·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • Promise
  • yes
  • promise
  • yes
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   )忠於, 信守(言等)   remain faithful to (a promise, etc
  2. n.  ..) 许某人[得到某人的许]   be promised by sb (that
  3. n.  28张一套的多米骨牌戏.   dominoes [sing v] game played with a set of 28 dominoes
  4.   [律]承年龄, (女子)婚姻自主的法定年龄   age of consent
  5.   [美]“青鼻子”(美国东北部新英格兰人或加拿大东部的法斯科细亚人的外号, 因该地气候极寒, 把人们的鼻子都冻青, 故有此外号)   blue noses
  6.   [美]伊利斯州(Illinois)的别名   Prarie State , Sucker State
  7.   [美]草原之乡(美国伊利斯州的别名)   P-State
  8.   [蔑]英国福克人的浑名   Norfolk dumpling [turkey]
  9.   [谚]好听的言不能当饭吃。   Soft words butter no parsnips.
  10.   [谚]好听的言不能当饭吃。   Kind words butter no parsnips.
  11.   [谚]好听的言不能当饭吃。   Fair words butter no parsnips.
  12.   [谚]好听的言不能当饭吃。   Fine words butter no parsnips.
  13.   [谚]言好比馅饼皮, 为了破坏才做的; 信约是脆弱的。   Promises are like piecrust, made to be broken.
  14.   [谚]轻诺寡信。   Those who are quick to promise are generally slow to perform.
  15. n.  一小杯, 少量的饮料, 小杯子, 金, 头, 脑袋, 脑筋, 铅桶, 小杯, 少量饮料   noggin
  16. n.  一种落袋撞球戏, 斯克台球, 落袋台球, 彩色台球, 桌球   snooker
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 本年的破纪录雨量与赤道太平洋地区的特强厄尔尼现象同时出现。
    The extreme rainfall coincided with an exceptionally strong E1 Nino event in the equatorial Pacific.
  2. 奥斯特瓦尔德,威廉1853-1932德国化学家。因其在催化作用和化学平衡方面的贡献获1909年贝尔奖
    German chemist. He won a1909 Nobel Prize for work on catalysis and chemical equilibrium.
  3. 我们承建立一个开放的、公平的、有章可循的、可预测的和非歧视性的多边贸易和金融体制。
    We are committed to an open, equitable, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory multilateral trading and financial system.
  4. 德·施瓦辛格在片中的表演确定了他后来的戏路。从20世纪80年代中、后期直到90年代,施瓦辛格饰演了更多这类令人惊叹的、极具票房号召力的角色:《魔鬼司令》(又译《独闯龙潭》)(1985)、《边缘战士》(1986)、《终极战士》(1987)、《跑动者》(1987)、《冲出生死线》(1988)、《全面回忆》(1990)、《终结者ii》(1991)、《真实的谎言》(1994)和《蒸发密令》(1996)。
    Arnold Schwarzenegger performs in a career-shaping role that would soon lead to many more such formidable,box-office appealing characterizations in the mid to late 1980s and into the 1990s: Commando(1985),Raw Deal(1986),Predator(1987),The Running Man(1987),Red Heat(1988),Total Recall(1990),Terminator 2(1991),True Lies(1994)and Eraser(1996).
  5. 阿金小姐在荷兰长大,父母是土耳其人。她承将以良好的风范代表全世界妇女。
    Miss Akin,who was raised by her Turkish parents in the Netherlands,pledged to represent the women of the world in a good way.
  6. 阿基坦法国西南部一个历史地区,位于比利牛斯山和加隆河之间,在1137年阿基坦的埃莉与国王路易斯七世结婚之后阿基坦公国加入法国,但当她再嫁英国亨利二世后,其归属权便受到争议
    A historical region of southwest France between the Pyrenees and the Garonne River. The duchy of Aquitaine was joined with France after the marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine to King Louis VII in1137, but its possession was disputed after her subsequent marriage to Henry II of England.
  7. 比小帘蛤大些的小圆蛤;生吃或煮吃,例如卡西蛤。
    small quahog larger than a littleneck; eaten raw or cooked as in e.g. clams casino.
  8. 这种承可以是明白表达的(即用文字清楚式,其中注以“限……天内接受”,或其他类似的限制性文字。
    The promise may be expressed (that is clearly stated in words) , as when it takes the form of a letter; or it may be implied (that is understood) , as when it takes the form of a quotation that contains the words "For acceptance within . . . days" , or similar qualifying words.
  9. [20]在洛杉矶以东约6o英里的一个干燥、多尘的城市——桑伯纳迪市里,一批体育专家通过“旁门左道”使学校的体育课程成了典范,给孩子们的体格健康水平带来了可观的提高。
    [20] In San Bernardino, a dry, dusty city about 60 miles east of Los Angeles, a team of PE specialists used a side-door entrance to turn the school PE programme into a model that has produced quantifiable improvements in children's fitness levels.
  10. 普朗克,马克斯·卡尔·恩斯特·路德维希1858-1947德国物理学家,因其在有关量子理论方面的发现而获1918年贝尔奖
    German physicist. He won a1918 Nobel Prize for discoveries in connection with quantum theory.
  11. 博恩,马克斯1882-1970德裔物理学家。因在量子力学方面的开拓性工作而获1954年贝尔奖
    German-born physicist. He shared a1954 Nobel Prize for his pioneering work in quantum mechanics.
  12. 海森堡,维尔纳·卡尔1901-1976德国物理学家,量子力学的奠基人。因其测不准原理而荣获1932年贝尔物理学奖
    German physicist and a founder of quantum mechanics. He won a1932 Nobel Prize for his uncertainty principle.
  13. 崔琦教授于1982年和两位合作者在量子物理学中的重大突破,终于使他获得了1998年度的贝尔物理奖。
    In 1982, Professor Cui Qi, with two collaborators, achieved a significant breakthrough in the field of quantum physics. In 1998, he was finally awarded the Nobel Prize for physics.
  14. 弗里德曼,杰罗姆·以撒生于1930美国物理学家。因研究证实了夸克的存在获1990年贝尔奖
    American physicist. He shared a1990 Nobel Prize for research that confirmed the existence of quarks.
  15. 其他精彩节目包括香港国际电影节、柏林爱乐乐团四重奏、蒙地卡罗芭蕾舞团的舞蹈表演、钢琴家拉莎.贝尔文及彼得.多浩的表演。
    Other programme highlights included the Hong Kong International Film Festival, the Philharmonia Quartet Berlin, Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, and pianists Lazar Berman and Peter Donohoe.
  16. 加蒂加拿大魁北克西南部一镇,赫尔的东北部,靠近加蒂河的河口,大约长386公里(240英里),发源于劳伦琴高原,大致以西南流向注入渥太华河。此城市是一工业中心。人口74,988
    A town of southwest Quebec, Canada, northeast of Hull near the mouth of the Gatineau River, about386 km(240 mi) long. The river rises in the Laurentian Plateau and flows generally southwest to the Ottawa River. The city is an industrial center. Population,74, 988.
  17. 赫奇博士和他的同事,伊利伊州大学的查尔斯·沃尔夫均发现克林顿先生在被问及与菜温斯基小姐的关系的尴尬问题时,频繁地躲避提问者的注视,变得张口结舌而且比平时更频繁地触摸鼻子。
    Dr Hirsch and his colleague Charles Wolf of the University of Illinois both spotted that Mr. Clinton frequently broke the questioner's gaze, became tongue-tied and touched his nose far more often than normal when asked awkward questions about his relationship with Miss Lewinsky.
  18. 按照中国加入世贸组织的承,加快修改、制定有关吸收外资的法律法规,完善涉外经济法律体系;
    According to its commitment to join the WTO, China is quickening the amendments to and formulation of relevant laws and regulations to attract FDI and perfecting its foreign related economic legal system.
  19. 酊将金鸡纳树皮中提取结晶生物碱之后,剩下来一种黑褐色的生物碱混合物,用作奎宁的替代物
    A brownish-black mixture of alkaloids remaining after extraction of crystalline alkaloids from cinchona bark, used as a quinine substitute.
  20. 最后引用一下欧盟委员会贸易委员帕斯卡尔·拉米在欧盟方得胜后的一番话:(本案极其结果)是一个很好的榜样,展示了我们如何在牢记我们的国际义务和承的同时,以一种合作的方式处理我们的问题。
    Let's conclude the briefing of this copyright dispute case by quoting the remark made by the EC Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy as saying, "(the case and its result) this is a good example of how we can manage our problems in a co-operative manner, while keeping in mind our international obligations and commitments.
  21. 马萨索伊特北美万帕亚格印第人的首领,他帮助朝圣殖民者并在普利茅斯签订了和平协议
    Wampanoag leader who aided the Pilgrim colonists and signed a peace treaty with them at Plymouth.
  22. 利比,威拉德·弗兰克1908-1980美国化学家,因研制出放射性碳测年代技术而获得1960年贝尔奖
    American chemist. He won a1960 Nobel Prize for developing the method of radiocarbon dating.
  23. 因此,我的任务就是将镭作为一种新的化学元素特别地介绍给你们,而不去描述许多其他的放射现象,这些现象在亨利·贝克勒尔、皮埃尔·居里和卢瑟福的贝尔演讲中已经有所描述。
    It is therefore my task to present to you radium in particular as a new chemical element, and to leave aside the description of the many radioactive phenomena which have already been described in the Nobel Lectures of H.Becquerel, P.Curie and E.Rutherford.
  24. 当然,我们也不能排除莱佛士书院、英华中学、圣约瑟书院、维多利亚中学、国家初级学院等英校培育出一个贝尔得奖人的可能性,毕竟这些英校培育了新加坡一些顶尖的人才!
    Of course, we are not excluding the possibility of having the accolades go to Raffles Institution, Anglo-Chinese School, St Joseph's Institution, Victoria School, National Junior College and other English-language schools, which have produced some of our best brains in Singapore!
  25. 大厅里——朱在那儿站岗,还有——不,你只能在楼梯和过道那儿溜达。
    and the house--Juno mounts sentinel there, and--nay, you can only ramble about the steps and passages.
  26. 据位于加州古本蒂市的太平洋煤气电力公司的网络专员兰迪·琼称,“我们的网络管理人员不具备很多unix和internet连网的经验,因此,开头时工作负荷确实很重。”
    "Our network administrators didn't have a lot of Unix and Internet networking experience, so the workload was initially really heavy", said Randy Jew, network specialist at Pacific Gas and Electric Co., in Cupertino, Calif..
  27. 两人间的战时关系通过往来的信号不断发展,只因盟国调遣坎贝尔所在的船只投入曼底登陆行动而突然终止。
    Their wartime relationship, which blossomed over the signals, came to an abrupt end when the Allies ordered Campbell's ship, the Matt W. Ransom, into service for the D-Day invasion at Normandy.
  28. 阿瑟的全部许都是空的,毫无价值。
    All Arthur’s promises are not worth a rap.
  29. 控诉他是决心要树一个榜样,让其他遭强奸和凌辱的受害者也跟着做。
    She was determined to show the way for other victims of rape and abuse.
  30. 怀托摩鲁米萨(luminosa)探险公司会带领你在黑暗中乘坐橡皮艇,穿过地下河那湍急的水流。
    Adventure company Waitomo Luminosa leads groups through the underground rivers riding dark rapids on inner tyres.
  31. 我们不应违背诺言。
    We should not rat on our promises.
  32. 老鼠和蟑螂在干枯的木板上急跑-曼·梅勒。
    the rats and roaches scurrying along the sapless planks- Norman Mailer.