  • caboodle
  • Heap
  • pile
  • stack
  • number of things or mass of material lying piled up
  • pile or heap
  • quantity of things to do
  • number of things lying one upon another
  • a pile
  • a mass
  • heap, pile, crowd
  • pile up
  • Priority Queues
  1. n.  1.团块2.凝聚3.集块岩4.附聚物, , 块, 凝岩块, 大团, 大块   agglomerate
  2. n.  DOS命令:设置栈空间的动态分配   stacks
  3.   [美俚]同某人谈了一大废话; 给某人大添麻烦   give sb. a lot of shit
  4.   [英]干草堆积场   rick barton
  5.   [谚]公鸡总是在自己的粪上称雄。   A cock is bold on his own dunghill.
  6.   dt反应堆   dt reactor
  7. vt.  vi.结块, 成因, 聚成块, 聚成, 凝聚, 使成团, 使成块, 使凝聚   agglomerate
  8.   【原物】增殖反应堆   breeder reactor
  9.   【原物】滋生堆   breeder pile
  10.   一体化压水反应堆   integrated pressurized water reactor
  11.   一体化型反应堆   integral reactor
  12. n.  一堆书、 沙、 垃圾   a heap of books, sand, rubbish
  13. n.  一书、 洗的衣物、 木头   a pile of books, laundry, wood
  14. v.  一变了形的金属东西   a heap of distorted metal
  15. n.  一奇形怪状的破烂家具.   an odd assemblage of broken bits of furniture
  16. n.  一废旧物品、 垃圾等   a collection of junk, rubbish, etc
  1. 结核节结节或肿瘤,尤指形成典型肿结核损害的淋巴球和上皮细胞
    A nodule or swelling, especially a mass of lymphocytes and epithelioid cells forming the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis.
  2. 也有人在网上说:“东芝副总裁的那一大外交辞令,很容易就让中国消费者联想到日本某些政客对于历史问题心不甘情不愿、吞吞吐吐的那些‘反省’。”
    "The Toshiba vice-president's rhetoric reminds the Chinese people of those Japanese politicians who equivocate over Japan's war crimes against China," some pointed out.
  3. 印度的寡妇自愿在丈夫葬礼的柴上焚烧自己。
    the act of a Hindu widow willingly cremating herself on the funeral pyre of her dead husband.
  4. 这些猎鹰早已声名远播:它们曾成功地在机场跑道和军用基地解决过同样的问题。因此,橘郡政府才决定投资4万美金引进它们,希望它们能从海鸥手中夺回垃圾的"领空"。
    After falcons helped to solve similar bird problems at airport runways and military bases, Orange County officials decided to invest $40,000 to see if they could be an protect the airspace over the landfill.
  5. 我非常惊奇地看见这孩子如何冷静地挣扎起来,继续做他要做的事:换马鞍子等等,然后在他进屋以前先坐在一稻草上来压制住这重重的一拳所引起的恶心。
    I was surprised to witness how coolly the child gathered himself up, and went on with his intention; exchanging saddles and all, and then sitting down on a bundle of hay to overcome the qualm which the violent blow occasioned, before he entered the house.
  6. 望着一群小学生挤在那残骸中扯下扣子留作纪念,我感到有什么东西在喉咙梗住似的。
    I watched with a lump in my throat as schoolchildren swarmed over the wreck ripping off buttons for souvenirs.
  7. 我的车子成了一无用的废物。
    My car was a worthless wreck.
  8. 在他那肌肉鼓突的身体下面是一颤颤巍巍的敏感神经。
    Under that muscled body of his he was a mass of quivering sensibilities.
  9. 他们给我们留一大作业,或搞突击测试,对此他们觉得没有什么。
    They think nothing of piling on our homework or giving surprise quizzes.
  10. 她那世人的肉身禁不住炽烈的神光,顿时焚成一灰烬。
    Her mortal frame could not endure the splendors of the immortal radiance. She was consumed to ashes.
  11. 一座损坏的反应向大气中泄露出发射性物质
    A damaged reactor leaking radioactivity into the atmosphere.
  12. 船前面甲板上满了绳索杂物。
    Her decks forward are covered with raffle.
  13. 一大预备好了的借口
    A raft of ready-made excuses.
  14. 那份杂志是没有价值的一废纸。
    That magazine is a worthless rag.
  15. 他的论据是一杂乱无章互不相关的事实。
    His argument is a ragbag of disconnected facts.
  16. 今天的因特网在客户端是html、javascript和java的巨大集合,在服务器端是一杂七杂八的脚本语言和编译语言。
    Today's Internet is a vast collection of HTML, JavaScript and Java on the client side and a ragbag of scripted and compiled languages on the server side.
  17. 躺在角落的一脏破布
    A heap of dirty rags lying in the corner.
  18. 人们在清除阻碍铁路交通的雪
    People are cleaning up the snow- drifts that block up the railroads.
  19. 堆堆集成垛
    To heap into a raised mass.
  20. 用耙子把叶子收在一起在汽车库旁边。
    Rake the leaves and heap them by the garage.
  21. 驻留于常规ram(随机访问存储器)区域,但可通过它的“栈指针”获得处理的直接支持。
    This lives in the general RAM (random-access memory) area, but has direct support from the processor via its stack pointer.
  22. 横墙城墙或壕沟的防御性阻挡物,如用于抵挡敌人纵向射击的用挖出的土构筑的土
    A defensive barrier across a rampart or trench, as a bank of earth thrown up to protect against enfilade fire.
  23. 随意积的未充分理解的事实。
    an undigested mass of facts gathered at random.
  24. 只听见一片埋怨声和咒骂声,把弗朗德勒人、府尹大人、波旁红衣主教、司法宫典吏、奥地利的玛格丽特公主、执棒的捕役、天冷、天热、刮风下雨、巴黎主教、狂人教皇、柱子、塑像、这扇关着的门、那扇开着的窗,总之,把一切的一切全骂遍了。散布在人群中的一学子和仆役听后畅快极了,遂在心怀不满的人群中搅乱,挑逗促狭,挖苦讽刺,简直是火上加油,更加激起普遍的恶劣情绪。
    Nothing was to be heard but grumbling and imprecations against the Flemings, the Cardinal de Bourbon, the Chief Magistrate, Madame Marguerite of Austria, the beadles, the cold, the heat, the bad weather, the Bishop of Paris, the Fools’ Pope, the pillars, the statues, this closed door, yonder open window—to the huge diversion of the bands of scholars and lackeys distributed through the crowd, who mingled their gibes and pranks with this seething mass of dissatisfaction, aggravating the general ill-humour by perpetual pin-pricks.
  25. 说出一大堆抱怨的话
    Rattled off a list of complaints.
  26. 这些豪华公馆的前面,尽管有若干暗绿色的破房子濒临水边,却遮不住公馆正面的美丽棱角,遮不住公馆宽大的石框方形格子窗、满塑像的尖拱门廊、棱角总是那样分明的墙垣的尖脊,也遮不住所有这一切美妙的建筑奇珍。正是这些建筑奇珍,才使得峨特艺术看来又重新与每座宏伟建筑物结合在一起。
    A few miserable,greenish hovels, hanging over the water in front of these sumptuous Hotels, did not prevent one from seeing the fine angles of their facades, their large, square windows with stone mullions, their pointed porches overloaded with statues,the vivid outlines of their walls, always clear cut, and all those charming accidents of architecture, which cause Gothic art to have the air of beginning its combinations afresh with every monument.
  27. 当洪水消退后,他们留下的地质特征在规模上完全是瓦格纳式的宏篇巨制:砂砾和沉积物积的沙洲超过250米高;
    When the waters receded, they revealed geological features that are positively Wagnerian in scale: bars of gravel and sediment heaped up more than 250 metres high;
  28. 冲积物新近的残骸、瓦砾等的
    A deposit of recently eroded debris.
  29. 尽管还是个小学生,迈克却有着不一般的爱好——垃圾车、垃圾、垃圾回收——和垃圾有关的都是他的最爱,而他的理想是:长大后成为一名垃圾搬运工。
    The grade schooler is passionately interested in garbage trucks, compost and recycling -- and dreams of being a trash hauler when he grows up.
  30. 结果是改头换面,换汤不换药的技术和产品成
    As a result, redundant products flood the market.
  31. 他们给了他一大忠告。
    They flooded him with advice.
  32. 有一大对我们的广告的回复信。
    There are a stack of replies to our advertisement.