奉酬崔员外副使携琴宿使院见示 Feng pay (surname) Ministry councillor Fushi portable piano places to see the show homes
送贾校书东归寄振上人(一作振上人院喜见贾弇兼酬别) School books to send Jia Zhen Dong gui Send Buddhist monk 1 for vibration Buddhist monk Jia Yuan glad to see another trap and pay
过马嵬二首(第二首一作李远诗) Guo Ma Wei 2 Secondly The first one for Li yuan poem
盐州过胡儿饮马泉(一作过五原胡儿饮马泉) Salt state child Aw Water the horses Spring a child for more than five of the original Hu Water the horses font
宿冯翊夜雨赠主人 lodge for the night Feng yi Night rain present baas
送襄阳李尚书 Send Xiangyang Li Shang Shu
春日晋祠同声会集得疏字韵 Spring Jin memorial hall Simultaneous Gather Was sparse words rhyme
再赴渭北使府留别 Went to Wei North to changwat give souvenir on parting
送归中丞使新罗册立吊祭(一作李端诗) Send return An official's name List the new Romanian legislation Offer libation 1 for Li duan poem
赋得路傍一株柳送邢校书赴延州使府 Fu de Roadside Xing Liu sent a letter to go to school so that extension of state government
重赠邢校书 Heavy Zengxingjiaoshu
照镜 Mirror
书院无历日,以诗代书,问路侍御六月大小 College an- Calendar day Verse Allograph Ask the way Shi Yu Adar extent
闻鸡赠主人 Gift chickens baas
石楼山见月(一作宿青山石楼) Stone House Hill see a month for residential Green hill rock Building
惜春伤同幕故人孟郎中兼呈去年看花友 Xichun Injury with the screen Decedent cavity Physician trained in herb medicine And was Yesteryear behold Flower Friends
嘉禾寺见亡友王七题壁 Golden harvest Temple, Wang Qi, see dead friend write on the wall
听唱赤白桃李花 Tingchangchibai peach Lee Flowers
赠内兄卢纶 Gifts in man or boy having the same parents as another person Lu Lun
答广宣供奉问兰陵居 answer An xuan Dedicate Q Lanling Home
乞宽禅师瘿山罍呈宣供奉 Qi W Honorific title for a buddhist monk Yingshanleicheng Vision dedicate