唐代 岑参 Cen Shen  唐代   (715~770)
行军雪后月夜宴王卿家 Hike After snow A moonlight night banquet Wang qing home
梁州陪赵行军龙冈寺北庭泛舟宴王侍御(得长字) Okrug accompany Zhao Hike Longgang Temple North Court Go boating Yan Wang Shiyu too long word
奉陪封大夫宴,得征字,时封公兼鸿胪卿 I won't say no. envelop Doctor Dinner may levy word closure of public and Hong Luqing
陪封大夫宴瀚海亭纳凉(得时字) Accompanying letters Doctor banquet Baikal lake booth Enjoy the cool in the open air To be in luck word
陪使君早春东郊游眺(得春字) accompany Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china (early)spring Eastern suburbs You tiao Spring was the word
雪后与群公过慈恩寺 After Snow and Group Public through Jionji
与鄠县群官泛渼陂 And Hu County, Qun Guan Pei Pan ripple
与鄠县源少府泛渼陂(得人字) Yuhuxianyuan Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Fanmeibeide zig-zag
终南东谿中作 Zhongnanzhen Dongxi in for
与鲜于庶子泛汉江 AND Surname Illegitimate extensive Chinese River
登凉州尹台寺 Teng Liang Zhou Yin Temple Taiwan
登总持阁 ascend General support cabinet
奉陪封大夫九日登高 I won't say no. envelop Doctor the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar ascend
宿岐州北郭严给事别业 Suqizhou North guo Yangeishi villa
暮秋会严京兆后厅竹斋 Muqiu Be strict Capital Opisthodome Bamboo Vegetarian
省中即事 Provinces that things
寻阳七郎中宅即事 Xunyang 7 Physician trained in herb medicine House or something
携琴酒寻阎防崇济寺所居僧院(得浓字) lead by hand, take with Gin seek, search, look for Yan fang Chong economic Temple The home Monastery The word was concentrated
晚过盘石寺礼郑和尚 Too late Huge rock Li Cheng Temple bonze
寻少室张山人,闻与偃师周明府同入都 Find a small room Sheet hermit Wen and Zhou Ming House Yanshi into all the same
古诗 ancient style poetry




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