楚国 老子 Lao-Tzu  楚国   (B.C.600~B.C.470)
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 1
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 2
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 3
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 4
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 5
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 6
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 7
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 8
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 9
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 10
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 11
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 12
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 13
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 14
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 15
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 16
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 17
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 18
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 1
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 20
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 21
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 22
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 23
The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 24
Multiple poems at a time
Taoist Poetry

The Tao And Its Characteristics Chapter 9


It is better to leave a vessel unfilled,
than to attempt to carry it when it is full.
If you keep feeling a point that has been sharpened,
the point cannot long preserve its sharpness.

When gold and jade fill the hall, their possessor cannot keep them safe.
When wealth and honours lead to arrogance, this brings its evil on itself.
When the work is done, and one's name is becoming distinguished,
to withdraw into obscurity is the way of Heaven.

    Translator: James Legge

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