·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • Turtle
  • amyda sinensis
Chinese English Phrase
  1. n.  woodlice土, 土虫, 土   woodlouse
  2. n.  揿钮, 咬人的狗, 发出突然响声者, 偷窃者, 爱骂人的人, 说话尖刻的人, 脾气暴躁的人, 拍快照者, 瞬动咬合器, 揿纽, 按扣, 麝香, 啮龟, 红鳍笛鲷, 新西兰真鲷, 叩头虫, 玉米摘穗机, 海底取样器, 抓式采泥器, =whopper, 牙齿, 咬人的狗, 暴燥的人, 甲鱼   snapper
  3. n.  海龟, 龟, 甲鱼, 海, 海龟肉, 甲鱼肉, 斑鸠   turtle
  4. n.  海龟, 龟, 甲鱼, 海, 海龟肉, 甲鱼肉, 斑鸠   turtle
  5.   淮山龟鳖精   essence of turtle with dioscorea batatutus
  6. n.  番木碱, 二甲氧基马钱子碱, 番木碱, 二甲马钱子碱   brucine
  7. n.  食用龟, 龟类爬行动物, 泥龟, 龟类   terrapin
  8. n.  马钱子碱, 士的宁, 番木碱   strychnine
  9.   龟鳖乌鸡精   essence of chicken with turtle
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 瓮中之鳖。
    Like a rat in a hole.
  2. 番木碱有毒的白色结晶体状生物碱,c23h26n2o4,得自马钱子的种子中,同植物关系极其密切并可用来使酒精变性
    A poisonous white crystalline alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, derived from the seeds of nux vomica and closely related plants and used to denature alcohol.
  3. 他们把持枪歹徒围困得像瓮中之
    They bottled up the gunmen like turtles in a jar.
  4. 我们把敌人围困得象瓮中之
    We bottled the enemy up like turtles in a jar.
  5. 一种从亚洲树木的种子中提取的药物;包含士的宁和番木碱;通常用来作为刺激剂。
    a medicine made from the seeds of an Asiatic tree; contains strychnine and brucine; formerly used as a stimulant.
  6. 龟一种陆地生乌龟,特别指属于龟目的动物,一般具有厚重,梅花状的四肢和高耸的圆形甲壳
    Any of various terrestrial turtles, especially one of the family Testudinidae, characteristically having thick clublike hind limbs and a high, rounded carapace.
  7. 鳖并非真正的蟹类
    The horseshoe crab is not a true crab.
  8. 并非真正的(或典型的)蟹类。
    the horseshoe crab is not a true (or typical) crab.
  9. 科的几种海鱼之一,在鳃盖和第一背鳍上的许多毒刺
    Any of several marine fishes of the family Trachinidae, having venomous spines on the gill cover and first dorsal fin.
  10. 捕海龟、捕,尤指作为一种职业
    To hunt for turtles, especially as an occupation.
  11. 生活在礁石上的任何多板纲的海洋软体动物,外壳由八片互相搭接的钙质板样结构组成
    Any of various marine mollusks of the class Polyplacophora that live on rocks and have shells consisting of eight overlapping calcareous plates.
  12. 龟龟目的各种水生或陆生的爬行动物,有角质无齿的颌,骨质的或似皮革的壳,许多品种的龟可将头、四肢和尾缩进壳中
    Any of various aquatic or terrestrial reptiles of the order Testudines(or Chelonia), having horny toothless jaws and a bony or leathery shell into which the head, limbs, and tail can be withdrawn in most species.
  13. 地鳖虫
    Polyphaga Sp.