·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • vacancy
  • hollow
  • air
  • for nothing
  • sky
  • in vain
  • emptied
  • leisure
  • empty, hollow, bare, deserted
  • Empty
  • void
  • sunyata
  • dead end
Chinese English Phrase
  1. v.  &n.空谈,奉承   palaver
  2.   (云等)飞过天空   scud over the sky
  3.   (交易所)买回卖出去的股票   cover short
  4.   (交易所)轧头, 迫使卖者用高价补进   squeeze the shorts
  5.   (亲人亡故等引起的)沉痛虚之感   aching void
  6.   (头脑)处于 白状态; (记忆)想不起来, 丧失知觉   be a blank
  7.   (打字时行与行间的)单[双]行距   single [double] spacing
  8.   (扰乱性的)神经空袭   nerve air raid
  9.   (拳击)打; 白费力气, 徒劳   beat the air
  10.   (拳击)打; 白费力气, 徒劳   beat the wind
  11.   (无人无货的汽车)载重量   kerb weight
  12.   (机器)空转   run idle
  13.   (杂技)空中飞人表演   a trapeze acrobat
  14.   (柔道、手道、拳术等)(东方)武术   martial art
  15.   (用细管)吹肥皂泡; 谈; 想; 象孩子一样作乐   blow bubbles
  16.   (用飞行访问)显示军力量   show the wing
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 在最近的一个早上,当人们发现迈克尔·h的时候,他正睡在兰开斯特郊区的圣保罗圣公会教堂的地板上。他已经有几个月没有理发和刮脸了,身边散落着从教堂配餐室拿来的金枪鱼的罐头盒和汤。
    Michael H. had not had a shave or haircut in months when he was found one recent morning, sleeping on the floor of St. Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry.
  2. 例如,管制员离开岗位后,仍然能从经历性记忆中叙述出那些曾发生的困难的情况下所做出的一系列管制行为和有关的航器。
    The controller getting off shift, for example, can recount from episodic memory the aircraft involved and the series of control actions taken for any troublesome situation that occurred.
  3. 到了革命根据地,就是到了中国历史几千年来前未有的人民大众当权的时代。
    To come to the revolutionary bases means to enter an epoch unprecedented in the thousands of years of Chinese history, an epoch in which the masses of the people wield state power.
  4. 有确凿的证据显示臭氧层上的洞正在以惊人的速度扩大。
    There is strong evidence to show that the hole in the Ozone Layer is expanding at an alarming rate.
  5. 抽象空间微分方程
    differential equation in abstract space
  6. 荡荡的房子让他提高了警惕。
    The empty house alarmed him.
  7. 月球在与赤道相对的椭圆形轨道上运行,往返于南北半球的上
    The moon travels in an elliptical orbit in relation to the equator, swinging back and forth over the northern and southern hemispheres.
  8. 双鱼星座北半天球赤道地带上星云,靠近白羊星座与飞马座
    A constellation in the equatorial region of the Northern Hemisphere near Aries and Pegasus.
  9. 1953年,在姐姐伊丽莎白的加冕仪式上,玛格丽特帮皇家军成员、已故父王的侍从武官汤森除去军服上的一个线头,这一瞬间的亲昵举动暴露了一个隐藏两年的秘密:22岁的公主与38岁的汤森相爱。当时汤森刚刚离婚,是两个孩子的父亲。
    At her sister's 1953 coronation Margaret sparked a scandal by brushing a bit of lint off the uniform of Townsend, a member of the Royal Air Force and equerry to her late father. The momentary, intimate flick exposed a two-year-old secret:The princess, 22, and Townsend, 38 and the newly divorced father of two sons, were having an affair.
  10. 现在阿兰才意识到他以前是如何将自己锁进一个妒忌和沮丧的壳里?
    Alan now realized how he had locked himself into his own shell of rejection and jealousy.
  11. 气静力学关于平衡状态下气体以及不断变化的大气飞行条件下的气球或航器平衡状态的科学
    The science of gases in equilibrium and of the equilibrium of balloons or aircraft under changing atmospheric flight conditions.
  12. 他小心翼翼地看了看她的睡袋,睡袋已经了。阿兰一下子僵住了。
    He looked cautiously round her sleeping bag. It was empty and Alan froze.
  13. 力学气和其他气体的运动与静止的科学,由气动力学与气静力学组成
    The science of the motion and equilibrium of air and other gases, comprising aerodynamics and aerostatics.
  14. 当时他正囊如洗,不可能有别种坐骑。
    His purse, which was very dry at that moment, did not permit him any other equipage.
  15. 那辆车装有调设备。
    The car is equipped with air conditioning.
  16. 木贼属植物多种木贼属不开花植物,其茎中有节,其叶狭长,有时十分小
    Any of various nonflowering plants of the genus Equisetum, having a jointed, hollow stem and narrow, sometimes much reduced leaves.
  17. 独一无二的没有相等的或相当的;前未有的
    Without an equal or equivalent; unparalleled.
  18. 让我想一想。抱歉,我大脑一片白。
    Er, let me think. Sorry, my mind's gone blank.
  19. 协和式飞机开创了中旅行的新纪元.
    Concorde inaugurateda new era in aeroplane travel.
  20. 协和式飞机开创了中旅行的新纪元
    Concorde inaugurated a new era in aeroplane travel.
  21. 只看到小枝小节,就对和平做出洞诉求,不但流于感情用事,也削弱了对付恐怖活动的力量。
    We must also not lose sight of the big picture and start appealing for peace. Being sentimental will not help and will weaken the resolve to eradicate terrorism.
  22. 一种只读存储器,其中的内容可以擦除,使存储器成为白状态。
    A type of read only memory that can is erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state.
  23. 一种只读存储器,其中的内容可以擦除,使存储器成为白状态。
    A type of read-only memory that can be erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state.
  24. 他一定是你最喜欢的球星,别急,我们来看一下他失败的原因吧,首先我觉得贝克尔打落地球时动作不连贯,又缺乏信心。他截击中球时漏洞百出,他13次发球得分的机会却有10次双误,贝克尔第十一局接连两次失误使得弗里拉获得反败为胜的机会。
    He must be your favorite star. Don't worry, let's see the reasons his failure. Firstly, I think that Backer's ground strokes lacked consistency and confidence, his volleys were erratic and his 13 aces were nearly erased by 10 double-faults. Two straight double-faults by Becker gave Ferreira a key break in the 11 th game.
  25. 向司机交了票钱后,她沿着过道,用双手摸向座位,找到了司机指给她的座。
    She paid the driver and,using her hands to feel the location of the seats,walked down the aisle and found the seat he'd told her was empty.
  26. 以我方的确认为条件,现对提洛尔ah22--biff型夏普调器报价,到伦敦cif价每台530英镑。连同接货订单,信用证五周内装船。
    We qt. subj. cfmn on sharp aircondition tyrol ah22--biff at l530/unit cif len shpt within 5 wks. aft ret dr l.c.
  27. 您挡着通道,中小姐推着饮料车无法通过。
    You is blocking the aisle and the stewardess can not get past with the drinks trolley.
  28. 您挡着通道,中小姐推着饮料车无法通过。
    You are blocking the aisle and the stewardess can not get past with the drinks trolley.
  29. 别把行李放在通道里,否则中小姐会要求你把它移走。
    Don't leave your luggage in the aisle or the stewardess will make you move it.
  30. 一个间去过道检查了。
    One of the hostesses went along the aisle to check
  31. 走道边的那张餐桌是的。
    The table near the aisle is free.
  32. 关于社会经济改进的想理论;妄想变得富裕的想计划。
    airy theories about socioeconomic improvement; visionary schemes for getting rich.