  • make move
  • take action
  • wear
  • touch
  • suffer
  • show
  • prove
  • write
  • make known
  • receive
  • catch
  • book
  • touching
  • settlement
  • plan
  • outstanding
  • ignited
  1. adv.  &a.在岸上, 向海岸, 在陆上   onshore
  2. adv.  &a.漂流地, 漂泊的, 漂浮, 随波逐流地   adrift
  3. n.  &a.睡, 睡眠, 静止, 休息   sleeping
  4. vi.  &n.昏晕, 晕倒, 迷, 神魂颠倒, 昏晕, 惊讶, 酣睡   swoon
  5. adj.  &n.近端丝, 具近端丝点的, &, n.近端丝   acrocentric
  6.   (= Say !)[口](引起对方注意)嘿, 喂, 听, 瞧!(表示惊奇)嗨!   I say!
  7.   (上面)流着   stream with
  8.   (事情)刚一手就搞糟了   stumble at [on] the threshold
  9.   (事情)刚一手就搞糟了   stumble at [on] the threshold
  10.   (停泊的船)随潮水涨落而起伏   tail up and down the stream
  11.   (剪)平头, (留)短发   a close crop
  12.   (在摔跤比赛中)被摔倒两肩地; 被打得大败   be thrown on one's back
  13.   (妇女)穿着出门的服装   in coat and skirt
  14.   (对某人)出于好意; (对某人)抱帮忙的态度   mean well [kindly] (to sb. [towards sb., by sb.])
  15.   (对某人)存心不良, (对某人)怀恶意   mean ill (to sb. [by sb.])
  16.   (慢吞吞地)拖着脚走   drag oneself along
  1. 一天,他骑一头毛驴,走到塞内士,那是座古老的主教城。
    One day he arrived at Senez, which is an ancient episcopal city. He was mounted on an ass.
  2. 他跟他走。他披上紫披肩,颈上悬主教的十字架,和那被缚在绳索中的临难人并肩站在大众的面前。
    He followed him, and exhibited himself to the eyes of the crowd in his purple camail and with his episcopal cross upon his neck, side by side with the criminal bound with cords.
  3. 壁炉里有一对铁炉篦,篦的两端装饰两个瓶,瓶上绕花串和槽形直条花纹,并贴过银箔,那是主教等级的一种奢侈品;
    In the chimney stood a pair of firedogs of iron, ornamented above with two garlanded vases, and flutings which had formerly been silvered with silver leaf, which was a sort of episcopal luxury;
  4. 在最近的一个早上,当人们发现迈克尔·h的时候,他正睡在兰开斯特郊区的圣保罗圣公会教堂的地板上。他已经有几个月没有理发和刮脸了,身边散落从教堂配餐室拿来的金枪鱼的空罐头盒和汤。
    Michael H. had not had a shave or haircut in months when he was found one recent morning, sleeping on the floor of St. Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry.
  5. 您在总结问题时也提到孩子,这对我来说有特别的意义。
    It meant a lot to me that you ended this episode on the same note.
  6. 潘多拉赶快捂上盖子,但是,天哪,瓮里关的东西都已跑掉,只剩下压在瓮底的一件,那就是希望。
    Pandora hastened to replace the lid; but, alas! The whole contents of the jar had escaped, one thing only excepted, which lay at the bottom, and that was hope.
  7. 发型高贵,穿幽雅的洛丽塔·扬沿螺旋梯款款走下的那个形象似乎令人难忘:然后,她开始向人们介绍1953~1961年期间每周播出的由她主演的电视节目。
    The image seems indelible:Loretta Young,elegantly coiffed and dressed, sweeping down a spiral staircase to introduce each episode of her weekly 1953~ 1961 TV show.
  8. 德位的手指撕扯绳子和包装纸。然后是一声狂嘉的尖叫,哎呀!紧接又变为满脸的泪水。
    Della's fingers tore at the string and paper. Then came an excited scream of joy, and then, alas! a quick change to tears.
  9. 这些关厢村镇有些还是很大的。首先是从小塔作为起点的圣维克多镇,那里有一座在比埃弗尔河上的单拱桥,一座可以看到胖子路易墓志铭(épitaphiumludivicigrossi)的修道院,还有一座有八角尖顶、尖顶旁有四个十一世纪小钟楼的教堂(这样的教堂现在在埃唐普还有一座,还没有拆毁);
    Some of these faubourgs were important: there were,first, starting from la Tournelle, the Bourg Saint-Victor, with its one arch bridge over the Bi鑦re, its abbey where one could read the epitaph of Louis le Gros, ~epitaphium Ludovici Grossi~,and its church with an octagonal spire, flanked with four little bell towers of the eleventh century (a similar one can be seen at Etampes; it is not yet destroyed);
  10. 我郑重地说,这个大胆的隐喻实令人钦佩,既然正逢一个大喜的日子,理应妙语连珠,礼赞王家婚庆,故这种戏剧形式的博物志,就丝毫不会对狮子生个海豚儿子而深感不安了。
    Now I maintain that this bold metaphor is admirable, and the natural history of the stage has no occasion on a day of allegory and royal epithalamium to take exception at a dolphin who is son to a lion.
  11. 她紧握他的手,祝贺他创造了划时代的功绩。
    She wrung his hand and congratulated him on his epoch-making feat.
  12. 我喜欢和约翰一起工作,因为他性情沉稳重。
    I like working with John because he's so calm and equable.
  13. 尽管有关美国繁荣兴旺的故事传奇不胜枚举。可是,在那儿不仅存在贫穷,而且形形色色犯罪的增长也已达到令人震惊的程度。
    In spite of all stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate.
  14. 他怕我被吓,就紧紧地握住我的手,喃喃地说:
    Through it, his fears of alarming me made him murmur as he pressed my hand:
  15. 重视人人平等得到社会的遍认可。
    There is an acknowledged emphasis on equality for all.
  16. 发展现代武器所需的费用使双方负担过重,致命的原子武器的不断扩散理所当然使双方忧心忡忡,但是,双方却争改变那制止人类发动最后战争的不稳定的恐怖均势。
    Both sides over-burdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, and yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.
  17. “让他心情愉快。在我们离开之前,我不想让他惊慌。”“慢慢来,不急,是吗?”“说得对。”
    "Keep him in a good humour. I don't want him alarmed till we're ready to move." "Softly, softly, catchee monkey?" "That's the idea."
  18. 紧接这个发现之后,他又在她身上发现了几个同样叫人怄气的地方。
    To this discovery succeeded some others equally mortifying.
  19. 贤明的,达观的,沉的具有哲学家特点的,如泰然自若、开明和智慧
    Characteristic of a philosopher, as in equanimity, enlightenment, and wisdom.
  20. 一个冷静理智的英明的人;过理性与冷静生活的人。
    a wise person who is calm and rational; someone who lives a life of reason with equanimity.
  21. 面对述种荒谬无礼的行为,很难处之泰然。
    It was difficult to remain equanimous in the face of such preposterous impertinence.
  22. 目前在他那惊煌的外表下仍然体察对方。
    and beneath his alarmed exterior that sympathetic process went on.
  23. 根本用不大惊不怪的。
    No cause for alarm at all.
  24. 从观测者所在的子午线到给定天体的子午线沿天赤道的角距离。
    the angular distance along the celestial equator from the observer's meridian to the hour circle of a given celestial body.
  25. 纬度地球赤道北或南的角距离,例如在地图或地球仪上沿子午线用度数测量
    The angular distance north or south of the earth's equator, measured in degrees along a meridian, as on a map or globe.
  26. 艾伦开拓了一条到新野餐区的路,我们都跟他。
    Alan blazed a trail to the new picnic area and we all followed.
  27. (天文学)从穿越地球的时圈的交叉点到春分点的顺天体赤道向东的角距离;用时、分、秒来表示;同赤纬一起指定天球上的位置。
    (astronomy) the angular distance eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle that passes through the body; expressed in hours and minutes and second; used with declination to specify positions on the celestial sphere.
  28. 是汤姆,即使阿兰曾付出所有的激情爱她。
    Tom had, even though Alan loved her with all the passion.
  29. 阿兰想自己内向的性格。
    Alan thought about his introverted personality.
  30. 于是,他就一直等阿拉丁离开那幢房子,然后他对公主说:“把你的旧灯给我,我给你新灯。”
    When he waited till Aladdin went out of the house, he said to the Princess, "Give me your old lamps and I will give you new lamps."
  31. ,他又给了阿拉丁一只戒指,说道:“洞里有危险。
    Then he gave Aladdin a ring. He said, "There's danger in that hole.
  32. 一天,他得知阿拉丁还活并且还娶了公主为妻。
    One day, he learned Aladdin was still alive and married the princess.