Do not go away from this, my dear lost horizon. Frequency back to the country, autumn is not at home party. Cyprus Road, Wen Ming anxious, cold goose back Lonza. West plays Sang dry song, Island in the see Dihua. He intended to have a room, free to open the door for me. Incense from off the cold, snow shoe back to the early rice. Gushan window into the distant, light pieces of August. Zen side here, do not have to visit the rooftop. 聊凭危堞望,倍起异乡情。霜落蒹葭白,山昏雾露生。 河滩胡雁下,戎垒汉鼙惊。独树残秋色,狂歌泪满缨。 Pavilion late friend is easier lost, Autumn crossing 濆. Shuailiu difficult to _set_ the wind, cold snow, regardless of Tao. Chu ape the sound from the Gap, sails into the Xiangyun. Pan-boat the night alone, mountain bell can be heard lying. 相思边草长,回望水连空。雁过当行次,蝉鸣复客中。 壮年看即改,羸病计多同。傥宿林中寺,深凭问远公。 故人今在剡,秋草意如何。岭暮云霞杂,潮回岛屿多。 沃洲僧几访,天姥客谁过。岁晚偏相忆,风生隔楚波。 临水独相送,归期千里间。云回逢过雨,路转入连山。 一骑行芳草,新蝉发故关。遥聆茂陵下,夜启竹扉闲。 闲居谁厌僻,门掩汉祠前。山色夏云映,树阴幽草连。 晴光分渚曲,绿气冒原田。何日远游罢,高枝已噪蝉。 Moving cold night wood color, Luo Yangcheng Que deep. Thinking how strange land, more people hold it. Micro Guanshan months away, order frost free sleet invasion. Who knows Shek Mun Road, to be with the child with the search. 稚子在我抱,送君登远道。稚子今已行,念君上边城。 蓬根既无定,蓬子焉用生。但见请防胡,不闻言罢兵。 及老能得归,少者还长征。 Do with the city toward the palace, evening go with the elk. Static view of bird song, who had thin stone bridge. Hill Jade Leaves shaking, spring marks into the stream Fei. Department cents off dare move, temporarily the brush toward the clothing. Yin soul out of the sea, hope by assiduously. Li re-search-throated cold, cold inside mussels tire deep. Hao Zhu Xia air cage, pure light shot million Cen. The leisurely world, bringing the general heart. Golden Gate king to be asked, Shishi I think of returning home. Lord statue yellow house, who recommended white. Years Mikawa Liu, Zengbie rain started falling. 南方春景好,念子缓归心。身方脱野服,冠未系朝簪。 足恣平生赏,无虞外役侵。汀洲观鸟戏,向月和猿吟。 税驾楚山广,扬帆湘水深。采奇搜石穴,怀胜即枫林。 怅望极霞际,流情堕海阴。前朝杳难问,叹息洒鸣琴。 东征辽水迥,北近单于台。戎衣挂宝剑,玉箸衔金杯。 红烛暗将灭,翠蛾终不开。 凝夜照离色,恐闻啼晚鸦。前年营雁塞,明月戍龙沙。 曾与五陵子,休装孤剑花。 君将海月珮,赠之光我行。见知言不浅,怀报意非轻。 反照临岐思,中年未达情。河梁人送别,秋汉雁相鸣。 衰柳摇边吹,寒云冒古城。西游还献赋,应许托平生。 又从连帅请,还作岭南行。穷海何时到,孤帆累月程。 乱蝉吟暮色,哀狖落秋声。晚路潮波起,寒葭雾雨生。 沙埋铜柱没,山簇瘴云平。念此别离苦,其如宗从情。 出关寒色尽,云梦草生新。雁背岳阳雨,客行江上春。 遥程随水阔,枉路倒帆频。夕照临孤馆,朝霞发广津。 湖山潮半隔,郡壁岸斜邻。自此钟陵道,裁书有故人。 婺女星边去,春生即有花。寒关云复雪,古渡草连沙。 宿次吴江晚,行侵日徼斜。官传梅福政,县顾赤松家。 烧起明山翠,潮回动海霞。清高宜阅此,莫叹近天涯。 Hidden from the other mound, frequency of crying Road Qi. If this hard, young Qi long time. Bitter Yam dew worm, Autumn Sound far-off tragedy. Yan Gu Jiao camp late, leaves brush flags. Wang virtual extension of the North Palace, West for a long time see the thinking. Hustle Kansui acute mountain goes back to it later. Luozhao visitors go, the sky with the birds alone. Bear every landscape, the faithful few know each other. Adventist embankment near water squid, but also according to Qingjiang also according to mud. Message Dongjun good lifting, the night comes with the Phoenix had habitat. 树下孤石坐,草间微有霜。同人不同北,云鸟自南翔。 迢递夜山色,清泠泉月光。西风耿离抱,江海遥相望。 Temple at Xiangming, open if old respect. Reminder bell birds never rest, monk of the snow resistance. Lin Jing coldness away, overcast light of early dawn late. Jinxi What else Eve, who pays respects to hard to follow. Han Yan anxious over the original, For side of Autumn deep. Haze to the island, wind and rain garden places. Willing to live out all the time, with the pregnant homeland heart. Not the first disappearance, talk to one phase of this search. |