  • storehouse
  • granary
  • berth
  • sea
  • barn
  • cabin
  • hold (in ship)
  • position
  • take a position
  • hold a position
  • silo
  1.   (工厂商店等的)发货库   shipping room
  2.   [谚]仓促造成徒劳。   H-makes waste.
  3.   a.急速的;仓促的   hasty
  4.   n.仓库,货栈   warehouse
  5.   【体】促凑成的混合队; 临时凑成的全体船员   scratch crew
  6. n.  两轮单马车, 鱼叉, 排钩, 旋转物, 轻便二轮马车, 小快艇, 赛艇, 轮子坡, 小水, 两层罐笼, 吊桶, 提升机, 绞车, 怪人, 轻便双轮马车, (大船上的)小艇, (音乐家)短期表演   gig
  7. n.  亚洲的)仓库, 货栈.   warehouse (
  8.   从码头到仓库   P/H pier-to-house
  9.   仓促做出或制出某物   As the only English speakers, we were rather thrown together. 因为只有我们是说英语的, 所以我们是这麽凑到一起的. throw sth together make or produce sth hastily
  10. adj.  促的, 慌忙的, 匆忙的   hurried
  11. adj.  仓促的, 突然的   snap
  12. n.  促间的暧昧关系[求婚/风流韵事].   romance
  13. n.  储, 库费, 入库, 库贮存   warehousing
  14.   仓储式干燥器   bulk dryer
  15. n.  前空地, 谷空场, 谷前的院地, 畜棚场, 空场   barnyard
  16. n.  库, =repertoire, 贮藏所, 宝库, 贮藏, 库存贮藏物, 目录, 演出常备剧目的戏院, 常备剧目, (亦作rep)   repertory
  1. 不过,由于许多美国和欧洲股票基金经理早前过度减持亚洲股票,故须进行补,引发资金再度流入港元。
    The flow of funds quickly reversed as many US and European equity fund managers began to replenish their heavily under-weighted Asian equity portfolios.
  2. 目的地码头(库)交货价
    Ex quay( warehouse; godown) price
  3. 沿河的堤岸,虽然冲垮了,或者说有几个地段中断了,还是沿着塞纳河而下,从比利炮台一直延伸到树林炮台,换言之,从今日丰登谷所在地直至杜伊勒里宫所在地。
    Its quay, broken or interrupted in many places, ran along the Seine, from the Tour de Billy to the Tour du Bois; that is to say, from the place where the granary stands to-day, to the present site of the Tuileries.
  4. 因此,万能服务器对多维和时序复杂数据类型的支持,使数据库的设计人员和查询应用程序的开发人员能利用新型的复杂查询的加速。
    Thus, Universal Server support for multidimensional and time-series complex data types allows designers of data warehouses and developers of querying applications to take advantage of new complex-query speed-ups.
  5. 加快地或促地移动;快些做某事
    Move more quickly or too quickly; do sth more quickly
  6. 简打算辞去现职,但我劝她不要促行事。
    Jane was thinking about quitting her present job, but I advised her not to go off at half cock.
  7. 我是在促间同意的。
    I agreed in a rash moment.
  8. 一个口出狂言者得意洋洋地骂一房的庄稼汉万劫不复的声音使苔丝在房门口停了一会儿。那里麦包垒成的平台上站着亚历克·德伯,他留着假装神圣的络腮胡子,穿着半牧师式的黑服。
    The voice of a"ranter" triumphantly consigning a barnful of rustics to eternal damnation caused Tess to pause a moment in a doorway, and there on a platform of corn-bags, in sanctimonious sidewhiskers and semi-clerical blacks, stood Alec D'Urberville.
  9. 促表现为冲动或性急的行为或想法
    Action or thought marked by impulsiveness or rash haste.
  10. 他做决定太促现在可吃到苦头了.
    He made a rash decision now he's suffering for it.
  11. 我们不应仓促应战。
    We should not rashly accept battle.
  12. 我不明白在出售库的决定后面有什么原由。
    I do not understand the rationale behind the decision to sell the warehouse.
  13. 把老鼠从粮里熏出去
    Smoke rats out of a barn
  14. 仓库里老鼠横行。
    The warehouse is infested with rats.
  15. 之后,咨询人员必须以标准的小结报告来说明他们如何部署已有的知识资源来为客户服务以及他们为库贡献了哪些新的知识资本。
    Afterward, consultants must specify in standard summary reports how they deployed existing knowledge resources to serve the customer and what new intellectual capital they have contributed to the repository.
  16. 门式后背有铰链的后门
    The hinged rear door of a hatchback.
  17. 惟独第三次战役,因为不料敌人经过第二次战役那么惨败之后,新的进攻来得那么快(一九三一年五月三十一日我们结束第二次反“围剿”的作战,七月一日蒋介石就开始了他们的第三次“围剿”),红军卒地绕道集中,就弄得十分疲劳。
    It was only during the third campaign that the Red Army was very fatigued by the detour it had hastily had to make in order to reassemble, because we had not expected the enemy to launch a new offensive so quickly after suffering such a crushing defeat in the second campaign (we ended our second counter-campaign on May 31, 1931, and Chiang Kai-shek began his third "encirclement and suppression" campaign on July 1).
  18. 这些文化的改变是在困难度、代价、复杂性和成功的可能性方面对数据库再评估结果。
    These cultural changes are the result of a reassessment of data warehouses, in terms of degree of difficulty, cost, complexity and likelihood of success.
  19. 1975年9月5日香港出版的《远东经济评论》所载《美国中央情报局对西藏的阴谋》一文记述:1958年5月,首批受美训练的两名特务携带电台到叛乱头目恩珠·公布扎西设在山南的总部与美国中央情报局联系。
    An article entitled The CIA Tibetan Conspiracy in the Hong Kong-based Far Eastern Economic Review disclosed in its September 5 issue of 1975 that in May 1958, two agents trained by the Americans in the first batch brought a transceiver to the headquarter set up by the rebel leader Anzhugcang Goinbo Zhaxi in Shannan to make contact with the CIA.
  20. 市价已见回升,促处理掉,不足为取。
    Hurried disposal unadvisable market recovery envisage.
  21. 进行周期性的重新评估,即重新描述,是要指出何时一个产品不再流行了,因而该产品可以移到库的不同位置,另一个产品可以放到首要位置。
    Conducting a periodic reevaluation, or reprofiling, designates when a product is no longer as popular, so it can be moved to a different warehouse location, and another product can be moved into the prime spot.
  22. 这个建筑,用通俗的话说就是一个谷
    this building is colloquially referred to as The Barn.
  23. 存储在磁盘上的关系数据库对于编制和管理公司的数据库和数据集市而言,可能是很适宜的,可是让它们来对付明天以因特网为中心的应用环境可能就不够快。
    Relational databases stored on disk may be just fine for building and managing corporate data warehouses and data marts, but they may not be fast enough to handle tomorrow's Internet-centered application environment.
  24. 分区在多层面应用环境中也是有长处的。例如在企业资源计划或数据库的应用中,应用程序常常按功能划分到多个桌面客户、应用程序服务器和数据库服务器中。
    Partitioning is also advantageous in multitier application environments, such as enterprise resource planning or data warehousing, where the applications are often functionally divided across multiple desktop clients, application servers and database servers.
  25. 促结友谊,肯定悔莫及。
    Sudden friendship, sure repentance.
  26. 每个资本家持有的不是食品或衣着,而是货币,他把钱付给工人作为报酬,让工人自己去购买食品衣着。此外,库中还有制成的货物,把这些货物卖掉后,他可获得更多的钱,用这些钱支付工人的报酬,以及用来补充原料,修理房屋和机器,更换报废的房屋和机器。
    Instead of this, each capitalist has money, which he pays to his workpeople, and so enables them to supply themselves: he has also finished goods in his warehouses, by the sale of which he obtains more money, to employ in the same manner, as well as to replenish his stock of materials, to keep his buildings and machinery in repair, and to replace them when worn out.
  27. 其中一部分就是建立知识库。
    Part of that is building a knowledge repository.
  28. 储藏室,存放处,库(为存储或保管)存放物品的地方;库,储藏室
    A place where something is deposited, as for storage or safekeeping; a repository.
  29. 可装卸记录媒体(如磁盘组和磁带)的存储库。
    A repository for demountable recorded media, such as magnetic disk packs and magnetic tapes.
  30. 每个xml文档成了数据库,就像其他数据库一样能被查询。
    Each XML document becomes a data repository that can be queried just like any other database.
  31. 外部化是从外部的库里获取知识,并按照分类的基本框架或分类学将知识组织起来。
    Externalization is capturing knowledge in an external repository and organizing it according to classification framework or taxonomy.
  32. 利用内部化,你就能从外部的库里提取知识,经过滤后找到与知识寻找者有关的知识。
    With internalization, you extract knowledge from the external repository and filter it to identify what is relevant to the knowledge seeker.