約合四塊銀元); According to historical records, in 1943 the aristocrat Chengmoim Norbu Wanggyai sold 100 serfs to a monk official at Garzhol Kamsa, in Zhigoin area, at the cost of 60 liang of Tibetan silver (about four silver dollars) per serf.
這以後立刻進來了一個身穿黑色僧袍表情嚴厲的男人。 Immediately afterwards there enter a stern- look man array in a black frock.