唐代 陆龟蒙 Lu Guimeng  唐代  
Read Xiangyang Tibetology Pass by Poetry Five hundred Send Paper Xi Mei Yan
Xi Mei Antecedent The turtle kept the offer Five hundred Yan Rong Ji Meng See and repeater singing with extension thank sb.with a gift
Feng pay Xi Mei Antecedent Wuzhong Ku Yu Hundred charm
Feng pay Xi Mei Antecedent The first month of summer See Send write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
Feng and Xu Shi Xi Mei 2 poetry
Feng and xi mei 2 poetry Any poem
Time to recover and Qing yuandaoshi rhyme (in poetry)
Kyoko Shi Shen added
read Hidden fu jing Send a deer doorman
Feng and Xi Mei The first month of summer You Lankavatara Teaching room write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
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Feng and Xi Mei Gongzhaisiyong write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words He-Ping
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Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head Xiao Jing Gong plays God
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Feng and xi mei taihu poem score head peach Flowers dock
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Miscellaneous Ridiculing 9

   Lu Guimeng

Edge of dry red mulberry silkworm, cocoon as big as a blue urn. Transition people competing for their arms, not in the vector Yi.
Yin Lu slightly until, one by one hope dream. Vertical parade ancient words, Koujin difficult that tribute.
In the angry dragon water, disconnect the horn continuously. Dan points, such as can travel, home alone Feng livestock.
The door is still child's play fierce, fighting blood wave Hong solution. Social Ghost Gou has a soul, who can stop the autumn grief.
Moose rhino to touch children, not phase and Deli. Iraq no cheerful mind, only broken the first cry.
Peng lice status of the school, the number of another hundred and ten. Attack such as the hungry owl call, if the rabbits from acute situation.
Sri Lanka is the key to rot, anger Luo Jue to enter. Years, cross-arms, no pull cities.
Junior meal of the day was non-persons, gear teeth to be sip juice. Custodial dimensional hero generation, four startle less side tie.
When euphemistically by Lee, longitudinal care in breathing. Wu Yu ax the throat, no thunderous quiet hibernation.
Ge goose miserable ice, Lu Lihuai the fitness. He died Road still Bi, have Ming uh.
Commoner who was also off for the emperor. So far Eastern Health, mouthful of white pride.
End to cross-Wan Cheng, talk and laugh every nothing. To have books of non-monarch, but Yao and Shun painting.
Hou Jun, this is only the door, sweep the poor and lowly on track. Shao trend toward sound, evening out five Ding food.
Wen Gong Jian, such as language, Jian Jian Xi Ti things. Iraq may be making, animal husbandry, shoulder, fame is the touchstone.
Red tongue to burn the city, easy to slander the company of evil. Disease of the very poet, take Tiger to serve investment and jackals.
Long wind hollow wood, before they have phonological spit. No wood no wind, outstanding sheng by the joy, anger.
Nu Wa Lian five stone, still missing days can make. When the liqueur title, Xia Lou is not the plural.
Heritage million yuan fine class, eyes, such as lattice window households. Is both non-coherent, Chong Tong is also blind.
SI mad southeast, northwest hunter vector. Li Ming Ming Bai dust, alone in supernatant only.
No language is yes, even sitting glimpse day discipline. Andhra Dongbi Ming, Hong Hong with grave history.
Search Young good old persons, a cloud water to be exhausted. Flow worthy of throwing the elite, the wind enough to barnyard husks.
If surprisingly dollars, sit base can be flat thief. Chen Xi Road, Xu Huang, high driving peace track.
Grab dredging into the special male, wash dirt was a beauty. Gong Xian became a reward, depending on the assumed Gyeongbokgung.
South Wing broadcast smoked tone down the years ear.
There Bo He Qingqing, ghost town Xueshuang in. Thousands of forest to make haggard, bitter section alone die.
He was Jiang Dan Gu, the total income the expense of Wong. Then get insurance later years, selfishness is not ashamed.
Owl from the strange high places, the next volume ants also. If the whirl building materials, Kingston asked the gentleman.
About Sabre who also compared to each other laugh. Trend with the closed-door, noisy silence different tune.
Sound machine to take potential profit, since almost Miao Xu Zhen. Chester glimpse of God, then arguably hanging ashamed.
Days of Fat ya scoundrel, size, awakened with the million. The rule of the clay Quebec position, but the call quality form.
Hand drum used by peddlers Sheng Qing yu se, is a necessary Teng Qing Miao. Santa can not be bullied Iraq, who can keep Peng Di.
Fife drink autumn, clear business into the more sparse. Jun home that never sleeps, is willing to blame alone Shu months.
Bing Wu is very sharp and abrupt Taibai light. Daughter of the date of charge, hut smell invasion wave.
Qi no evil young, drunken Ranger Cave. Raised for the Gansi military, to the owl rebel soldier.
No power to the Rumsey, through knowledge of bone. Art of War fifty, such as the mighty Ming Bo.
Deerskin hanging sleep, according to Yue Qingjian time. Points have been hazy promise, Heritage of call at all.
Neither cell beast, white hair yet to know light. The northern division of its plan, a few can only conquest.
Why not Qin Jin Yong, another CAO said. Still exercise Chu Yao and Shun, the public hearing almost no neglect.
Song of the DPRK as a warrior, warrior song for the evening. Warrior heart pain alone, near that of any man.
Ancient iron long offensive, Eten nowhere to wear. Future water easily, Utah Foot Hanbo.
Jie Fei You can stroke, health can be super-sack camel. Interest of children to be strong, rope hand-Ann Von River.
Lin Biao surprise sweep, Naoki thank ellipsoid Section. Yan frost, marshes and stiff long as snakes.
Formerly days of blood Pitt, Wutu security sigh sigh.

【Source】 卷619_1

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