  • marquis
  • marquis, lord
  • target in archery
  • Rasalhague
  • Hou
  1.   [諺]竊鈎者誅, 竊國者。   Little -ves are hanged, but great ones escape.
  2.   産蛋性減少癥侯群   syndrom of laying decline
  3.   作(侯選人)競選   stand as
  4. n.  侯會   Hou Hui
  5. n.  爵, 爵長子的尊稱, =marquis   marquess
  6. n.  爵, 馬奎斯, 爵(亦作marquess)   marquis
  7. n.  爵夫人, 爵未亡人, 女爵   marchioness
  8. n.  爵夫人, 女爵, 鑲卵形寶石的戒指, 卵形金剛石, 帳篷   marquise
  9. n.  侯爵的身份,侯爵領地   marquessate
  10. n.  侯爵的身份,侯爵領地   marquisate
  11.   侯診室   Waiting room
  12.   侯選小區   Candidate cell
  13. n.  候補陪審員召集令, 補陪審員, 補陪審員召集令   tales
  14. n.  關心, 註意, 尊敬, 尊重, 致意, 問, 問候, 關係   regard
  15.   化武亞裏(原名阿裏馬哲特,因協助薩達姆﹒賽因統領化學氣體武器而得此名)   Chemical Ali (Ali Hassan al-Majid)
  16. n.  君主, 王, 臣民, 臣僕, 臣民, 列日   liege
  1. 昆騰公司首席執行官塞德-塞因說,通用公司想成為"第一傢生産一百萬輛使用燃料電池汽車並投放使用"的公司。
    GM wants to be "the first company to put one million fuel cell vehicles on the road," said Quantum chief executive Syed Hussain.
  2. 長隊排隊等的人或車輛的行列;長隊
    A line of waiting people or vehicles; a queue.
  3. 就在愛倫猶豫不决的時,樓上傳來了溫柔、凄婉、肯切的小提琴聲。音樂傢和他的琴聲在召喚她;
    And while she hesitated, from the room above came the soft, racking, petitionary music of a violin.
  4. (王之傢的婦女)印度公主或王的妻子。
    (the feminine of raja) a Hindu princess or the wife of a raja.
  5. 大王;等級高於王的印度王子或國王。
    a great raja; a Hindu prince or king in India ranking above a raja.
  6. 大王候夫人大王妃;印度公主或王的妻子。
    a great rani; a princess in India or the wife of a maharaja.
  7. 德國高於伯爵等級(相當於英國爵等級)的貴族。
    a German nobleman ranking above a count (corresponding in rank to a British marquess).
  8. 等級在爵之下、子爵之上的英國貴族。
    a British peer ranking below a marquess and above a viscount.
  9. 當夜幕降臨菜茵河岸的時,阿爾特斯塔特古城突然間充滿了生機:爵士樂俱樂部和迪斯科舞廳開門營業,餐館裏充滿了歡聲笑語,當地釀造的阿爾特啤酒從無數啤酒桶中流出。
    As night falls over the Rhine, the Altstadt springs to life:jazz clubs and discos open their doors, restau rants are filled with conversation and laughter and the local Altbier flows from countless pumps.
  10. 社會的第二等級;公爵、爵、伯爵、子爵、男爵等級的貴族(尤指英國貴族)。
    the third estate of the realm: the nobility (especially British nobility) of the rank of duke or marquess or earl or viscount or baron.
  11. 帶着匈牙利母語口音,他輕聲地說,現在是修改所謂的"華盛頓共識"的時了。他指的是國際貨幣基金組織15年來宣揚的自由化、私有化和財政透明的綜合體製。
    In a soft voice which bears the traces of his native Hungary, he argues that it is time to rewrite the so-called Washington consensus--the cocktail of liberalisation, privatisation and fiscal rectitude which the IMF has been preaching for 15 years.
  12. 什麽時他都管我們叫"小夥子們"。
    On all occasions he referred to us as"lads".
  13. 熱情的問;友好關係
    A cordial greeting; cordial relations.
  14. t爵夫人正在猶豫要不要把d夫人一個勁兒在擡價的那件傢具買下來;d夫人是當代最風流最有名的蕩婦。
    the Marquise de T shrank from buying an item of furniture for which the bidding was led by Madame D, the most elegant and most celebrated adulteress of our age;
  15. 你究竟什麽時離開傢的?
    Your actually what time leaves home?
  16. 的,王子的王子(或王)的或與之相關的;王室的
    Of or relating to a prince; royal.
  17. 在座的有一個商特西爵,年老,有錢,吝嗇,他有方法同時做極端保王黨和極端伏爾泰派。
    there was present the Marquis de Champtercier, a wealthy and avaricious old man, who contrived to be, at one and the same time, an ultra-royalist and an ultra-Voltairian.
  18. 女王,女諸統治公國(或封邑)的婦女
    A woman who is ruler of a principality.
  19. 一位曾在沙特阿拉伯精英學校教過本-拉登的英國老師說,拉登小時是一個安靜的、非常害羞的小學生。
    Osama bin Laden was a quiet and shy pupil, a British teacher who taught him English at an elite Saudi Arabian school was quoted.
  20. ,照顧作為伴侶或僕人伴隨或等待
    To accompany or wait upon as a companion or servant.
  21. 議會批準總統選人為國防部長。
    The Senate confirmed the President's candidate for Secretary of Defense.
  22. 爵的爵位在男爵之上。
    Dukes rank above barons.
  23. 把……加到候選人名單上,提名……做選人。
    enter on a list or slate for an election.
  24. 薩達姆·賽因研究了幾十種能引起氣體壞疽、瘟疫、斑癥傷寒、破傷風、出血熱等疾病生物原素。他拿出資金來發展天花。
    Saddam Hussein has investigated dozens of biological agents causing diseases such as gas gangrene, plague, typhus (ph), tetanus, cholera, camelpox and hemorrhagic fever, and he also has the wherewithal to develop smallpox.
  25. 擁有這些能力之後,薩達姆·賽因和他的恐怖盟友將在他們最強大的時候製造最致命的襲擊。
    With these capabilities, Saddam Hussein and his terrorist allies could choose the moment of deadly conflict when they are strongest.
  26. 賽因約旦國王(1952年後)。自從1967年在阿以戰爭中喪失對西約旦的控製權後,他在阿以衝突中一直盡量保持中立
    King of Jordan(since1952). Since he lost control of western Jordan in the Arab-Israeli War(1967), Hussein has attempted to remain neutral in Arab-Israeli conflicts.
  27. 非洲東部白色多或少和橄欖緑色的子,臉部周圍有叢生的白色長毛。
    white and olive green east African monkey with long white tufts of hair beside the face.
  28. 如果說,秦以前的一個時代是諸割據稱雄的封建國傢,那末,自秦始皇統一中國以後,就建立了專製主義的中央集權的封建國傢;同時,在某種程度上仍舊保留着封建割據的狀態。
    While the feudal state was torn apart into rival principalities in the period before the Chin Dynasty, it became autocratic and centralized after the first Chin emperor unified China, though some feudal separatism remained.
  29. 曾侯乙墓竹簡
    Inscribed Bamboo Slips from the Tomb of Zeng Marquis Yi
  30. 子爵低於爵或伯爵但高於男爵的貴族等級
    A nobleman ranking below an earl or a count and above a baron.
  31. (英國)一個英國貴族階級的成員(公爵、爵、伯爵、子爵或男爵)。
    (British) a nobleman (duke or marquis or earl or viscount or baron) who is a member of the British peerage.
  32. 對有貴族爵位之貴婦的尊稱用來稱呼女爵、女伯爵、女子爵和男爵或女準男爵的用語
    Used as a form of address for a marchioness, countess, viscountess, baroness, or baronetess.