“说不准,”阿兰敢肯定她一定会宁愿和汤姆在一起。 “Not really.”Alan was certain she’d rather be with Tom.
他宁死不屈。 He will die, ere he will yield.
今天的辛迪士不急于第二次结婚--她们宁愿顺其自然。 And today's SINDIs are in no hurry to walk up the aisle for a second time -- they are choosing to go it alone.
可我宁愿要走道旁的座位,我坐在发动机后面会感到恶心。 But I prefer the aisle seat here. I feel sick with a seat back to the engine.
然而,一部分同志曾在这个伟大斗争中跌下了或跌下过机会主义的泥坑,这仍然是因为他们不去虚心领会过去的经验,对于中国的历史状况和社会状况、中国革命的特点、中国革命的规律不了解,对于马克思列宁主义的理论和中国革命的实践没有统一的理解而来的。 Nevertheless, in the course of these great struggles some of our comrades sank into the quagmire of opportunism, or did so at least for a time, and again the reasons were that they did not learn modestly from the experience of the past, did not acquire an understanding of Chinese history and society and of the specific features and laws of the Chinese revolution, and did not have an understanding of the unity between the theory of Marxism-Leninism and the practice of the Chinese revolution.
这样,就可以避免沾染官气,就可以避免脱离群众、脱离实际,就可以使我们的国家坚持社会主义制度、并在将来发展到共产主义的道路上去,就可以使我们党坚持马克思列宁主义的原则。 Only by so doing can we pay more attention to upholding the Party's fine traditions, avoid being tainted with bureaucratic airs, and keep from becoming divorced from the masses and reality. Only thus can China adhere to the socialist system and advance along the road to communism, and can our Party uphold Marxist-Leninist principles.
破斧树两种南美乔木中的任意一种,白坚木,其树皮用于制药或红破斧木,其木材是制造丹宁的最丰富的原料之一 Either of two South American trees, Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco whose bark is used in medicine, or Schinopsis lorentzii whose wood is one of the richest sources of tannin.
他宁愿清贫不苟且,不愿钻营以谋高官厚禄。 He prefers honest poverty to a high position obtained by questionable means.
宁静太阳射电 quiet solar radio radiation
他过着宁静的生活。 He had a quiet life.
他们渴宁静。 They are zealous for quiet.
宁静是一笔大财富。 Quietness is a great treasure.
聋夫瞎妻得安宁。 A husband must be deaf and the wife blind to have quietness.
人生何为先,宁静为桂冠。 Quietude is the crown of life.
金鸡纳树一种金鸡纳属的树木和灌木,原产于安第斯山区,其树皮含有治疗疟疾的药用生物碱奎宁和奎尼定,因而被栽植 Any of several trees and shrubs of the genus Cinchona, native chiefly to the Andes and cultivated for bark that yields the medicinal alkaloids quinine and quinidine, which are used to treat malaria.
杜松子酒和奎宁水混合成的酒。 gin and quinine water.
用奎宁治疗疟疾 Treated malaria with quinine.
奎宁是治疗疟疾的特效药。 quinine is a specific for malaria.
他希望医生开奎宁。 He hoped the doctor to prescribe quinine.
奎宁是有效的疟疾预防药。 Quinine is an effectual preventive for malaria.
医生令那孩子服奎宁。 The doctor dosed the boy with quinine.
医师给那女孩服用奎宁。 The doctor dosed the girl with quinine.
奎宁化合物一种奎宁化合物或奎宁盐 Any of various compounds or salts of quinine.
医生说我应该服用奎宁。 The doctor says that I should take quinine.
酸橙或柠檬味的碳酸水,含有奎宁。 lime- or lemon-flavored carbonated water containing quinine.
奎尼丁一种无色的晶体状生物碱,c20h24n2o2,类似于奎宁,用于治疗疟疾和某些心脏疾病 A colorless crystalline alkaloid, C20H24N2O2, resembling quinine and used in treating malaria and certain heart disorders.
奎诺酊将金鸡纳树皮中提取结晶生物碱之后,剩下来一种黑褐色的生物碱混合物,用作奎宁的替代物 A brownish-black mixture of alkaloids remaining after extraction of crystalline alkaloids from cinchona bark, used as a quinine substitute.
奎宁完全是专门对付疟疾的;特效药;特种染色剂是对特定结构元素有特殊亲和力的染色剂。 quinine is highly specific for malaria; a specific remedy; a specific stain is one having a specific affinity for particular structural elements.
醌型化合物一种在结构或物理性质方面类似奎宁的物质 A substance resembling quinone in structure or physical properties.
1949年卡罗尔·钱宁在出演了百老汇版的《绅士偏爱金发女人》后,便执意以扮演典型的漂亮而无头脑的金发女人为职业。 After her role in the 1949 Broadway version of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Carol Channing made a career out of playing the quintessential dumb blond.
那位年老多病的妇女说,噪声总使她心神不宁。 The ailing old woman says noise always puts her out.