八月十日过松水 Aug Too loose water on the 10th
白鹿洞谒先生祠堂呈李梦开教授是日李入洞讲书 Bailudong to visit (a superior) Baas Ancestral temple Meng was open Professor Lee is the day Den About the book
别仓使二首 To two other positions
别仓使二首 To two other positions
病中对竹 Disease Of bamboo
仓使亦为梅着句适与予意相合和其韵 Also plum positions to be agreed with the sentence appropriate Accord And the rhyme
昌甫寄徐崇甫书并崇甫宁渠诗渠兄弟和章因次其韵呈昌甫 Send Xuchong Fu Fu Chang Chung-fu books and poetry rather Drainage Drainage Brethren And Chapter Dimension The rhyme was Chang Fu
昌甫前诗见简方和去未达间再於岩叟处见后诗和韵以谢 Chang Fu-ago poetry and to see Jane Miscarriage Between the old man office again in rock poetry see below To adapt rhymes to a given sound To thank
常山道中 Antifeverile dichroa root Road
臣龙瀑布 Chen Long chute
晨兴 Morningside
呈仓皇使觅官书 assume Perturbation To seek Crown Books
程子云欲还乡阻雨聊戏之 Number of days For cloud The return of the native Stopped by the rain The chat show
池阳地寒梅开甚晚上元后始见疏花一夕春雪晓起观梅为梅解朝 Chi Yang To cold Mui even Evening Dollars before they see Thinning Overnight Spring snow Xiao qi View mei Weimeijiechao
登山却立府视一村风物殊可人意二绝 Climb Government has established as Yi village Scenery different Suit Italy 2 must
登山却立府视一村风物殊可人意二绝 Climb Government has established as Yi village Scenery different Suit Italy 2 must
丁丑老人生旦 Dingchou,the fourteen of the circle of the sixty in chinese calandar Companion Once students
二月廿一日游藏胜有感 February twenty Tibetan wins day Thoughts
方叔再用前韵约同赋 Fang Shu Resume former rhyme Invite sb. to go poetic essay
傅材甫窗前白月桂开材甫索诗戏作 Fu Fu the window material Bai Open timber Fu Gui Shi cable Humorous
傅材甫窗前白月桂开材甫索诗戏作 Fu Fu the window material Bai Open timber Fu Gui Shi cable Humorous
赋萧爽檐蔔戏岩叟 Fuxiaoshuangyan Buxiyansou
古诗 ancient style poetry
地僻广乾坤,身闲多月日。 耕鉴太古民,天然自淳质。 未怒泥神仙,阅世自长长。 日用饮食馀,帝力我何有。 修竹三径幽,青山四时好。 何须万间厦,一廛可娱老。 园柑结新实,篱菊开晚花。 旋篘瓮头酒,不负老年华。 田夫与野老,一笑相逢迎。 只说桑麻事,安知市朝争。 年年愿今日,有酒可留客。 虽无珍饲馐,随宜具肴核。 人言鹤发翁,翻作朱颜少。 把酒更何辞,一对西风笑。 环堵一亩宫,中有长生计。 秋月与春花,今年又明岁。 年高新可庆,家贫儿包羞。 今年胜去年,粗有酒新篘。 岁月绵绵永,福禄日日新。 天开九龄数,眼见四世人。 共乐堂上亲,旋约山中友。 虽是盘无馔,未至樽无酒。 积善虽人为,康宁荷天宠。 但懈儒素风,日乏甘旨奉。 子孙虽未贤,粗肯诗礼亲。 愿言各努力,忠孝以立身。 人间无事日,箪瓢亦清欢。 但愿人今日,时时报平安。