读襄阳耆旧传,因作诗五百言寄皮袭美 Read Xiangyang Tibetology Pass by Poetry Five hundred Send Paper Xi Mei Yan
袭美先辈以龟蒙所献五百言既蒙见和复示荣唱…用伸酬谢 Xi Mei Antecedent The turtle kept the offer Five hundred Yan Rong Ji Meng See and repeater singing with extension thank sb.with a gift
奉酬袭美先辈吴中苦雨一百韵 Feng pay Xi Mei Antecedent Wuzhong Ku Yu Hundred charm
奉酬袭美先辈初夏见寄次韵 Feng pay Xi Mei Antecedent The first month of summer See Send write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
奉和袭美二游诗。徐诗 Feng and Xu Shi Xi Mei 2 poetry
奉和袭美二游诗。任诗 Feng and xi mei 2 poetry Any poem
次追和清远道士诗韵 Time to recover and Qing yuandaoshi rhyme (in poetry)
补沈恭子诗 Kyoko Shi Shen added
读《阴符经》寄鹿门子 read Hidden fu jing Send a deer doorman
奉和袭美初夏游楞伽精舍次韵 Feng and Xi Mei The first month of summer You Lankavatara Teaching room write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
奉和袭美公斋四咏次韵。小松 Feng and Xi Mei Gongzhaisiyong Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Komatsu
奉和袭美公斋四咏次韵。小桂 Feng and xi mei gongzhaisiyong write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Xiao Gui
奉和袭美公斋四咏次韵。新竹 Feng and Xi Mei Gongzhaisiyong write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Hsinchu
奉和袭美公斋四咏次韵。鹤屏 Feng and Xi Mei Gongzhaisiyong write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words He-Ping
奉和袭美酬前进士崔潞盛制见寄因赠至一百四十言 Feng and Ximeichou Before a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations Cuilushengzhijianjiyinzengzhi Hundred The number 40 *40 speech
奉和袭美太湖诗二十首。晓次神景宫 Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head Xiao Jing Gong plays God
奉和袭美太湖诗二十首。入林屋洞 Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head Hole into the forest estate
奉和袭美太湖诗二十首。雨中游包山精舍 Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head rain Middle reaches (of a river) Bun teaching room
奉和袭美太湖诗二十首。毛公坛 Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head Mao Public Forum
奉和袭美太湖诗二十首。以毛公泉献大谏清河公 Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head To Maogong Quan Xian Big remonstrance Qinghe public
奉和袭美太湖诗二十首。桃花坞 Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head peach Flowers dock
古诗 ancient style poetry
近来唯乐静,移傍故城居。闲打修琴料,时封谢药书。 夜停江上鸟,晴晒箧中鱼。出亦图何事,无劳置栈车。 倩人医病树,看仆补衡茅。散发还同阮,无心敢慕巢。 简便书露竹,尊待破霜匏。日好林间坐,烟萝近欲交。 倭僧留海纸,山匠制云床。懒外应无敌,贫中直是王。 池平鸥思喜,花尽蝶情忙。欲问新秋计,菱丝一亩强。 故山空自掷,当路竟谁知。只有经时策,全无养拙资。 病深怜灸客,炊晚信樵儿。谩欲陈风俗,周官未采诗。 福地能容堑,玄关讵有扉。静思琼版字,闲洗铁筇衣。 鸟破凉烟下,人冲暮雨归。故园秋草梦,犹记绿微微。 水影沉鱼器,邻声动纬车。燕轻捎坠叶,蜂懒卧燋花。 说史评诸例,论兵到百家。明时如不用,归去种桑麻。 禹穴奇编缺,雷平异境残。静吟封箓检,归兴削帆竿。 白石堪为饭,青萝好作冠。几时当斗柄,同上步罡坛。 强起披衣坐,徐行处暑天。上阶来斗雀,移树去惊蝉。 莫问盐车骏,谁看酱瓿玄。黄金如可化,相近买云泉。 野入青芜巷,陂侵白竹门。风高开栗刺,沙浅露芹根。 迸鼠缘藤桁,饥乌立石盆。东吴虽不改,谁是武王孙。 疏慵真有素,时势尽无能。风月虽为敌,林泉幸未憎。 酒材经夏阙,诗债待秋征。只有君同癖,闲来对曲肱。
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