·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • grief
  • mourning
  • pity
  • sorrow
  • pity
  • grieve for
  • lament
  • wail
  • sob
  • mournful
  • sad
  • pitiful
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   (在巨大的伤前)不流泪   one's eyes drop millstones
  2.   (表示求, 绝望等)双手十指交叉紧握   clasp one's hands
  3. n.  13岁到19岁的年轻人, 悲, 不幸, 愤怒   teen
  4.   =(Good God! Great God! My God! Oh, God!)天啊! 啊呀! (表示悲, 痛苦或愤怒等)   God !
  5.   [-5prEufQndis] 从深处; 从心底发出的(悲, 绝望等)叫声   de profundis
  6.   [口]哀叹; 抱怨, 诉苦   make (one's)moan
  7.   a.哀婉动人的;可怜的   pathetic
  8.   n. 悲哀,悲痛   sorrow
  9.   n.悲哀,悲痛,悲伤   grief
  10.   vi.哀痛,哀悼   mourn
  11.   《圣母的悲》(七幅描绘圣母悲痛经历的画)   sorrows of the Virgin
  12. adv.  上诉地,哀求地   appealingly
  13.   下半旗(哀悼)   fly the flag at half-mast
  14.   下半旗(哀悼)   hang the flag at half-mast
  15.   下半旗(哀悼)   hoist the flag at half-mast
  16. adj.  不被悼的, 无人惋惜的, 无人悲悼的   unlamented
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 米里先生到任以后,人们就照将主教列在仅次于元帅地位的律令所规定的仪节,把他安顿在主教院里。
    On his arrival, M. Myriel was installed in the episcopal palace with the honors required by the Imperial decrees, which class a bishop immediately after a major-general.
  2. 然而即在《旧约》之中,如谛听大卫底琴音,就一定可以听见与欢颂一般多的歌;并且圣灵的画笔在形容约伯底苦难上比在形容所罗门底幸福上致力得多了。
    Yet, even in the Old Testament, if you listen to David's harp, you shall hear as many hearselike airs,as carols: and the pencil of the Holy Ghost hath laboured more, in describing the afflictions of Job, than the felicities of Solomon.
  3. 因此,请您聆听一下这钟楼乐队的奏鸣,想象一下在整个音响之上弥散开来的五十万人的悄声细语、塞纳河永无尽期的诉、风声没完没了的叹息、天边山丘上宛如巨大管风琴木壳的四大森林那遥远而低沉的四重奏;
    Lend an ear, then,to this concert of bell towers; spread over all the murmur of half a million men, the eternal plaint of the river, the infinite breathings of the wind, the grave and distant quartette of the four forests arranged upon the hills, on the horizon,like immense stacks of organ pipes;
  4. 莫里把拉斐尔和米凯朗琪罗称为他们时代的小儒,难道他不是认为很恭维他们吗?
    Did not Moliere imagine that he was doing Raphael and Michael-Angelo a very great honor, by calling them "those Mignards of their age?"
  5. 伤及震惊使她的精神情况恶化。
    Grief and shock aggravated her mental condition.
  6. 在这突然涌出的悲中,竟有这样的痛苦伴随着这段发狂的话,以致我对他的怜悯之情使我忽视了他举止的愚蠢。我避开了,一面由于自己听到了他这番话而暗自生气,一面又因自己诉说了我那荒唐的恶梦而烦躁不安,因为就是那梦产生了这种悲恸。
    There was such anguish in the gust of grief that accompanied this raving, that my compassion made me overlook its folly, and I drew off, half angry to have listened at all, and vexed at having related my ridiculous nightmare, since it produced that agony;
  7. 致以深切的慰问并望节自重。
    Hearty condolence to you may you have strength to bear this great affliction.
  8. 这些乐队通常都不用钢琴,因为它们的业务种类很多:有在夜晚为跳舞伴奏的,有在白天为行军奏乐的,有为出殡举的,也有坐在马车上四处为商品作广告的。
    Usually there was no piano because these bands served many purposes: playing for dances at night, marching in daytime parades, playing for funerals or riding around the city on wagons to advertise products.
  9. 女人有时会对由自己无情地引起的悲感到同情。
    A woman sometimes feel pity for the sorrow that she cause without remorse.
  10. 令人心碎的情景、尖叫、
    A heart-rending sight, scream, appeal
  11. 他似乎对母亲的死节顺变了。
    He seemed resigned to his mother's death.
  12. 米奴舞曲为米奴舞而写的舞曲或米奴舞节奏的舞蹈
    The music for or in the rhythm of the minuet.
  13. 鸣丧钟沉痛伤地鸣钟;鸣丧钟
    To ring mournfully; knell.
  14. 从"大同和小康"的理想社会,《三字经》的教育哲学、《道德》的哲理,"送元二使安西"送别挚友的感情,《正气歌》的慷慨激昂,《水浒传》生动的人物刻划,《三国演义》的奸雄侠义,到《背影》的父子之情,《与妻诀别书》英雄儿女的矛盾,《阿q正传》笑在嘴里哭在心里的民族悲。以不同的方式,不同的角度,反映不同的社会,表达不同的情操,但同样的引人入胜。
    From the ideal society of "the Great Harmony and Minor Prosperity", the educational philosophy encapsulated in the "Three Character Classic", the emotions of bidding farewell to a close friend in "Farewell to Yuan Er", the rousing passions of "An Ode to Integrity", the vivid characterisation of "The Water Margin", the evil men and gallant heroes of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"; to the father-son bond portrayed in "The View of His Back", the conflicts of heroic men and women in "A Letter of Farewell to My Wife", the poignant comedy of a nation's sorrow in "The Story of Ah Q"; these works portray different societiesand sentiments using different styles and different angles, but they are all equally riveting.
  15. 从“大同和小康”的理想社会,《三字经》的教育哲学,“送元二使安西“送别挚友的感情,《正气歌》的慷慨激昂,《水浒传》生动的人物刻划,《三国演义》的奸雄侠义,到《背影》的父子之情,《与妻诀别书》英雄儿女的矛盾,《阿q正传》笑在嘴里哭在心里的民族悲
    From the ideal society of "the Great Harmony and Minor Prosperity", the educational philosophy encapsulated in the "Three Character Classic", the emotions of bidding farewell to a close friend in "Farewell to Yuan Er", the rousing passions of "An Ode to Integrity", the vivid characterization of "The Water Margin", the evil men and gallant heroes of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms";to the father-son bond portrayed in "The View of His Back", the conflicts of heroic men and women in "A Letter of Farewell to My Wife", the poignant comedy of a nation's sorrow in "The Story of Ah Q";
  16. 他经常悲地称自己是美国在线-时代华纳公司的类似"日本天皇"的傀儡,庆典时才被推出来。
    He often refers ruefully to himself as an"emperor of Japan"figurehead for AOL Time Warner,wheeled out for ceremonies.
  17. 希伯来圣经中的第三部分希伯来圣经三个分支的第三部分,常由《诗篇》、《箴言》、《约伯记》、《雅歌》、《路得记》、《耶利米歌》、《传道书》、《以斯帖记》,《但以理书》、《以斯拉记》、《尼希米记》及《历代志》组成
    The third of the three divisions of the Hebrew Bible, usually composed of Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles.
  18. 她为自己的悲惨命运而哭。
    She wept her sad fate.
  19. 不要为我唱哀曲。
    Sing no sad songs for me.
  20. 这个悲的场景结束了电影。
    This sad scene ended the movie.
  21. 3月22日,是动画城悲的一天。
    It's a sad day in Toontown.
  22. 悲痛地;悲的样子。
    with sadness; in a sad manner.
  23. 她变得越来越悲哀。
    She become sadder and sadder.
  24. 破裂的婚姻最悲之处是父母为得到孩子而争论不休的那种方式。
    The saddest part about a broken marriage is the way the parents so often war over the children.
  25. 及其悲和恐惧的压抑状态。
    extreme depression characterized by tearful sadness and irrational fears.
  26. 经历着或者导致悲伤、痛或者不满,具有这样的特点。
    experiencing or marked by or causing sadness or sorrow or discontent.
  27. 乞丐没有动弹一下,接住施舍,忍住嘲讽,继续悲地叫着:“行行好,请行行好吧!”
    The man received both alms and sarcasm without wincing, and resumed his doleful petition: “Charity, I pray you!
  28. 一 米里哀先生
  29. 二 米里先生改称卞福汝主教
  30. 我知道她很悲哀。
    I was sensible of her solemn grief.
  31. 我们深表哀悼。
    Please accept our sincere condolences.
  32. 耸人听闻的以假悲及伤感为特征的
    Characterized by false pathos and sentiment.