唐代 李益 Li Yi  唐代   (748~829)
喜見外弟又言別 A Brief But Happy Meeting with my Brother-in Law
江南麯 A Song of the Southern River
夜上受降城聞笛 On Hearing a Flute at Night from the Wall of Shouxiang
從軍有苦樂行(時從司空魚公北徵) Attest have Sweet and sour Rows from Minister of public works in ancient china Fish Company North levy
登長城(一題作塞下麯) ascend The great wall A question to Cyprus under the curve
雜麯 potpourri
送遼陽使還軍 Liaoyang to send Also forces
賦得早燕送別 give a send-off party
春晚賦得餘花落(得起字) Spring Festival Gala Fu de Whispering words remaining affordable
聞亡友王七嘉禾寺得素琴 Wang Qi Wen dead friend Golden harvest Temple was Su-Qin
校書郎楊凝往年以古鏡貺別今追贈以詩 Collator Yang ning The old year have Of the mirror Do not bestow this Confer posthumous honours on Verse
觀回軍三韻 to look at Back to the army 3 rhyme
華山南廟 China shannan Temple
喜邢校書遠至對雨衕賦遠晚飯阮返五韻 Xi Xing school books As far as On the rain With Fu Yuan Supper Ruanfanwuyun
城西竹園送裴佶王達 Story to send Pei Ji Chuk Yuen WANG Da
月下喜邢校書至自洛 Xi Xing next month from the Los school books
北至太原 North Taiyuan City
入華山訪隱者經仙人石壇 Into the Mountain visit Anchorite trans- Celestial being Stone altar
罷鏡 Recall Mirror
華陰東泉衕張處士詣蔵律師兼簡縣內衕官因寄齊中書 Huayindongquantongzhang Department disabilities Yicang Attorney Jianjianxianneitongguanyinjiqizhongshu
古詩 ancient style poetry




【資料來源】 283_60
