  • Distant
  • distant, far
  • separated
  • different
  1. adj.  农场生活与我已过惯的日子然不同.   Life on a farm is a far cry from what I've been used to
  2.   平面迥转筛   plane-motion rotary screen
  3. adj.  有些副词和副词性词组(如frankly、 obviously、 to begin with等)可以有两种然不同的用法   which can be used in two distinct ways
  4.   正排量自吸分级腔螺旋形转泵   positive displacement self-priming progressive cavity rotary pump
  5. n.  猫和狗的习性异--狗喜欢有伴, 猫爱独来独往.   Cats and dogs have quite different natures dogs like company, cats are independent
  6.   白帆布巡迥袋   white canvas working kit
  7.   社会是由能力异的人组成的.   Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities
  8. adj.  统计数字表明这种趋向与其他国家所示情况异.   Statistics showed a reverse trend to that recorded in other countries
  9.   色彩夺目,迥然不俗   colours are striking, yet not vulgar
  10. adj.  这五次试验所获得的结果然不同.   The five experiments gave quite disparate results
  11.   迥转筛   revolving screen
  12.   迥转罐   revolving pot
  1. 因为受过传统训练的演员如今不但要承担《天鹅湖》和《吉赛尔》之类的古典剧目,而且要用然不同的现代风格来设计舞蹈动作。
    And adaptable it needs to be, because the dancers so trained must nowadays take on not only classics such as Swan Lake and Giselle but also much chorography in very different, modern idioms.
  2. 在兴趣和能力上然相异的兄弟(姐妹);与黑色背影形成鲜明对比的颜色
    Siblings who contrast sharply in interests and abilities; a color that contrasted clearly with the dark background.
  3. 东亚的文化是然不同的。
    The culture in East Asia is significantly different.
  4. 一眼便可以看出,新城分成好几大片、景象异。
    At the first glance, one saw that it was divided into many masses, singularly distinct.
  5. 他们预言,森林生物技术会最终改变像住房和燃料这样然不同的工业;
    Forest biotechnology, they predict, will ultimately transform such disparate industries as housing and fuel;
  6. 在河的那一带,两岸的树木枝叶伸展于水面上,造成一种宁静的气氛,与附近城市车水马龙的情形然不同。
    At that part of the river, the trees on both banks arch over the water, affording an atmosphere of calm which is a welcome relief from the bustle of the nearby city.
  7. 十八世纪末期,英国人虽已操纵广州的对外贸易,但由于中英两国文化不同,观点异,所以他们对当时的情况并未感到满意。
    At the end of the 18th century, the British dominated the foreign trade at Canton (Guangzhou) but found conditions unsatisfactory, mainly because of the conflicting viewpoints of two quite dissimilar civilisations.
  8. 彩色立体图一种运动或静止图,同一内容有两个略为不同的视点,颜色异,相互叠加,用两个有色滤色镜观看时可产生三维立体效果
    A moving or still picture consisting of two slightly different perspectives of the same subject in contrasting colors that are superimposed on each other, producing a three-dimensional effect when viewed through two correspondingly colored filters.
  9. 这五次试验所获得的结果然不同.
    The five experiments gave quite disparate results.
  10. 他们的兴趣和我们的然不同。
    Their interests diverge from ours.
  11. 没有人知道明确的答案,但是,科学家在预测后代将面对一个然不同的世界时确实有一定的把握。
    While no one knows for sure , scientists do exhibit a degree of certainty when predicting that future generations will face a dramatically diffrernt world.
  12. 农场生活与我已过惯的日子然不同。
    Life on a farm is a far cry from what I've been used to.
  13. 因此三副面貌然不同。老城,教堂林立;
    Hence three entirely distinct aspects: churches abounded in the City;
  14. 猫和狗的习性异--狗喜欢有伴,猫爱独来独往。
    Cats and dogs have quite different natures dogs like company, cats are independent.
  15. 而每对恩爱夫妻的做爱频率都是然相异的。
    And there are great variation in frequency of lovemaking among happy couples.
  16. 惯偷的态度则然不同。这种人如果被抓获,那真是抓得好:这种人往往是口头上认罪,心底里却希望下一回能干得更高明些。
    The attitude of the professional thief is quite different. If he’s nabbed it’s a fair cop, he pleads guilty, and hopes to be smarter next time.
  17. 1600年间,不同朝代开掘的700多个洞窟大的如同礼堂,小的一米见方,高低、深浅和形制更是彼此异。洞中小环境自然也会千差万别了。
    Of the 700-odd grottoes carved during the 1,600 years, big ones may be as large as halls while small ones are but one meter square. They are greatly different from one another in height, depth, shape and style as is the small environment in the grottoes.
  18. 虽然他们性格异,但却相处友好
    Though their personalities differed, they got along as friends.
  19. 尼克松总统向世界显示了两个然不同的政府能够本着相互的利益、相互的尊重来到一起。
    President Richard Nixon showed the world that two vastly different governments could meet on the grounds of common interest, and in a spirit of mutual respect.
  20. 他和他妻子的性格然不同.
    His character is very different from his wife's.