南宋 陆游 Lu You  南宋   (1125~1210)
Grand tutor Wei Shi public draw libretto
Grand tutor Wei Shi public draw libretto
Grand tutor Wei Shi public draw libretto
Grand tutor Wei Shi public draw libretto
have a deep sign
have a deep sign
have a deep sign
have a deep sign
have a deep sign
have a deep sign
have a deep sign
have a deep sign
have a deep sign
have a deep sign
Exclaimed the old
Exclaimed the old
Exclaimed the old
Exclaimed the old
Exclaimed the old
Exclaimed the old
Sigh Popular
Carbon do Pit-store To sit rigidly (as on ceremonious occasions or in the presence of extremely Midnight Humorous
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Grand tutor Wei Shi public draw libretto

   Lu You

Calendar Gongqing bit expensive, who is also the phase Rong;
Joel mink instrument of a product, with the price of tin Citylink.
Pushed into the report honest, practice the Zhicheng.
Simin why the report, thousands of miles over the spring.
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