·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • Still
  • yet
  • again
  • remain
  • remain
  • yet, still, as ever
  • keep -ing, continuing
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   [英]【史】人口衰落但拥有议会选举权的市镇(1832年已经废除)   rotten borough
  2.   [谚]提琴虽老, 可奏出好的曲子; 老当益壮。   There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle.
  3.   ad. 仍然,然而,不过   nevertheless
  4.   【律】由于罪证不足而假定某人无罪; 对某人有所怀疑但作出对他有利或较宽大的决定; 在没有相反的证据以前暂时相信他的话   give sb. the benefit of the doubt
  5. adj.  一古老的但然有效的法律.   an ancient but extant law
  6. v.  上星期我向你提供的建议然有效.   The offer I made to you last week still holds
  7. v.  下议院凌晨三时在开会.   The House of Commons was still sitting at 3 am
  8.   不管怎麽说, 这旧是个问题.   Call it what you will, it's still a problem
  9. n.  事故的真正起因有争议.   The exact cause of the accident is still in dispute
  10. adj.  今天有些地主以近乎封建的方式对待佃农.   The way some landowners treat their tenants today seems almost feudal
  11. n.  不断有人提出愿予以帮助.   Offers of help are still rolling in
  12. n.  在大地上行走的迷惘的幽灵   lost souls still walking the earth
  13.   仍打不通   Still Can Not Be Connected
  14. n.  是老地方·com·演奏厅   ii
  15. adj.  有一个旅客未在其中.   One passenger is still unaccounted for
  16.   仍有一线希望。   There is a ray of hope.
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 她飞快地跪到小门那儿,但是,哎哟,小门又锁上了,小金钥匙像从前一样在玻璃桌子上。“现在更糟糕了,”可怜的小爱丽丝想,“因为我还没有这样小过,从来没有重我该说这太糟了!
    and she ran with all speed back to the little door: but, alas! the little door was shut again, and the little golden key was lying on the glass table as before, `and things are worse than ever,' thought the poor child, `for I never was so small as this before, never!
  2. 然而我要说的是,它们然不能确保圣洁,或甚至不能保证诚实。它们可以附庸于世故的俗人,附庸于玩世不恭的浪子。唉,当他们用它伪装起来时,就更增加了他们外表上的冷静、快活和魅力。
    but still, I repeat, they are no guarantee for sanctity or even for conscientiousness, they may attach to the man of the world, to the profligate, to the heartless, pleasant, alas, and attractive as he shows when decked out in them.
  3. 例如,管制员离开岗位后,然能从经历性记忆中叙述出那些曾发生的困难的情况下所做出的一系列管制行为和有关的航空器。
    The controller getting off shift, for example, can recount from episodic memory the aircraft involved and the series of control actions taken for any troublesome situation that occurred.
  4. 真正的种族平等似乎遥遥无期。
    Genuine racial equality still seems light-years away.
  5. 妇女在争取与男人真正平等。
    Women are still struggling for true equality with men.
  6. 目前在他那惊煌的外表下然体察着对方。
    and beneath his alarmed exterior that sympathetic process went on.
  7. 约翰的祖父虽然年近八十,但动作很敏捷。
    Although John's grandfather was almost eighty years old, he still moved with alacrity.
  8. 他虽然很老,动作很敏捷。
    Although the man was very old, he still moved with alacrity.
  9. 我梦想有一天,亚拉巴马州会有所改变——尽管该州州长现在滔滔不绝地说什么要对联邦法令提出异议和拒绝执行——在那里,黑人儿童能够和白人儿童兄弟姐妹般地携手并行。
    I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.
  10.  和平与发展是当今时代的主题。
    Peace and development remain the themes of our era.
  11. 和平与发展是当今时代的主题。
    Peace and development remain the themes of the present era.
  12. 由于早期作品的一部分被擦去但可见而所写的不止一个的手稿(通常写在纸草或羊皮纸上)。
    a manuscript (usually written on papyrus or parchment) on which more than one text has been written with the earlier writing incompletely erased and still visible.
  13. 这位老人然能挺直腰板走路。
    the old man still walks erectly.
  14. 然而,一部分同志曾在这个伟大斗争中跌下了或跌下过机会主义的泥坑,这然是因为他们不去虚心领会过去的经验,对于中国的历史状况和社会状况、中国革命的特点、中国革命的规律不了解,对于马克思列宁主义的理论和中国革命的实践没有统一的理解而来的。
    Nevertheless, in the course of these great struggles some of our comrades sank into the quagmire of opportunism, or did so at least for a time, and again the reasons were that they did not learn modestly from the experience of the past, did not acquire an understanding of Chinese history and society and of the specific features and laws of the Chinese revolution, and did not have an understanding of the unity between the theory of Marxism-Leninism and the practice of the Chinese revolution.
  15. “我们然不能很客观地量化出到2100年气温升高的可能性,因为问题越来越呈非线性发展,”艾伦说道。他所指的是新的措施将可能加剧或抵消升温现象。
    "We are stilinot in a position to quantify likelihoods objectively to 2100, because the problem becomes more nonlinear," Allen says, referring to the possibility that new effects could amplify or counteract the warming.
  16. 现在然是基因控制的一种途径。随后,奥地利僧侣格里格·孟德尔关于国栽豌豆的著述确立了遗传学的定量规律。
    Futheralong, the work of Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, on garden peas established the quantitative discipline of genetics.
  17. 香港输往欧洲联盟、加拿大和美国的纺织品及成衣数量受到限制。
    Hong Kong's textiles exports to the European Union, Canada and the United States continued to be subject to certain quantitative restrictions.
  18. 与一年前同期比较,二零零一年第一及第二季本地生产总值虽然录得温和的实质增长,增幅分别为2.2%及0.8%,但在第三及第四季已告回落,分别下跌0.4%及1.6%。
    GDP registered modest increases by 2.2 per cent and 0.8 per cent respectively in real terms in the first two quarters of 2001 over a year earlier, before receding to declines of 0.4 per cent in the third quarter and 1.6 per cent in the fourth quarter.
  19. 类似铁的物质(镍获钴)在磁场被磁化,当磁场离开时然保持他们的磁性。
    materials like iron (nickel or cobalt) become magnetized in a magnetic field and retain their magnetism when the field is removed.
  20. 直到现在《最后的晚餐》旧是一幅伟大作品的残骸。
    The Last Supper remains today the wreck of a great painting.
  21. 我至今仍感到奇怪。
    I still feel queerish..
  22. 在陡峭的深谷,有昔日森林的残迹,多为灌林或茂密林地。
    Remnants of the original forest cover, either scrub forest or well-developed woodlands, are still found in steep ravines.
  23. 中东和平的可能性让人怀疑。
    The likelihood for peace in the Middle East remains questionable.
  24. 经上海市有关部门组织慎重的专门调查,否定了张的举报。张一再纠缠,并到处编造和散布谎言,对该院负责人进行人身攻击。
    After a careful investigation, the allegations present in her report were refuted by the relevant department in Shanghai, but she still quibbled over it, continuing to make up and spread rumors about the leaders of the welfare home and launching personal attacks against them.
  25. 尽管他已是白发苍苍,老态龙钟,却保持着神童的激情与敏捷,他在指挥席上对音乐理解的深度是绝无争议的,特别是近些年,他对音乐的演译能力比以往更强了。
    Though he had become white-haired and craggy, he retained the passion and quickness of a wunderkind, and no one could dispute the depth of understanding he brought to the podium, particularly in recent years, when his interpretive powers were sharper than ever.
  26. 他虽然已经变得白发苍苍、瘦骨嶙峋,却保持着一个神童的热情和机灵,谁也不能怀疑他给指挥台带来的对乐曲理解的深度,尤其是近几年他对乐曲的演释能力比以往更强了。
    Though he had become white-haired and craggy, he retained the passion and the quickness of a underkind, and no one could dispute his depth of understanding he brought to the podium, particularly in recent years, when his interpretive powers were sharper than ever.
  27. 内部网有很长的路程要走,但信息系统部门已瞄准了拥有一套可管理部件的那一天的到来。
    Intranets are still a long way off, but IS is aiming toward the day when it has a set of manageable pieces.
  28. 编写出色的软件然是艺术多于科学,最好由怪痞、入迷并愿意连续数月浸沉于棘手问题的电脑玩家来做。
    Writing brilliant software is still more art than science, best done by quirky and obsessive hackers willing to immerse themselves in thorny problems for months at a stretch.
  29. 最近四年哥伦布大道上,差不多二十多家服装店(有些家别处的分店生意然鼎盛)已经歇业。
    Close to two dozen boutiques, some of which still flourish elsewhere, have called it quits on Columbus over the last four years.
  30. 尽管有外来的协助,已千疮百孔经济陷入崩溃状态
    An already ailing economy precipitated into ruin despite foreign intervention.
  31. 为加快解决在一定程度和特定地区然存在的贫困问题,中国于2001年5月召开中央扶贫开发工作会议,对二十一世纪前十年中国的农村扶贫开发工作进行了全面部署。
    In order to quicken the pace of solving the problem of poverty, which remains unsolved to a certain degree in certain areas, a meeting on this issue was held in May 2001 by the Central Government.An overall plan for aiding the poor in rural areas in the first ten years of the 21st century was worked out.
  32. 尽管如此,中国的扶贫工作然任重而道远。
    Even so, the work of aiding the poor in China is still a long-term and arduous task.