球拍夹虎钳状的防止球拍弯曲变形的装置 A viselike device for keeping a racket from warping.
经验证明,土改必须在贫雇农发动起来的基础上去进行,才不致煮夹生饭。 Experience has shown that agrarian reform cannot be thorough unless the poor peasants and farm labourers are fully mobilized.
我要买些葡萄干夹心点心。 I'd like to buy some raisin cookies, please.
用桂皮调味的面包,常夹葡萄干。 bread flavored with cinnamon often containing raisins.
夹层有葡萄干和核仁的饼干。 cookie filled with a paste of raisins and nuts.
它表现在:两人不在一起时表现出万般的思念和渴盼,而一旦在一起时,痴迷与兴奋的宣泄中又夹杂着疑惑和焦虑。 It involves yearning and longing when the beloved person is not there, and rapture and excitement abut through with doubt and anxiety when the lovers are together.
一个夹野草莓酱,另一个夹杏仁酱。还要个可乐。 One is raspberry jam, another one is almond jam and coke please.
捕鼠夹用来捕捉老鼠的器具 A device for trapping rats.
时隔两星期之后——他不再那样尴尬和恼怒,家庭律师的报酬已经支付,家里的风波也已经过去——他的钱夹在上午送来的邮件中意外地出现了,没有附任何解释。 Two weeks later—the embarrassment and rage have diminished, the family lawyer has been paid, the confusion in his household has receded-the wallet turns up without explanation in one morning’s mail.
76.对於中等入息人士,即夹心阶层来说,由於现时许多优质私人楼宇单位的价格已经下降到他们能够负担的水平,所以我们决定,除了已经开展的计划外,政府会暂停为中等入息人士兴建更多夹屋单位。 76. As to middle income earners, or the "sandwich" class, as many good-quality flats in the private sector are now affordable to them we have decided to suspend the building of flats under our schemes for this group, with the exception of projects which we have already started work on.
拿破仑派一种长方形的糕点,由数层酥脆的薄片构成,中间夹有蛋糕奶油 A rectangular piece of pastry made with crisp, flaky layers filled with custard cream.
一种整流器是这样造成的、把铜片在空气中加热,直到在一面形成一层薄薄氧化铜。再把这铜片切成圆片,夹在一起,中间垫进铅垫圈。 One kind of rectifier is made by heating; a sheet of copper in air until a thin layer of copperoxide forms on one side. The sheet is cut into disks, and these are clamped together with lead washers in tetween.
她伸过筷子来给我夹菜。 She reached over with her chopsticks to refill my bowl.
在一个入射点一条反射线与垂直于表面的线之间的夹角。 the angle between a reflected ray and a line perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence.
在一个入射点一条折射线与垂直于表面的线之间的夹角。 the angle between a refracted ray and a line perpendicular to the surface between the two media at the point of refraction.
信中夹钞票最好寄挂号。 It's wise to register letters containing banknotes.
弹簧铗用来调整或关闭柔软管道的夹子,尤指实验室设备 A clamp used to regulate or close a flexible tube, especially in laboratory apparatus.
我已用皮块修补了这件夹克衫的肘部。 I have reinforced the elbows of this jacket with leather patches.
香港芭蕾舞团于一九九七年将多出舞剧搬上舞台,包括"雪国皇后"、艺术总监谢杰斐的"吉赛尔"、本地编舞家伍宇烈的"娃娃世界"、苏东美的"国王与夜莺"、颜以宁的"末代皇帝"及艺术总监谢杰斐的"胡桃夹子"。 In 1997, the Hong Kong Ballet's performances included Snow Queen, a double bill of Artistic Director Stephen Jefferies' Giselle and local choreographer Yuri Ng's The School of the Dolls, and Domy Reiter-Soffer's The Emperor and the Nightingale. It premiered Wayne Eagling's The Last Emperor and Stephen Jefferies' The Nutcracker.
政府也会以折让地价,批地予香港房屋协会,俾其兴建住宅发售计划、出租屋区及夹心阶层住屋单位; at reduced premium to the Hong Kong Housing Society for its Flats-for-Sale Scheme, rental estates and Sandwich Class Housing;
我开始期待和她在大桥上会面,心情非常迫切。一天晚上,我将儿子的一张照片给了她,和我钱夹里那张一模一样。 I came to rely on these encounters to a remarkable degree and one evening gave her a small picture of Adrian, a duplicate of one I carried in my wallet.
她觉察到他言谈中夹带着忿恨。 She detected resentment in his voice.
青春期是一个尴尬的夹在中间的年龄段 Adolescence is an awkward, in-between age.
夹具任何一种有相对的、通常可调节的边或部件的工具,用来夹住物体或把它们持在一起 Any of various tools with opposing, often adjustable sides or parts for bracing objects or holding them together.
夹,钳一种有一个可调整部分的能把东西夹在一起的架子;钳子 A frame with an adjustable part to hold pieces together; a clamp.
鳄口钳一种工具或夹子,有坚固可调的,通常为齿状的钳口 A tool or fastener having strong, adjustable, often toothed jaws.
两个相邻的刻度之间11=15""的夹角 The interval of11=15 between any two adjacent markings.
夹切成块的大黄和许多食糖的馅饼。 pie containing diced rhubarb and much sugar.
响板,拍板两块平木板,夹在手指间有节奏地一起拍击 Two flat pieces of wood held between the fingers and struck together rhythmically.
小的、环形的夹馅的面食。 small ring-shaped stuffed pasta.
铆顶棍用来夹住铆钉的一头,另一头被敲成钉头 A tool used to hold one end of a rivet while the opposite end is being hammered to form a head.
大麻吸食者用来夹取大麻的金属镊子。 metal tweezers used by marijuana smokers to hold a roach.