·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • delicate
  • light
  • tender
  • unskilled
  • soft, tender, delicate
  • Soft
  • young
Chinese English Phrase
  1. n.  tournedos腓里牛排, 酱汁牛排, 腓里牛排   tournedos
  2.   中嫩的   rare
  3. n.  从收割的根部再长出的新牙或枝, 截根苗, 农作物收割后的再发芽   ratoon
  4. vt.  使返老还童, 使恢复精神, 使年轻化, 使翻身, 使复壮, 使化, 使回春, 使再生, 使恢复其浸蚀力, 使年轻, 使复原, 使恢复精神, 使恢复活力, 使更新   rejuvenate
  5. n.  健康的枝可作强壮的接穗.   A healthy shoot should form a strong graft
  6. n.  具鳞根出条, 有鳞芽的根出条, 色鳞枝   turion
  7. n.  凳子, 搁脚凳, 厕所, 解大便, 座位, 便桶, 大便, 根株, 根生苗, 子鸟歇息的树枝, 鸽, 垫凳, 内窗台, 情报, 粪便   stool
  8.   分散型阳离子嫩黄   dispersible cationic flavine
  9.   分散嫩黄   disperse light yellow
  10.   分散嫩黄   disperse brilliant yellow
  11.   刚果嫩姆   congoleum
  12. n.  园艺)用压条法使(枝)生根.   to take root while still attached to the parent plant (
  13.   天然嫩肤霜   natural skin-smoothing cream
  14. n.  天鹅绒, 丝绒, 鹿茸上的绒毛状皮, 鹿角上的软毛, 纯利, 微小的利润, 意外盈利, 投机盈利, 舒适愉快的情况, 柔软, 光滑   velvet
  15. adj.  娇的花、 树木、 幼芽等(如易遭霜冻).   tender blossoms, plants, shoots, etc, eg that can be harmed by frost
  16.   嫩化   tenderization
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 直立的有分岔的加州灌木,其枝在幼小时是羊毛状的。
    erect openly branched California shrub whose twigs are woolly when young.
  2. 我喜欢煮得嫩些。
    I like it rare.
  3. 我喜欢嫩一点的。
    I prefer mine rare.
  4. 我爱吃煮得的牛肉。
    I like my beef rare.
  5. 斯:不,我喜欢做得点。
    NO, I want it rare.
  6. 我爱吃做得极的鸡肉。
    I want my chicken very rare.
  7. 些、适中还是老一些?
    Rare, medium or well-done?
  8. 欧洲至阿富汗黎巴旺盛的落叶攀援植物,有芳香的白绿色花组成的圆锥花序,夏季和秋季常见。
    vigorous deciduous climber of Europe to Afghanistan and Lebanon having panicles of fragrant green-white flowers in summer and autumn.
  9. 贝达得:通过各种加工设备,脆簿鲜的叶子体积缩小,紧接着放入干燥器内烘制,之后进行分等挑选,最后的成品就是装入小袋出售的松脆小叶片。
    The tea is reduced from being a green, brittle leaf, and it is put through various machines which reduce its size.It is then fired in a tea dryer, and then sorted, and the finished product is what people see in their packet, a small brittle fragment.
  10. 桦树的枝,用作教鞭
    A rod from a birch, used to administer a whipping.
  11. 淡黄色的卷发,或者不如说是金黄色的,松松地垂在她那细的颈上。
    flaxen ringlets, or rather golden, hanging loose on her delicate neck;
  12. 其中江满足ⅲ类水质要求,吉林省境内松花江干流以ⅲ~ⅳ类水质为主,黑龙江省境内松花江干流以ⅳ类水质为主,污染严重的河流是伊通河和安肇新河,主要污染指标为氨氮、石油类、高锰酸盐指数和生化需氧量。
    Nen River attains the standards for Grade III. Grade III ~ IV water quality dominates the mainstream of the Song Hua River in Jilin Province. Grade IV water quality dominates the mainstream of the Song Hua River in Heilongjiang Province. The rivers with serious pollution are Yitong River and An Zhao Xin River. The key pollution indicators are ammonia nitrogen, petroleum, potassium permanganate index and BOD.
  13. 侧枝,短匐茎在一株植物根基部旁侧着生长而成的新植株的枝,通常用来生成一新植株
    A shoot that develops laterally at the base of a plant, often rooting to form a new plant.
  14. 压条使仍和母体植物相连接的树枝、条或茎生根的过程,如通过把经过特殊处理的部分放入湿润的土壤中的方法
    The process of rooting branches, twigs, or stems that are still attached to a parent plant, as by placing a specially treated part in moist soil.
  15. “住口,亲爱的莉叶娜德。”她身旁的那位姑娘俊俏,娇,加上盛装艳服,越显得好看的了,说道。“他不是神职人员,而是在俗的;
    “Hush, my dear Liènarde,” said her companion, a pretty, rosy-cheeked girl, courageous in the consciousness of her holiday finery, “he doesn’t belong to the University—he’s a layman.
  16. 有可食用的根和豆荚的中美洲缠绕植物;大的块茎幼时可以生吃或熟吃,豆荚必须完全做熟后才可食用;豆荚和种子可以提炼鱼藤酮和油。
    Central American twining plant with edible roots and pods; large tubers are eaten raw or cooked especially when young and young pods must be thoroughly cooked; pods and seeds also yield rotenone and oils.
  17. 作用:柑橘所含的柠檬酸有助于皮肤柔
    How it works: Products employ citrus ingredients because the acids help leave skin soft.
  18. 胭脂香鹅的主要材料是广东特产的清远鹅,其肉鲜、、爽、美。这道菜用料新鲜,香甜入味,颜色殷红。
    The main ingredient of the dish "Carmine Goose" is Qing Yuan goose produced in Guangdong province. Its meat is fine and tender, tastes fresh and delicious. This dish is fresh, fragrant, salty and sweet with the carmine color.
  19. 植物性调味香料一种由切成小块的炒蔬菜、香料,有时加上切成小块的火腿、香肠或腌肉组成的调味品
    A seasoning composed of finely diced saut閑d vegetables and herbs and sometimes diced ham, bacon, or salt pork.
  20. 阿位伯语由许多方言组成的闪族语,是阿拉伯半岛、约旦、叙利亚、伊拉克、黎巴、埃及及北非部分地区的主要语言
    A Semitic language consisting of numerous dialects that is the principal language of Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, and parts of northern Africa.
  21. 她那乌黑的头发更衬托出她洁的皮肤。
    Her black hair accentuated the delicateness of her skin.
  22. 伊朗在黎巴驻有革命卫队,可以有效地左右走极端的穆斯林什叶派恐怖集团,例如真主党。
    Iran has Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and it, effectively, holds sway over extremist Shiite Moslem terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, the Party of God.
  23. 刺穿马蹄钉马蹄时钉(马掌)的
    To pierce the quick of(a horse's hoof) while shoeing.
  24. 绿的小麦闪耀着柔滑的光;‘亲爱的,’她温柔地说。
    the young wheat shone silkily; `Darling,' she said silkily.
  25. 正在长出嫩叶。
    The leaves are shooting forth.
  26. 竹子的可食用的芽。
    edible young shoots of bamboo.
  27. 剪短植物新抽的嫩枝
    Cut back the shoots of a plant
  28. 芦笋植物可食用的芽。
    edible young shoots of the asparagus plant.
  29. 植物抽出嫩芽。
    The plants are putting out early shoots.
  30. 树开始长出嫩枝了。
    The trees are beginning to push out new shoots.
  31. 那个园丁正在为一棵树修剪枝。
    The gardener’s cutting back the shoots of a tree.
  32. 鹿群正在吃树上的枝。
    The deer are eating the young shoots on the tree.