奉和袭美添渔具五篇。箬笠 Feng and 袭美 Tim Fishing tackle Five Ruo
樵人十咏。樵谿 Yong Qiao Xi Qiao people 10
樵人十咏。樵家 Qiao yong-man 10 Qiao Family
樵人十咏。樵叟 Qiao yong-man 10 Woodsman
樵人十咏。樵子 Qiao yong-man 10 Qiaozai
樵人十咏。樵径 Qiao yong-man 10 Qiao Path
樵人十咏。樵担 Qiao yong-man 10 Chiu Tam
樵人十咏。樵火 Qiao yong-man 10 Qiao fire
奉和袭美酒中十咏。酒星 Feng and raid, attack Vintage In the 10 Wing Wine Star
奉和袭美酒中十咏。酒篘 Feng and raid, attack vintage in the 10 wing Wine basket for straining
奉和袭美酒中十咏。酒床 Feng and raid, attack vintage in the 10 wing Wine bed
奉和袭美酒中十咏。酒垆 Feng and raid, attack vintage in the 10 wing Wine loam
奉和袭美酒中十咏。酒楼 Feng and raid, attack Vintage In the 10 Wing Alcohol Building
奉和袭美酒中十咏。酒旗 Feng and raid, attack Vintage In the 10 Wing Alcohol Qi
奉和袭美酒中十咏。酒尊 Feng and raid, attack vintage in the 10 wing Wine respect
奉和袭美酒中十咏。酒城 Feng and raid, attack vintage in the 10 wing alcohol City
奉和袭美酒中十咏。酒乡 fengheximeijiuzhongshiyongjiu Township
添酒中六咏。酒池 Six Wing Tim wine wine Pond
添酒中六咏。酒龙 Six wing tim wine Wine Dragon
古诗 ancient style poetry
朝携下枫浦,晚戴出烟艇。冒雪或平檐,听泉时仄顶。 飙移霭然色,波乱危如影。不识九衢尘,终年居下泂.
【资料来源】 卷620_19