稠桑驿喜逢严河南中丞便别(得时字) Thick Sangyixifeng Severe henan province An official's name They do not To be in luck word
送郭司马赴伊吾郡请示李明府(郭子是赵节度同好) Send Guo Minister of war in ancient china County truck driver was I Shall Li ming Zhao Zi-government is Official people with the same hobby
送滕亢擢第归苏州拜亲 Songtengkangzhuo first return Suzhou (city) Thanks to pro-
送任郎中出守明州 Send any Physician trained in herb medicine The code Minnesota
送弘文李校书往汉南拜亲 Hirofumi school books to send to Lee Hannan Thanks to pro-
送李别将摄伊吾令充使赴武威,便寄崔员外 Lee will send another photo to go to Yiwu to make full will send Wuwei Cui ministry councillor
送四镇薛侍御东归 accompany Si town Xueshi Yu Dong gui
送张都尉东归 Send Zhang Title of the military officer subter general East return
送樊侍御使丹阳便觐 Danyang will be sent to Jin Fan Shiyu
送颜少府投郑陈州 Send Yan Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty State investment Zheng Chen
祁四再赴江南别诗 Four went to Qi South do poem
送许员外江外置常平仓 Send Hsu Ministry councillor River External constant close a position
送江陵泉少府赴任,便呈卫荆州 Send Jiangling spring Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Go to take one's post It was Wei jing Township
奉送李太保兼御史大夫充渭北节度使(即太尉光弼弟) Hand sb. sth. on a plate (a surname) Assistant grand tutor concurrently An imperial censor, whose duty is to remind the emperor of his misdeeds Full Weibei Governor of one or more provinces in charge of both civil and military affairs during tang dynasty