到目前为止,聪格斯先生[争取选民支持]相当成功——这些选民多半与他背景相同——因为他的沉重,不上镜头的相貌,以及淳朴的言词投合很多选民的心意。他们觉得在里根与布什当政数年的浪费与浮夸之后,应该卧薪尝胆。 So far, Mr.Tsongas has succeeded—mostly with voters whose background is similar to his own—because his dour, untelegenic visage and unvarnished rhetoric suits the mood of many voters who feel they have to take their medicine, after the airy excesses and inflated promises of the Reagan-Bush years.
聪明的,伶俐的思维敏捷且有创造性的;聪明的 Mentally quick and original; bright.
聪慧在学习及理解上的敏锐;才智 Quickness in learning and understanding; intelligence.
聪明的,敏锐的以头脑灵活敏感为特征的 Having or marked by intellectual quickness and acuity.
敏锐,聪明判断或洞察力的快速,准确及敏捷 Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight.
这个小男孩在这次电视知识测验中证实了他的聪明。 The little boy has proved his cleverness in the television quiz.
我认为他很聪明;我认为她很聪明;我想他是她男友。 I think he is very smart; I believe her to be very smart; I think that he is her boyfriend; The racist conceives such people to be inferior.
机敏的头脑;聪明才智。 an agile mind; nimble wits.
骄傲,专横,鲁莽,自作聪明,不同群众商量,把自己的意见强加于人,为了自己的威信而坚持错误,是同党的群众路线根本不相容的。 Conceit, arbitrariness, rashness, pretending to be clever, not consulting the masses, forcing one's opinions on others, and clinging to errors to keep up one's prestige--all this is utterly incompatible with the Party's mass line.
傻子,弱智者愚蠢,非常不聪明的人 A silly, rather unintelligent person.
她一片痴心地谈她孩子如何聪明。 She raved about her child's intelligence.
她一片痴心地谈她孩子如何聪明。 She raved about her child 's intelligence.
这个世界一代比一代聪明了。 The world becomes wiser from age to age.
相当好、便宜、聪明 Reasonably good, cheap, intelligent
巴迪是一只漂亮聪明的海豚——但也是一个会改变动作破坏演出的叛逆者。哈伯德不喜欢它,不得不给它点颜色看。 Buddy was a beautiful, clever dolpin-but also a rebel who would change the cat and wreck the show. Hubbard hated him and had to show him who was boss.
这种善观风色和善择时机的聪明是不容易的,惟有虚心研究,勤于考察和思索的人们可以获得。 This wisdom in sensing changes and choosing the right moment to act is not easily acquired; it can be gained only by those who study with a receptive mind and investigate and ponder diligently.
他在1829年的一封信中写道:“我的目标是成功地改造荒芜的得克萨斯……让它到处充满进取精神和聪明才智。 In a letter written in 1829, he said. "My ambition has been to succeed in redeeming Texas from its wilderness state by… spreading over it…enterprise and intelligence.
她用聪明的手段得到了他的爱情。 She wound her way into his affection.
当这位太太说起一个聪明小伙子时,我知道她指的是比尔。 I know the lady is referring to Bill when she speaks of a bright young lad.
革命的政治家们,懂得革命的政治科学或政治艺术的政治专门家们,他们只是千千万万的群众政治家的领袖,他们的任务在于把群众政治家的意见集中起来,加以提炼,再使之回到群众中去,为群众所接受,所实践,而不是闭门造车,自作聪明,只此一家,别无分店的那种贵族式的所谓“政治家”,——这是无产阶级政治家同腐朽了的资产阶级政治家的原则区别。 Revolutionary statesmen, the political specialists who know the science or art of revolutionary politics, are simply the leaders of millions upon millions of statesmen -- the masses. Their task is to collect the opinions of these mass statesmen, sift and refine them, and return them to the masses, who then take them and put them into practice. They are therefore not the kind of aristocratic "statesmen" who work behind closed doors and fancy they have a monopoly of wisdom. Herein lies the difference in principle between proletarian statesmen and decadent bourgeois statesmen.
聪明的孙中山看到了这一点,得了苏联和中国共产党的助力,把三民主义重新作了解释,遂获得了新的历史特点,建立了三民主义同共产主义的统一战线,建立了第一次国共合作,取得了全国人民的同情,举行了一九二四年至一九二七年的革命。 Dr. Sun Yat-sen in his wisdom saw this point, secured the help of the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist Party and reinterpreted the Three People's Principles so as to endow them with new characteristics suited to the times;as a result, a united front was formed between the Three People's Principles and communism, Kuomintang-Communist co-operation was established for the first time, the sympathy of the people of the whole country was won, and the revolution of 1924-27: was launched.
聪明的或与之相关的;有倾向的或与之相关的。 of or relating to aptitudes.
海伦在这方面非比一般,她绝顶的聪明又相当敏感。 Helen was unusual in that she was extremely intelligent and also remarkably sensitive.
俏皮话机灵的或聪明的语言交换;巧妙的应答 Witty or clever verbal exchange; repartee.
聪明,伶俐智力上熟练或灵巧;聪明 Mental skill or adroitness; cleverness.
机敏,聪明有脑力上的机智或伶俐的 Having mental skill or adroitness.
人类平等的学说,是基于如下的事实:没有一个真正聪明的人不觉悟到自己是愚昧的。 The doctrine of human equality repose on this: that there is no man really clever who have not find that he is stupid.
人类平等的学说,是基于如下的事实:没有一个真正聪明的人不觉悟到自己是愚昧的。 The doctrine of human equality reposes on this: that there is no man really clever who has not found that he is stupid.
婴儿卡罗莱娜跟巴卜罗长成又聪明又健康的儿童……据某些人说,他们知道他们是被收养的。据所有的人说,他们有受到疼爱与照顾。 The babies, Carolina and Pablo, grew into bright and healthy children, ?? By some accounts, they knew they were adopted. By all accounts, they were lovingly cared for.
布什总统聪明地坚持立场,敦促国会对以色列所请求安置苏联犹太人百亿元贷款担保暂不采取行动。他的立场引起沙米尔总理的以色列政府及支持以色列的美国人激烈的抨击。并且一个以色列阁员把总统恶意形容成说谎者和反犹者。 President Bush is wisely standing firm in urging Congress to delay action on Israel's request for $ 10 billion in loan guarantees to resettle Soviet Jews. His request has drawn fierce rhetorical fire from the Israeli Government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and its American supporters, and an Israeli Cabinet minister offensively characterized the President as a liar and an anti-Semite.
在中国的长篇小说《红楼梦》里,那个柔弱多情的男主角很喜欢和女人混在一起,深深崇拜他那两个美丽的表姊妹,常以自己生为男孩子为憾。他说“女人是水做的,男人是泥做的”。因为他觉得他的表姊妹是可爱的,纯洁的,聪明的,而他自己和他的男同伴是丑陋的,糊涂的,脾性暴戾的。 In the Chinese novel Red Chamber Dream, the boy hero, a sentimental mollycoddle very fond of female company and admiring his beautiful female cousins intensely and all but sorry for himself for being a boy, says that, "Woman is made of water and man is made of clay, " the reason being that he thinks his female cousins are sweet and pure and clever, while he himself and his boy companions are ugly and muddle-headed and bad-tempered.