唐代 徐铉 Xu Xuan  唐代  
(early)spring Apartments straight left province
cold Board and lodging Chen Tong, on public
Will cross the river title White sands house
Mountain flowers
From driving Fortunately, the gentlemen in the East was
Revisiting Wood Lanting
Fu De Cai Yan
Zhong Fu was sent to Wei Scheeren Qizhou official
institute High Ministry councillor employ south of the Five Ridges(the area covering Guangdong and Guangxi)provinces
Spring Purple Iwayama of passengers not to
Su Chiang Tai Temple Tomorrow Swim mountain South Zhu Temple
Fu De have one's thoughts
Wang Zhen Su gifts baas
Aekyung Temple Monk Taste Tour length An introduction Qin Yong matter between 物体或景象 Audibleness Shows the same Xingke
Jiang Shan Travel Question Flos magnoliae liliflorae Send Chenfeng Li Chen of the tour is not about to
And Xiao Yin Scheeren Ministry councillor Spring Snow
Send Qizhou high physician trained in herb medicine
Send state Han Scheeren
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Back from Beijing to Linchuan gain Sons of one's paternal uncles, who are older than oneself book Send a poem By Yun and

   Xu Xuan

Beijing also treasure that, if the enemy hospitality. Long dream of parting hanging, pet Paul to do with the body.
One to fulfill this Shing Road, Sheng-Hua old driving into the distance. Mo rude passengers coming from the old verses the new hourly.

【Source】 卷755_21

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